Disclaimer: As much as I think it would be absolutely awesome and incredible and indescribable and all that other stuff, I don't own DBZ or any of its original characters. Soooo.....yeah.


A/N: Please review. It would mean so much to me to know what everyone thought of my work, good or bad.


It was slow, agonizingly slow. Little movement could be found within the vicinity of the room, and the deathly silence was suffocating and miserable. Not more than two movements protruded the room's air at the same time except for the twittering of eyes as they glazed over page upon page of ceaseless text that stretched before them in the form of a book. A single piece of literature so harmless in the least, and yet so volatile and scheming. What harm has ever come from a book though? What foul play in the shape of the written word has ever inherited a soul from its reader and left cackling evilly to itself as its pages frolicked back and forth setting course for an escape?

With an aggravated sigh, Gohan flipped through the pages of his assigned volume, Common Sense, by Thomas Payne. Nothing within the shallow pages of small print and over exaggerated words interested him much, and he couldn't figure out what the title meant. A low growl echoed in his throat and traveled down the length of the table to three pairs of keen ears.

Two sets of blue eyes and one set of brown eyes peered amusedly at him as he scratched the back of his head in confusion. Four of the eyes cast themselves back down upon their reading material once they were satisphied while two vibrant ones remained on him with a fascinated glow.

Feeling suddenly uncomfortable, Gohan looked up to meet Erasa's gaze. Her hand made a few smooth movements manipulating a piece of lavender paper in his direction. He picked the paper up discreetly and glanced towards the teacher to see if he'd noticed. He hadn't, so his eyes began to scan over the exuberant text of the note. It read: Orange Star High School Senior Prom!!! Share a special night with a special someone!!! It went on into details pertaining to a date and time, but Gohan didn't give it much thought as he turned his head back towards a stimulated Erasa who was looking rather hopefully at him.

In an uneasy tone, Gohan whispered to her, "Ummm.... thanks."

Her face dropped some as she continued to wait for the words she'd thought would soon be flowing out his mouth. They never came.

Noticing she was still staring at him, Gohan looked up once again and nervously smiled at her. "I'm sure it will be fun."

Letting out an exhausted sigh, Erasa shook her gaze from him and went back to her book less than pleased with how her little plan had worked out.

"I bet you're really excited about the prom, Videl," Sharpner said.

"I guess," Videl tonelessly replied not bothering to look at him.

"Yeah," Erasa chimed in. "I heard that just about everyone's going, and there's gunna be a professional DJ too. Isn't that great?" She looked at Gohan who was watching the gravel on the road pass below his feet.

"Oh, yeah.... great."

"What's wrong? Don't you want to go to the prom?" Erasa asked him intently.

He shrugged his shoulders, "I don't really care much either way. What's the big deal about the prom anyway?"

While Erasa half-fainted in shock, Videl answered him, "Prom's just some big dance that the Student Council of every school pulls together so that people have an excuse to run off for the night and make out or screw each other."


"Hey," Erasa interrupted. "That's not completely true. Prom's a time when you get to join your friends and make memories."

"Well not all those memories actually happen at the prom now do they?" Videl shot back with a rabid tone. She maliciously kicked a can out of the street and then continued her walk alongside Gohan.

Sharpner looked anxiously at her as though he was about to say something but immediately disposed the thought. "I gotta get home," he told them as he unlocked his car and got in. "Do you need a ride, Videl?" he asked.

"No, I think I'm gonna walk home with Gohan."

"Can you give me a ride?" Erasa asked chipperly skipping over to the car.

"Sure," he said opening the passenger door. Once she was completely in, he started the engine and began to pull away as Erasa waved her good bye.

Videl and Gohan stood in the middle of the street watching the red car disappear into the busy streets of Satan City. "Phhff.... prom," Videl muttered as she took a step away from Gohan in the direction of her house. "Come on, let's go." With those words she leapt into the air and waited momentarily as Gohan followed suit.

After a short time they reached the entry gates of Videl's massive house. He looked around at the large pillars and frames surrounding the area as Videl fiddled with her key to open the door. With a heavy push, she moved the door and began to walk inside as Gohan stood in the doorway preparing to leave. He was halted in his tracks though when her voice echoed out through the door to him.

"Would you like to come in, Gohan?" she asked beckoning him inwards.

He nodded and with a few hesitant steps followed her into the large house. It was dimly lit and a few select housekeepers, butlers, and whatnot lively stepped about through the many corridors. One of the butlers stopped when he saw Videl and made his way over to her and took her backpack from her and extended a hand towards Gohan.

Confused, Gohan stared down at the man's hand and then with a nervously smile took the man's hand in his own and gave him a strong handshake. The man looked obscurely at Gohan as Videl began to giggle under her breath.

"Your bag, sir," the man impatiently stated in a snobby voice as Gohan slid the item from his shoulder and handed it to the man while his embarrassment glowed deeply on his cheeks.

