Yuki- So this story isn't my most popular but I love writing it anyway and I hope the readers that do read enjoy this next chapter! :D Also Don't forget to read my new story This is not a diary!

Utau- Yuki owns nothing! :D

Yuki-Darn it :(

Italics are Amu thoughts, a flashback to earlier chapters or the voice of the girl Amu's been hearing.


"Amu...we're not your real parents..you're adopted" says Midori. "What?" says Amu shocked.

"There's more..." says Midori. "How could there possibly be more?" asks Amu.

"You have an identical twin" says Midori...

"I have a twin.." says Amu in disbelief. "I'm sorry I never told you this Amu I was just trying to protect you" says Midori.

"How could you keep this from me" yells Amu tears forming in her eyes.

"I'm sorry" Midori whispers. "So..what happened to her...my twin?" asks Amu. "I don't know" says Midori.

"We couldn't provide for both infants" explains Midori. "Where is she now?" demands Amu.

"I don't know I've never kept track of her. But now that you say you've seen a girl that looks like you do you think that she found you?" Midori questions.

"I don't know, I have no idea" cries Amu hysterical and confused.

"I think I should cancel my trip to Tokyo" says Midori.

"No go..but you should have told me earlier" says Amu before stomping away in anger.


Amu in her grief went over to Utau's house to talk to her. They decided to take a walk so Amu could explain why she was so upset.

"I have a sister" says Amu. "I know, Ami right?" Utau replies. "No..Ami isn't my real sister" says Amu.

"What are you talking about Amu?" asks Utau confused.

"I'm adopted Utau! Ami isn't my real sister! I have some long lost twin sister out there and I don't know where or who she is!" shouts Amu.

"I've had real family out there and I never knew about it" says Amu more calmly.

"You don't think of Ami and Midori as your real family?" asks Utau. "Well I used to..but now I'm just confused." says Amu.

"I can understand how this can be confusing" says Utau. "Well at least I understand why all this weird stuff has been happening." says Amu with a sigh.

"And I think I know why people have been seeing me when I'm not actually there" says Amu.

"Why?" asks Utau confused. "Come with me to the library." says Amu


At the library Amu pulls out a book from the shelf. The title of the book said realizing astral projection.

"Astral projection? What's that?" asks Utau.

"It's the ability for your soul to leave your body" says Amu. "How do you do that?" asks Utau listening intently.

Before Amu could answer Tadase Hotori turned the corner wanting to talk to Amu.

"Hi, what are you doing here?" asks Amu surprised. "Uh contrary to popular belief some jocks can read" says Tadase with a grin.

"Kiddy section's over there" says Utau with a smirk. Tadase just sighs and gives Utau a look. Utau gets the hint and decides to leave them alone.

"I'll catch you later" says Utau before walking off.

"Hey I've been looking for you" says Tadase. "Do you realize that we have yet to go out and that is just unacceptable" says Tadase smiling at Amu.

"Is it?" says Amu playing along. "So how about tonight" says Tadase. "I can't actually..my mom is out of town.." says Amu reluctant to agree with his offer.

"That's perfect" says Tadase with a grin. "I have to take care of my little sister" says Amu just giving excuses. Even though my sister can really take care of herself..

"I'll come by to keep you company" says Tadase.

Man this guy just doesn't get the hint.."Um I have tons of reading to do.." says Amu. Tadase walked closer to Amu closing the gap between them. "So you would rather curl up with that book instead of me?" asks Tadase innocently.

"Another time?" asks Amu just wanting to get out of there quickly. "Yea count on it" says Tadase nodding.


Later that day Amu had her nose buried in that astral projection book trying to find information. As she was reading her eye sees that blue-haired boy with the cane walking in her direction.

Amu took the opportunity to make amends with the boy because they seemed to get off on the wrong foot earlier.

"Oh hey" says Amu getting off the bench she was sitting on to talk to him. "Can I talk to you for a second?" asks Amu. Ikuto stopped walking and Amu took this opportunity to start talking.

"I wanted to let you know I'm sorry" says Amu sighing, wondering how she was going to explain this whole astral projection thing to him. He's going to think I'm crazy..maybe I shouldn't tell him..Amu thinks.

Ikuto interrupts her thoughts. "For what? What are you sorry for?" asks Ikuto. "For not believing you when you told me you saw me at the bonfire the other night" says Amu.

