It was a normal day in the Seireitei. It was because of this normal day that Yamamoto decided to change a few things. It started off as a captain's meeting.

"Okay captains, for the next 13 days or so, we will be doing something that hasn't ever been done in the history of Soul Society. We will be having a First contest!"

Okay, by a few things, I mean, a lot of things.

All the captains were shocked, to say the least. You could tell by the looks on all there faces. Even Byakuya, Soi fon, and Toshiro, the ones who never show any emotions, had looked liked someone had just slapped them with a fish.

"What I mean is" he continued," since things are always the same, I thought it would take some of the stress I know some of you have."

"I have a question." said Soi Fon. "What the HELL is a First contest?"

"Ah, good question. A First contest is where you try to think and do something no one has ever done before." explained the sou-taicho.

"I also have a question." said Toshiro. "Do we have to do this, or do we have a choice?"

"Yes, you have to do this. All of you have to. If it makes you feel any better, I will be doing this, too." said Yamamoto.

"When does this contest start?" asked Komamura.

"We will be starting this next week. The rules of this contest shall be given to you tomorrow. You are dismissed." after saying this, Yamamoto watched as all of the captains left the room. After seeing them all leave, he then turned around and said, " All right, their gone. You can come out now."

When this was said, a certain busty strawberry blond lieutenant fell from a roof tile (but of course landed on her feet) and faced the old man.

"Lieutenant Matsumoto, are you pleased now?" asked the leader of all soul reapers.

"Hai, sir. Thank you for doing this, sir." replied Rangiku.

You see, what's going on is that Rangiku asked the sou-taicho if he could try and do something about her taicho's stress, saying that it has risen much since Aizen's betrayal. Once she said this, however, Yamamoto thought about how all the taicho's stress levels (leaving out Kenpachi and Mayuri, of course) have most likely have done the same. So when he thought about a solution, he thought about the contest, which he and all the other captains are now attending.

"Well", he thought,"it's going to be one HELL of a contest."