Well hello strangers! I haven't updated this story in ages! Ok so just one adjustment I'm making to the story, I'm changing her name ^^ to Catherine XD

The Warrior

Chapter 28 ~ Back To Reality

The last few days have been... well, not easy, to say the least, due to the over obsessive and short tempered medicine cat apprentice named Jaypaw who's gaze I have been trying to avert ever since I woke up from that StarClan forsaken dream, he did see my human self after all, and personally I'd be curious if my friend dreamt about being a cat, most of the time I've either been hiding in the Apprentices Den or hunting in the woods, obviously I had a few training sessions with Greystripe, which were getting better, but much harder as each day passed, my claws were starting to become sharp, white and like curved and pointed pearls, and my fur was become more wild than a usual kittypet's pelt, my black and white fur was starting become so familiar that I wasn't expecting to see peach skin each time I looked down, well enough about that, here's an update on what's happened while I've be skulking around, for a start, Jaypaw never told Firestar or anyone about him sneaking into my dream about my 'old Twoleg owners', atleast, I hope he hasn't, now onto the next subject, Hollypaw had gone missing, what a surprise, I knew she was being held at RiverClan's make-do camp abut yesterday her 'mother' went to go and fetch her, ha! Mother my tail! I can't believe I have to wait atleast three more books until they find out... I don't know whether I'm going to be happy about them knowing or...

Shooting my head up as I heard a grumble outside the den, standing up on my now worn pads I slowly and gingerly poked my head out of the Apprentices Den, my ears pinned back as I looked up to see Jaypaw Oh joy I barely had time to breath before the blind silver cat pushed his way into the den, I automatically moved backwards, eyeing him carefully, as if I was watching Scourge himself entering the den and expecting him to launch himself and slaughter me, but Jaypaw wasn't ready to slice my throat, he had just come to the den to talk

"Bloodpaw, I need to talk to you" his words seemed ten times a loud than it actually was, I lowered my ears and winced

"Do you have to talk so loud?" I whispered sharply, he rolled his blind eyes and lashed his tail

"I've been told to come and fetch you" he snorted F-F-Fetch me?

"For what?" I asked, trying to mask the fear in my voice If Firestar wanted me to be fetched, he's most likely to throw me out of the clan! I thought then tried to reason with myself No no, calm down, if he was going to kick me out he has no grounds to! I've been hunting, eating the same type of bird each day, training pretty well with Greystripe, why would he kick me out? ...Unless he's had a word with the leader... about my dream... Jaypaw's sigh of annoyance and then reply knocked me out of my thoughts

"Firestar told me to come and get you" he began, my heart was in my throat but his next words seemed to sooth me "He thinks you need some time out of camp, and he wants you to accompany me and Leafpool while we go talk to WindClan tomorrow" he said, I suppressed my sigh of relief as I let my involuntarily tense muscles to relax I guess it would do me some good talking a walk, I mean, what harm can I do? I think laying low for awhile did actually pay off, Jaypaw isn't asking any awkward questions, and I haven't had a visit from Firestar, so everything can't be that bad can it? I smiled, and then realised I had smiled for the first time in quite a few days

"Ok, thanks for coming to get me" for some reason, I felt like I had to thank him, I did say it was 'for coming to get me', but I think that it was for something more, he nodded

"Right, well c'mon Leafpool wants to see you too" he was impatient, I could sense it, and although he couldn't see a thing he walked out of the den so naturally it was as if he actually could see, rolling my own eyes I followed swiftly behind him, once I had taken my final paw step out into the camp the sunlight leaked through the trees and leaves and began to warm my fur, the now warm wind rustling my fur, it soothed and comforted my skin and aching bones, I stretched and closed my eyes, basking in the sunlight, savouring the moment before hurrying after the silver apprentice, with a smile something rekindled in that confused mind of mine, something that was telling me to enjoy my time here, I mean, come on! I'm in the Warriors world! How much better could it be for an obsessive fan?! My pace in both my heart and paw steps quickened as we approached the medicine cat den, the Tabby with soft, glistening amber eyes was waiting for us outside, she was sat up straight, her paws close to her body and her tail was lightly resting and curling around her legs, she dipped her head in greeting while Jaypaw moved out of my way so we could both stand infront of her, I stopped in my pawsteps as Leafpool started to speak

"Bloodpaw, you've risen from the den for once?" she had a hint of sarcasm in her tone, I stiffened, that warmth in my mind had now disappeared and was replaced with anger It's no wonder Jaypaw is so annoyed all the time!

"Well, Jaypaw told me you wanted to see me, so here I am" I tried to reply as bluntly as possible, trying to show that I was irritated by her sarcasm

"Right" she stood up "Tomorrow morning we're going to WindClan, to talk to Onestar, and tell him 'That we don't want a fight but we will if we are forced to'" she recalled Firestar's words to her Ahh, I know what part of the book I'm in now! I smiled at my thought but then quickly hid it

"WindClan? Ok, but why am I going?" I asked What am I saying?! You get to see WindClan! I scolded myself but kept my gaze with Leafpool

"Firestar strongly expressed that you should come" Leafpool replied "He thinks that you need time away from camp but not just to hunt or train" her gaze then became that of concern "You are alright Bloodpaw?" I flinched, and unfortunately for me, Jaypaw seemed to pick up on this, I quickly calmed myself and shuffled my paws, thinking up something on the spot

"Oh you know... I just... had to think" I looked down at the ground, making it clear I didn't want to talk about it, Leafpool nodded and then spoke softly

"If you're sure you're fine, then we'll see you in the morning" she smiled "But for now, get some fresh air" she ordered "Another instruction from Firestar" she smiled at me and then looked at Jaypaw "Jaypaw" she said sharply, the blind cat's ears perked up

"Yes?" he replied

"You go with her" she instructed him, I whirled my head around to face his, and he looked at me, and even though he was blind I swear he could see me, my look of panic and annoyance Oh great! I held my sigh and nodded to Leafpool

"Ok Leafpool... I'll just, go" I turned around and waited for an about to protest Jaypaw "You coming?" he glared at me, then at Leafpool, reluctantly he nodded and followed, his paws guiding his path StarClan so help me if he asks about my 'Twoleg Owner' I swear I won't be responsible for my own actions! I thought angrily as we stalked out of the camp, thorns catching against my fur as we left the camp, I looked around, no warriors were guarding the camp, Jaypaw grumbled behind me as he stepped out into the forest

"Well, where do you want to go?" he asked, I looked around, the forest seeming so unfamiliar, so unknown, so alien, I stared wide eyed into the mass of ferns, leaves, wood, and the odd glimpse of sunlight

"I, don't know" he snorted I bet he's thinking 'Typical'! I looked at him "Well, where do you want to go?" he shuffled his paws

"Back in the camp den, nice and warm" he stretched as he explained the den with yearning for it Ugh, I'm so scared about saying anything in case he brings up the subject! ...C'mon you know all of the books, pretty much off by heart! You must know one way to get him to squirm... suddenly it hit me, I grinned, now knowing a place where I could get him to spill one secret

"Actually, I know where I'd like to go" I began, his head lifted up to me, regardless of his lack of sight he was staring at me with curiosity "The Lake"

Yeah I know it's kinda bad, short, and rushed, but I wanted to post something before I go on holiday! And I thought I'd better upload this story before I even forget I started it! So here you go! XD Hope you like it!