"I think you saw someone that looked just like me" says Amu praying that Ikuto didn't think she was insane.

"Oh ok I get it" says Ikuto starting to walk away. Amu grabbed his arm..the arm he was using to hold his cane. "No don't leave...look it's really hard to explain" says Amu. "Can we just start over" says Amu thinking this was the easiest way to be friends with the boy in front of her.

Why do I even want to be friends with this guy that I barley know...Amu thinks..oh I'm still holding on to his arm..I should probably let go of it..

Amu quickly let's go of Ikuto arm's and sticks out her hand. "Hi I'm Amu Hinamori" she says with a smile.

"Ok..I'm Ikuto Tsukiyomi" Ikuto replies smiling back at her. While shaking his hand, Amu see's a long scar on it and glances at it a little longer then she should have. Ikuto immediately pulls his hand back.

"Sorry" says Amu embarrassed. "It's fine" Ikuto replies just wanting to forget she saw it.

"I didn't mean to stare" says Amu. "Don't worry about it" Ikuto says. He starts to walk off but Amu stops him. Amu being curious wanted to know how he got his scar and why he is using a cane to walk.

"So how did it happen?" asks Amu making Ikuto stop in his tracks. "I was driving my motorcycle and I met up with a drunk driver..it's as simple as that" answers Ikuto in a bitter tone.

"Simple..it changed your whole life" says Amu walking towards him. "Everybody has scars from something..except mine show" Ikuto says. They both stand there staring at each other intently when Ikuto breaks the silence. "I'm sorry about your father. I know it's been rough"

Amu just continues to look at him and listen while Ikuto continues to console her. "Anyways don't listen to people trying to tell you to get over it, you'll get over it in your own time in your own way."

"Your really sweet" Amu replies with a smile. "Don't sound so surprised." Ikuto smiles back before walking away.

Amu just continues to stare at his back as he walks off. There's just something about him...I can't explain the feeling..the rumors about Ikuto aren't true..I can see the real Ikuto..


Late that night, Midori was in Tokyo and it was just Amu and Ami alone. Ami wanted to get out of the house as quickly as she can. She was going to a friend's house to get away from Amu and her weirdness.

"Where are you going?" asked Amu curious to why her sister was packing clothes into a suitcase.

Ami kept her answer simple. "Out..mom said I could."

"Oh well I thought we could stay in..make some popcorn and watch some movies" say Amu with a smile trying to bond with her sister.

"Amu it's a sleepover party what if they never invite me again" says Ami annoyed with her older sister.

"Why do you even want me here? Scared to be alone?" asks Ami hitting a little close to home. "No!" says Amu quickly.

"Are you afraid to be here alone with me?" asks Amu still wondering if Ami is thinking about the choking incident. Ami stays silent and doesn't answer Amu's question. "Ami..you know I'd never hurt you" says Amu in a quiet voice.

Ami just glances at her. " I know what I saw" she says as she walks out the door.


Late that night Amu was alone and reading her astral projection book on her bed. In the middle of a chapter Amu glances up and stares at her mirror. Leaving the book on her bed she heads downstairs and places a canvas on a easel.

Amu hasn't been able to paint since her father's untimely death. She just hasn't been able to paint a thing. She gets her paint brush out and is ready to start painting when she is interrupted by the doorbell.

Not expecting company she ponders on about who could be at the door. Maybe Ami forgot something..probably not she wouldn't come back she's to afraid of me...Why do I hope it's Ikuto...

Amu breaks her thoughts when she opens the door to see Tadase. Of course it's the one person I don't really want to see...

"Hi I thought we could play a few rounds with your sister" says Tadase with a smile lifting up the game of twister he brought with him.

"Um she bailed on me" says Amu with a small smile.

"Aw really...well that's a problem because we need more then two players." Tadase smile falters slightly but then a grin forms. "Unless we play a different game."

"We are not playing twister" says Amu with a little smile. Not wanting to be rude though she invites him in.

"I'm actually really glad you surprised me" says Amu. "Are you?" replies a grinning Tadase. "Yea it's scary being in my house alone" answers Amu honestly but Tadase thinks a completely different thing.

"Well now you don't have to be" says Tadase placing his arm around Amu's shoulder. Tadase then begins to stroke Amu's hair and move it away from her face when she gives him a nervous look.

"Hey relax" says Tadase picking up on her nervous vibes. "We had a great time last summer..didn't we?" asks Tadase.

