So here is chpter one of my new story. I wanted to write a story about Anubis House going somewhere and so I said to myself, "Why not have them go to Washington D.C." I hope you all like it because I have been to D.C. just recently and I will definetly be very descriptive as to where they are, what they are seeing, and their whole trip in general. It will mostly surround Nina and Fabian, but I will change to different POV's throughout the story. Why? Becuase I can! :) So, enough of my talking, let me present to you, Chapter One: A Surprise Everyone Will Like! Even Jerome and Alfie.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own House of Anubis or Washington D.C. :)


CHAPTER ONE- A Surprise Everyone Will Like! Even Jerome and Alfie


I was sitting on my bed, engaged in a fantastic book that Gran got me before I came to England. She knows that I love anything that has to deal with Ancient Egypt and all the other stuff, so she got me a book, about the God Anubis. Shocker, right? The book was practically covering my entire face. You could only see my eyes. It was peaceful in the room for awhile, until my bedroom door flew open, causing me to throw my book up in the air. It fell to the ground, with a loud thud.

It was Amber, of course. She had a huge smile on her face and she was squealing. She rushed over to the side of my bed and grabbed my wrist.

"Nice to see you too, Amber." I said sarcastically.

"Oh, enough of that Nina. Trudy wants all of us downstairs, immediately. She said it is a surprise that everyone will love. Even Alfie and Jerome are going to like it! Now get off of your lazy bum and come with me." She sounded so excited and her eyes were glowing with happiness.

"Ok, I am coming. But first, release me from your grip so I can retrieve my book from the ground." I gave her a small smile, letting her know that I was not mad at her.

"Oh fine." She released me and I bent over to pick up my book. I place my bookmark in it and set it on my shelf, next to all my other books.

Amber led the way down the stairs, looking back at me ever 2 seconds to make sure I was still following her. This must be very important and I guess exciting. Amber reached the bottom of the stairs and she scurried into the Common Room.

I reached the bottom step and I heard footsteps coming from the boy's corridor. I turned my head to see who was coming and it was Fabian. I could feel a blush creeping on my face as we were staring at each other. Ever since we kissed at prom, we have been together more, but I still feel really shy around him.

"Hey Nina, do you know what this is all about. I was trying to study but Alfie comes barging into my room, screaming for me to come to the Common Room right now."

"I don't know. Amber did the same thing to me, only I was reading." We both shared a small laugh with each other.

"Oh, I love his laugh so much. Uh, snap out of it Nina!" I thought to myself. "Do this kind of thinking later!"

We both stopped laughing and I could hear Amber yelling for us to come in. We walked side by side into the Common Room and everyone was either sitting on a couch or on the floor surrounding Trudy, who had a huge smile on her face. Fabian and I sat next to each other on one of the longer couch.

"Is everyone here? I don't want to begin explaining and having someone come in." Trudy asked Amber and Alfie. They both nodded their heads 'yes' and Trudy smiled at them both.

"Ok, I called you all here because I have some exciting news for you all!" Trudy sounded so happy and thrilled. I had a smile on my face because, well, I wanted to know what the surprise was.

"Well, what is it Trudy?" Patricia sounded sort of excited, but I think she was just really bored.

"I agree with Trixie, what is it?" Jerome popped in and commented on what Patricia said. Fabian and I glanced at each other and we both showed signs of curiosity.

"Ok, well, Victor wants you all out of the House because he thinks you all need to explore other things outside of the school." Of course Victor wants us out of the House. He is just upset about the whole 'never going to live forever' thing and with us here, it just reminds him more about it." I thought to myself as Trudy took an extremely long pause before she continued.

"Victor told me to tell you all that you are going to be going on a trip." After she said the word 'trip' Alfie, Amber, and Mick all started cheering. I was smiling the whole time. I love going to new places and exploring new things. Mara looked joyful. As for Patricia and Jerome though, well, they just looked bored and not very happy. Fabian was just smiling at me.

"Now, now, I know you are all probably thinking you are going to the beach or somewhere hot. I am sorry to ruin your thought bubbles, but Mr. Sweet and Victor want the trip to be some what educational." I guess Alfie and Amber didn't know about that little detail because after Trudy finished her sentence, they both started whining about the trip.

"Oh, you two, don't be so down in the dumps. You are all going to be going to Washington D.C., in America!" Trudy was smiling and laughing. My face lit up because that was where I grew up! I get to go back home. Well, not exactly go back home, but I get to see the town I use to live in when I was there.

"We are leaving in one week, so I would like you all to call a parent or guardian and tell them everything. I do hope the say yes because if they don't, you will be moved to another house for 2 weeks and will be forced to learn!" Trudy was trying to scare us by saying that we had to learn if we couldn't go. Jerome, Mick, Amber, and Alfie were the only ones that looked really scared.

I turned to Fabian who was trying to search for his phone in his pockets. He wasn't having any luck, so I gave him mine.

"Thanks Nina, I think I left mine in my jacket or somewhere in my room."

"No problem." I told him smiling.

"Oh Fabian, I am so excited about our trip! I grew up in D.C. I know my place around that city like I know the back of my hand." I was laying my head back on the couch, staring up at the ceiling.

Fabian started laughing and smiling at me. He dialed his parent's phone number and talked to them about the entire trip. By the look on his face, his parents were letting him go.

"Ok, thank you mum. Tell dad I said hello!" He hung up and handed my phone back to me.

"Well, what did she say?" I knew what the answer was; I just wanted to keep talking to Fabian.

"She said yes. But, I have to call her ever night to check up. She has always wanted to go there and now that I am going, she wants to know everything." He extended the word 'everything' and sounding pretty annoyed. All I did was laugh.

"Well, I have to get back to my room and study some more. See you at dinner, Nina?" He asked me, standing up from the couch and walking towards the entrance to the Common Room.

"See you at dinner!" We both smiled at each other and he left the room, leaving me alone to call Gran.

I dialed her number and told her about the trip and everything at Anubis so far. Oh, how I can't wait for this trip!

SO, what do you think? Do you like/hate it. Tell me what you think about it! Oh, and I want 6 reviews for a new chapter! :)

~S.I.B.U.N.A.1398 (Sydney)