Ok, please be easy on me! This is my first proper fanfiction. I've wanted to read a story like this but can't find any so have decided that I'll just have to write one myself! However I don't have the best writing skills so hopefully it won't be that bad!

Hope you enjoy! =)

Oh I don't own any of the twilight characters.

Hi. I'm Rebecca Cullen, your average teenage girl, family to a not so average vampire clan. My family from the word go, has explained how I was adopted and how they were all vampires. Mum was off to the shops when she the faint sound of a baby crying somewhere. Her motherly instincts kicked in as she went to find the source of the crying and that is when she found me. She said how I was so small and cold and noticed that my arm didn't look right so she took me to the hospital to get dad to check on me. My arm was broken and looked like it had been for some time along with other signs of abuse as well. Mum made it her mission to find out what had happened to me, getting child protection services involved. Turns out that I was found on the side of the road couple of months ago and with no one knowing who I belonged to and no one claiming to be my parents, I got put into the foster system. Mum asked what would happen to me now that I was well enough to be discharged from hospital and the answer wasn't that great. Because I was injured I would have normally been placed in special foster care however they were choker full and struggling enough to place children in more server conditions or special needs that I would go back into normal foster care. Mum came up with idea of fostering me until I was healed which the care giver loved, in a loving stable home and a husband who was a doctor; it was ideal.

Nevertheless no one else was keen on that idea. Carlisle didn't want to keep me as he was worried that he would raise me wrong or the fact they were vampires would harm me in anyway including they Volturi getting involved. Edward, Jasper, Bella and Emmett agreed with Carlisle but Rosalie and Alice didn't. Alice knew that I would become part of their family so there was no point fighting it and Rose was happy to have another child around. I have a feeling that Mum knew from the start that I was never going to be temporary. She told me how I would only calm down when she was holding me and how I would scream in the arms of the nurses. Dad told her it would only be that her cold skin was soothing to my arm, but mum saw there was a deeper connection than that. From the start she saw me as a daughter and she had faith that everyone else would see me part of the family as well. And what can I say, I must be a charmer. Each and every one of them fell in love me and I had them all wrapped around my little finger.

I had formed a special relationship with everyone. Emmett, Jasper and me always goof off and play fight with each other but they are both the ones who understand me the most. I could always talk to the girls about anything and everything. Renesmee and I have had a funny relationship. When I was younger she got jealous of me as she wasn't the cute younger one anymore but as I got older that jealousy disappeared and now we are the best of friends. I was, and still am, mummy's and daddy's little angel in their eyes I can do nothing wrong. I loved just being around them in any way, always mummy's little helper when I was younger and following dad around everywhere trying to be just like him.

Fine arts are a huge part of my life with Edward being the one who got me into music. I was fascinated whenever I watched him play the piano and he started teaching me as soon as I was able to play. I then went onto learn the violin. My love for dance started when Edward took me to a ballet. He wanted me to see an orchestra play live but as soon as I saw the dancers I became mesmerised and forgot all about the orchestra. After weeks of hearing me talk about the ballet none stop, Mum finally put me in classes which I just flourished at. Singing was something that has always come naturally to me, no lessons or anything, just singing along to all my favourite songs. When I was younger I loved singing and dancing along to Barney and making my brothers join in with me. I didn't understand then what was so funny about it then but now that I'm older and seen the video tapes it is hilarious watching a tiny 4 year old force 3 teenage, male vampires and one werewolf into singing Barney. And as it has turned out, Music and Dance has been one of the only things that had remained constant by whole life. My family saw how important it was so they made sure no matter where we were that I would be able to continue even if that meant them learning it themselves and teaching me.

They tried to keep my childhood as normal as possible but with them being vampires that didn't always work out. I didn't mind all the moving about, I mean it did get annoying when you were finally start making friends then had to leave but hey as long as I had my family I didn't mind. Guess it was hard to make friends when you obviously were adopted and picked on for that, and being around my family made me felt more a part of it. Everyone can easily pass as a family because of their similar pale skin and golden eyes but I stuck out like a sore thumb. My olive skin, long dark wavy hair and stricking light blue eyes made it easy to spot that I was clearly not related and the odd one out; at that stage in my life, I didn't want to be different than them.

Then, when I was 14 they noticed that I wasn't making many friends anymore and was always hanging around the family. Before heading into high school where I would be at the same school as them, it was decided that to give me a chance to gain some independence and live like a normal teenager that they would send me away for a year. They found a boarding school in England that had a very strong arts department. When a say very strong arts department I mean it is a Fine Arts school, half the day was dedicated towards the arts and the other half normal schooling. I hated the fact that I was away from my family but I soon grew to love it. It was very strange for me that everyone actually ate and slept and did every other normal human thing, no longer was I the only one eating food (unless Jacob was around) while everyone else just stared at me. Everything was working out perfectly, I had made lots of friends, even had a boyfriend but it all went wrong the day before I was coming home.

So that was the first chapter! I know it didn't go into much detail but I didn't want to write so much about her childhood but just show you that she had a good one and was close to her family. But next chapter it will start off from when it all went wrong...

Please review and tell me what you think =)