Here's a short chapter before we move on to the exciting part;)

Chapter 18: The Morning After

29th August, 1025AM.

"Cushion hog."

"Couch hog."

"Urgh. Stop poking me."

"You're taking up too much space, you irritating br – "

Groggily, Kurt paused mid-sentence. A full ten seconds had gone by before his brain, stirring from its alcohol-induced stupor, registered the fact that he was sprawled all over the couch with his legs dangling over the edge. It took another five seconds before it struck him that he had been exchanging words with someone. He could recognize that voice anywhere, whether awake, asleep or barely alive.

His eyes snapped open and he let out a strangled cry of surprise.

"Oh shut up." Someone mumbled irritatedly.

Kurt shut his eyes briefly before opening them again. The same sight greeted him. Heart pounding against his chest, he blinked, inhaled deeply and willed his overactive imagination to slow down. The direction of blood flow towards his brain, however limited, was quickly reversed and was now rapidly traveling down south.

Don't be silly, Kurt Hummel. You're only dreaming. This isn't real. This is nothing but a nice, vivid, sexy dream. You're gonna wake up anytime soon...

He was halfway convinced that he would soon be awakened by the shrill ringing of his alarm clock when he felt a hard pinch on his thigh. He yelped in pain.

"Oww. What the hell was that for!"

"Serves you right. Now please be quiet so we can both go back to sleep."

Okay, definitely not a dream then.

It was all real. He was indeed lying unglamorously on the couch with Blaine curled up in his arms, and it certainly wasn't a figment of his imagination that they were both nearly naked. Through a haze of sleepiness, he gaped at the incredible sight before him.

Urgh. This is not right. Better get up before I do something that we might both regret.

He struggled to pull himself up into a sitting position but immediately felt his surroundings spin around him. With a groan, he gave up and fell back heavily against the cushions.

"Won't you stop fidgeting and just lie still for another minute?" Blaine grumbled sleepily, swinging a leg over his thigh. His arms wound tightly around Kurt's body as he nuzzled his chin in the curve of Kurt's neck.

Kurt stroked his hair instinctively and sighed in contentment. It felt as if he was transported back to those many years ago – to a time whereby there were no crazy drunken nights, no spiteful exchanges of words, no cranky Blaine. He could lay in this position forever, relishing the warm touch of Blaine's skin and drifting into sleep listening to each rise and fall of Blaine's steady breathing. Yet, his traitorous brain refused to allow that. Before he knew it, the words were out of his mouth.

"Blaine.. did we – you know, erm.. do anything last night?"


"Look, we are both.. stripped down to our boxers."

Blaine grunted in annoyance, opening his eyes reluctantly. Hazel eyes scanned the surroundings lazily before lingering on the almost naked man whose body was pressed against his. If he was surprised, he certainly did not show it.

"Don't tell me you don't remember," he said calmly.

"Wait, are- are you serious? You mean, we actually..." Kurt trailed off, eyes widened in disbelief.

The expression on Blaine's face was frighteningly solemn. His lips were pressed together in a thin line. He stared at Kurt wordlessly.

Oh fuck fuck fuck.

"Blaine.." Kurt began weakly as he tightened his hold on Blaine's arm. "I- I have no idea what happened last night. Urgh damn, I'm so sorry.. I don't know what I– "

Blaine gave a loud sigh, turning his face away from Kurt.

Oh shit, what exactly have I done.

Kurt smacked his own forehead, struggling to recall the events of last night. Fuzzy images slowly trickled into his consciousness. Blaine yelling at him. Blaine snatching away the wine bottle. Walking home together and tripping over his feet. Linking arms with Blaine. Belting out Disney songs on the streets. Blaine doing a silly dance outside the door...

He pressed his fingers to his temples but it did little to soothe the splitting headache. Pure panic gripped him as he realized that he had absolutely no recollection of what had transpired after they had entered the apartment. Just as he was about to apologize once again, he felt Blaine's body trembling against his chest.

Crap, is he sobbing? Oh dear god please tell me this is not happening.

And then before he could react, Blaine burst into hysterical laughter.

"Ohmygod, I can't believe you fell for it! You should have seen your face, Kurt – "

"What?" Kurt blinked as realization slowly hit him. "You- You were pulling my leg all this while?" He shot Blaine a venomous glare as he felt heat suffuse his face. "You evil, childish, insufferable brat!"

"Well, you should have known." Blaine responded, barely stifling a laugh. "I'm sure you'll have at least some vague memory of the event if we did end up doing anything interesting don't you think." Blaine managed a sleepy smirk. "Anyway, you don't see any sticky evidence lying around, do you?" He winked at Kurt mischievously.

Kurt groaned, blushing heavily. "Right. Gosh I should have known."

"Good. So now that you have cleared your burning doubt of the day, can we please go back to sleep? My head hurts so fucking much."

"Yeah of course it does. Told you to go easy on the alcohol. Anyway, serves you right. You deserve it completely for pulling that nasty prank, brat."

Blaine made a scoffing sound and poked him in the waist. "You talk too much, Hummel." He jabbed him again. In an act of retaliation, Kurt smacked his head with a plush cushion, before gripping his hands by the wrist to prevent further sneak attacks.

"Pot calling the kettle black. Anyway, you sure you're comfortable here? Don't you wanna go back to your room?"

"Too tired. Don't wanna move."

"Alright, then I guess I – ''

"Don't you dare move as well." Blaine draped an arm over Kurt's neck.

"I wasn't planning to. I knew it; you'll miss me."

"Nah. I'm only keeping you here cos you're warm."

"Same thing." Kurt grinned fondly at the man in his arms, hugging him closer. A slow smile spread over Blaine's face as he closed his eyes.

"Mmm. You're such a cuddle monster, Kurt Hummel."

Kurt raised an eyebrow, resisting an urge to point out the glaring fact that Blaine was in fact the bigger cuddler. His grin broadened as Blaine swung another leg over his calf. He decided to keep his mouth shut, not wanting to risk another silly argument. For now, it would be wise to thoroughly enjoy the quiet comfort of the moment. He couldn't care less if the couch was obviously too small for the both of them or if Blaine's elbow was poking him painfully in the ribs; neither was he bothered by the fact that he was lying in a most awkward position that would definitely bring about a serious backache and hellish cramps for the next couple of days. Resting his head over Blaine's shoulder, he sighed contentedly, wishing that time could stand still for them right now.

"But I don't mind, Hummel. I love cuddles."

Like always, reviews/comments are very much appreciated!:)