"Yea it's just..it's different now..I'm different" says Amu. Yea because of Ikuto...

"Well you look the same... you look better" says Tadase and Amu just gives him a look of disbelief. Tadase then starts to go in for the kiss but Amu stops him.

"Okay let's just talk" says Amu starting to feel uncomfortable. Tadase just laughs.. "Talking is overrated Amu."

"Look I know you're sad..I just want to help...Now let me put your mind off things." Tadase then begins to lean in for another kiss.

"Okay Tadase..you need to stop" says Amu leaning away from him but Tadase doesn't get the hint. Tadase continues to lean forward determined to get that kiss when he suddenly stops and grabs his throat. He immediately is pulled off of her and flies across the couch. He desperately grabs his throat trying to breathe and manages to gasp out.

"What the hell did you do to me!"

Amu completely scared and confused just yells out "Nothing!"

Tadase is freaked out and speed walks toward the door. "Stay away from me! You Freak!" he shouts before leaving.

Amu just watches him go completely shocked and confused. She then looks around the room wondering what the hell just happened..


Later that same night, Amu was in her bed looking at the ceiling, wondering what happened with Tadase earlier. Deciding she should stop dwelling about it she tries to get some sleep but as she turns over to her side her mirror catches her eye.

She gets out of bed and starts to walk over to it. She takes a good long look at her reflection like she expects something to happen. Seeing as nothing happens she heads downstairs and begins to search through some boxes downstairs.

In one of the boxes she find a file with information about her adoption. She starts to look through the file when she hears the door close and immediately looks up only to see her mother walk in.

"Hey what are you doing?" asks Midori. "Why are you home?" asks Amu quickly closing the file.

"Well..I finished in Tokyo early and I didn't want to leave you alone another day." answers Midori.

Midori just went straight to the point not bothering to continue with the small talk. "You know there is nothing in those files about your sister." says Midori in a calm voice.

"Really that's funny because I just found something here about the Tokyo adoption agency" says Amu showing her mom the papers she discovered. "Maybe they can help me out..since you clearly won't" Amu says before walking off.

"I know this is important to you Amu..but finding your sister just isn't the right time. Maybe you should wait-" but Midori is cut off by Amu. "I have to find her, she needs my help" Amu says bluntly.

"How do you know that?" asks Midori. Amu doesn't answer but just stands there in the silence. Midori asks another question in a more forceful tone. "Amu, what makes you say that!"

"She told me...when I saw her in my mirror" says Amu. She's not going to believe me...I barely believe it.. "Your mirror?" says Midori skeptical.

"I knew you wouldn't believe me" says Amu. "Help me understand" says Midori trying to help her daughter.

"How am I supposed to explain this to you..when I barley understand any of it myself" says Amu.

Midori is desperately trying to understand her daughter but is having trouble. "Okay..so you think you saw your twin appear to you...in your mirror" Midori explains.

"Look I know it sounds crazy..but it's the truth." Amu says trying to get her to understand. "If you were really my mother you'd believe me" says Amu bitterly before walking off.


The next day Amu was with her new friend Utau trying to get in contact with the Tokyo adoption agency. But unfortunately she couldn't find anything.

"I'm sorry" says Utau shrugging. "What if somethings happened to her?" asked Amu concerned. "What if she never appears to me again?" asks Amu.

"Was it possible you were just imaging?" asks Utau. Great now my only friend doesn't believe me either!...Maybe Ikuto will believe me..

"No! I read in that book, how people can project their souls from their bodies and travel anywhere!" says Amu determined to get people to believe her.

"Amu.." says Utau shaking her head in disbelief. "I know it's wild..but if she can do that to me..then maybe I can project to her." says Amu trying to explain her situation to Utau.

"Okay you need to slow down" says Utau. "Great..now you think I'm psycho too right?" asks Amu.

Those stupid rumors have been spreading around about how I'm a psycho because of the Tadase choking incident...now even Utau is starting to think I'm a crazy psycho...

"No I-" but Utau is cut off by Amu's 'yea right' look. "Look I need to ask you something." Utau says as she gets off the bench she was sitting on.

She looks around to make sure no one is listening and then whispers "Did you attack Tadase Hotori?"

"What!" says Amu shocked her friend just asked her that.

"He said you tried to choke him. The whole school is talking about it."

"For your information..he was attacking me.." says Amu. "Look it's just the similar thing happened to Ami.." says Utau.