"Oh, sorry," he uttered as the man gave him one last look over before strolling down the east wing of the house.

"C'mon you dork," Videl laughed grabbing his hand in hers and pulling him through the foyer to the back of the house. Running, they passed a few other people and plush rooms furnished with expensive items until they began to approach a wall of glass windows that seemed neither translucent nor solid. Videl suddenly stopped her fast pace and turned it into a walk as Gohan fretted trying not to run into her from behind. At this new, slower stride, she strolled towards the glass barrier and looked back at him with flashing eyes as her hand extended to find the doorknob.

"This is our home gym," she said proudly as she opened the door and waited for him to enter before following him into the large and comparatively barren room. "That's the weight area over there," she stated excitedly pointing a finger in the direction of several bench presses and other assorted workout mechanisms. "And that's the training area where I prepare most of my moves, and this is the rest area." Her hand moved to an area to their left where a few couches and chairs sat quietly while beyond them was a ground of punching bags and dummies.

"And this," she said proudly taking a few steps out into the center of the room on a floor of material that slightly gave under their weight, "this is the sparring arena. Dad wanted a big one, he said it made for better fighting and that it was more applicable to everyday fights."

"Pretty impressive," Gohan noticed remembering his training sessions with Piccolo and Goku outside in fields or other desolate places. "This is nothing like what I used to train in."

Videl smiled proudly at him and began to exit the area satisphied that she had impressed him. With short, graceful strides she walked back down the hallway to the main halls with Gohan close at her heels. A nervous warmth grew on the back of her neck as she felt his eyes remain on her while they walked silently. She turned her head just in time to see his eyes veer away from her own. Small tingles grew in the pit of her stomach and the corners of her mouth twitched into a grin. He'd been watching her.

"Hey Gohan," she began when they neared the front door.


"Are you gonna go to the prom?"

"I don't know... maybe," he responded with a nervous edge to his words. "Why, are you going?"

She shrugged her shoulders as she watched the eerie, old butler hand Gohan his backpack and open the door for him to leave. "I was thinking about it, but I'm not sure."

Gohan took the bag from the butler who gave him a strange face as he inched his way out the door. "Ok, well...I gotta go. I'll see you tomorrow at school."


"Hey, Videl" Gohan sheepishly called out as he began to levitate into the sky.

"Yeah?" she said turning around to see him floating in midair.

"I was just wondering...you know out of curiosity," he began.


"Well I don't have anything to do that night... and you know... if you're not busy or anything either...ummm..." Gohan began to stutter as he tried to force the words out. "I was just kinda wondering if...ummm...you know...uhhh," he laughed nervously as one of his hands found its way behind his head in a nervous manner.

Videl's eyes shined fondly as she realized just what he was edging towards. With a relaxed and anticipant voice, she calmly replied to the inferred question, "I'd love to."

Gohan stopped his rambling and looked incredulously at her like he wasn't sure that he'd heard her right. "Really?! Well...ummm...great! Then I guess I'll pick you up tomorrow at around seven."

"Ok," Videl replied leaning against the frame of the large door. "I'll see you then."

Relieved by the good outcome of his initial move, Gohan waved his goodbye as he slowly began to fly away from the mansion in the general direction of his house.

Still in the massive doorway of her house, Videl watched him leave. The tingles in her stomach were still there in large quantities although their attack on her nervous system only made her feel all the more blithe. Turning around, she slowly closed the door and looked one last time in the direction Gohan had traveled and noticed that his shadow was now replaced by the image of the setting sun upon the vast mountains in the distance.

Once the door had completely closed, she leaned against it for support and turned her eyes up to the ceiling and extravagant chandeliers that hung there. A large smile flew across her lips and then was separated as she let out a high-pitched squeal of excitement. All activity within the house ceased at the sound of that joyous squeal and several maids, butlers, and whatnots turned their attention to the girl with short, black hair who had begun to make her way skipping up the steps to her room.

Halfway up the staircase she stopped as a look of utter terror crossed her lips. She screamed in a shrill voice, "SHIT! I need a dress!!" With that she ran the rest of the way up the stairs to the home theatre where her father, Mr. Satan, sat 'reviewing' his old fights. "Dad," she huffed out of breath. "Give me money."

Mr. Satan, who was in the middle of one of his annoying little victory laughs halted his brigade and looked at her with a strange expression. "Money? What for?"

"It's for a dress, the prom's tomorrow and Gohan asked me to go with him." She reached her hand out and took several bills he was handing her. "Thanks, Dad. I'll be back in a little while."

"Ok, pumpkin. Have fun and remember.... A DRESS!!" he yelled down the hall as she turned the corner and ran back down the stairs. "AND WHO'S GOHAN?!! HUH?!! VIDEL!?!?!" he continued to call, but she was already out the door and hurrying in the direction of the nearest mall.