Just Admit It

Homura looked over at her ashikabi, Minato Sahashi, whom she had started calling Minato ever since her feminization had occurred.

The process itself had not been an unpleasant one. It had been growing increasingly harder to deal with her feelings for the young ashikabi, especially considering she was a man. So she had simply decided that she would go against Minatos words and advice and change herself.

Which was why she was now Homura, a women, and just like all the others she was helplessly in love with him. And so now, here she sat, next to her lover in the backyard, watching the sunset. She was enjoying this moment more than anything else in the world, the sun reflected off his face and cast a beautiful glow over his face.

"Kagari," he said, using the name he had previously been told was hers, "are you enjoying your new body? I don't want you to think you had to change for me."

She sighed happily, leaning into him. She gazed up at the sky and watched the sun go down, the world seemed peaceful. Musubi and Kuu were at the mall, Kazehana and Tsukiumi were out shopping and competing for who would sit on Minatos left side, Homura had claimed the right, and Matsu was researching the next round of the Sekirei plan. It was just the two of them.

"Relax Minato, I changed because its easier to be with you when I am a women, it was my choice and I am quite happy with the choice." she said, and leaned into his arm.

He nodded and seemed satisfied. He went back to watching the sunset, until at last it set. Suddenly Minato stood up and turned to go in, Homura had to stop herself from crying out from her sudden parting with her love.

"Well good night Homura, I was glad we could share this afternoon together." he said, casting her one of his award winning warming smiles. The one that could melt her soul.

She nodded so that he knew she had heard him. And as he went inside she asked herself why she couldn't just tell him that she loved him.