"She was dreaming and I never touched Tadase!" answers Amu. Then Amu comes into a realization.."I think she did."

"Who?" asks Utau confused beyond belief. "My twin! I think she was trying to protect me!" explains Amu.

"Wait you saw her..? She was there? " asks Utau in awe. Amu just stays silent which answers Utau question.

Not wanting to upset her friend and she doesn't want to say the wrong thing but Utau was concerned for Amu.

"You know it wouldn't hurt to talk to someone.." says Utau.

"No it's okay..I'll just figure this out on my own" says Amu. "Alright but please be careful" Utau replies before walking off.


After a long day of school Amu just plops onto her bed and stares at her ceiling. I wonder who if it's really my long lost twin trying to get into contact with me...I hope I'm not crazy...

Abandoning her thoughts, Amu pulls out her sketch book and tries to draw something. While she's trying to get inspired downstairs Midori gets a phone call.

"Hello" answers Midori.

"Hi It's Utau Hoshina...I'm a friend of Amu's"

"Oh Hi, let me go get her for you" replies Midori. "Actually can we talk?" asks Utau.

This caught Midori by surprise. "Um sure is anything wrong?"

"Amu is probably going to hate me for this..but I'm at the park by your house..Can you come meet me?" asks Utau.

"Now?" asks Midori.

"I'm really scared for her..please come" says Utau. "I'll be right there" says Midori worried as she quickly hangs up the phone and leaves to go see Utau.

Upstairs, Amu is drawing a picture of a girl that looks just like her..but isn't her. As Utau is waiting for Midori with a worried look on her face.

Amu finished her drawing as she stares at her picture of her sister. "I need you..please" she says to the drawing. Amu...says a voice.. Amu immediately looks at her mirror when she hears it.

Amu it's okay..says the girl in the mirror..

Amu looks at her mirror in disbelief and gets off her bed slowly walking towards the mirror.

Amu it's okay..says the girl again. "I'm here" says the girl. "Is it you?" asks Amu hardly believing she was talking to her sister.

It's me..she says. Amu reaches out to touch the mirror and her sister's hand reaches out to touch her hand. The girl looks like a spirit and her faded hand suddenly turned solid when she touched Amu.

"Don't go" says Amu. I'm right here...says the girl, I'm here now..

Amu...says the girl as she disappears from the mirror and reappears on the other side of Amu's room

Amu..I'm Ana...I'm your sister says the faded girl. I know you feel lost and alone but I'm here with you now..says Ana.

Amu just stares at her sister Ana in awe and shock. "How?" asks Amu in shock. "You've been reading about it" answers Ana.

"So it's possible" says Amu with a smile. "Yes my soul can leave my body..it's a gift" answers Ana.

Amu reaches out to touch Ana and asks "Where's your body now?" Ana quickly moves back from Amu's hand. "You can't touch" says Ana.. "I've been living in foster home ever since I was five..ever since our mother died..A few months ago a family picked me up from the agency..we drove all night..when we got to their house, they locked me in the basement" says Ana with a frown.

"Why?" asks Amu upset for her sister. "I don't know..." says Ana crying. "They feed me threw a hole in the door...I've been their prisoner ever since. I don't know where the house is and this is my only way out. You have to help me, Amu."

"How?" asks Amu. "What do I do?" Amu really wants to help her sister. "I think you might have the gift too and if you know how to use it, your soul will leave your body and be drawn to mine" says Ana.

Amu still had a lot of questions for her sister. "Was it you that everyone saw at the bonfire that night?"

"I was looking for you...I was getting closer" says Ana. "And when Tadase was being choked?" asked Amu. "I didn't want him to hurt you" answers Ana.

"What about when Ami woke up choking too? Asks Amu giving her sister a skeptical look. "I don't know about that" says Ana shaking her head.

Meanwhile, Midori is at the park searching for Utau but can't seem to spot her. "Utau!" shouts Midori looking around the park. Midori keeps looking when she walks towards the edge of the park where the cliffs are. As Midori is searching she looks over the edge of the cliffs...

Where she see's Utau's mangled body lying on the rocks at the bottom of the cliffs...


Yuki- *GASP* Utau is hurt! How did this happen? Well you are just going to have to keep reading and find out! :D Please Review this story and thanks to all who reviewed! Also Read my new Kutau story! :D


2. Hoshino Hikari

3. amuto lover

4. cookiehaven