Disclaimer: I don't own Total Drama, the contestants or Cartoon Network. The new contestants are from The Powerpuff girls, Camp Lazlo, Fosters Home For Imaginary Friends, Adventure Time, Scooby Doo Mystery Incorperated, Johnny Test, Courage the Cowardly Dog, 6teen, Flapjack, Teen Titans, Chowder, The Grim Adventure of Billy and Mandy, Ed, Edd, n Eddy . There will be references to other CN shows.

Starting couplers: Bridgette/ Geoff, Lindsay/Tyler, Duncan/ Gwen

Staring Attractions: Numbuh 3/ Numbuh 4, Numbuh 4/ Numbuh 3, Sierra/ Cody, Cody/ Gwen, Beth/ Harold, Harold/ LaShawna, Kankers/ Eds, Patsy/ Lazlo, Finn/ Princess Bubblegum, Panini/ Chowder, Starfire/ Robin

"Hi I'm Chris McLean. This is Total Drama Cartoon Network! Actually Cartoon Network bribed me with cash for a new season so I took it. Twenty four of our original contestants will compete against thirty-six new comers from old and new shows from Cartoon Network."

(Theme song. You can write the theme song, you can send a co-host for the aftermath.)

"It is time to welcome our first original contestants." Chris said as the first boat came up. Katie, Sadie, Lindsay, Trent, Cody, Sierra, Alejandro, Courtney, Izzy, Noah, Eva, Geoff, Beth, LaShawna, Harold, Justin, Bridgette, Owen, Duncan, Gwen, Tyler, and Heather walk over to one side of the dock.

Suddenly there were three bright light zoomed by the dock and the Powerpuff girls were floating next to Chris.

"This place is a dump! Why did Cartoon Network force us to come here?" Buttercup complained.

"It can't be that bad, sis" Bubbles said.

"Yeah, Buttercup, it could be fun." Blossom said.

"Welcome, Bubbles, Blossom and Buttercup!" Chris said to the three contestants, "Can you girls go stand over there with everybody else comes in?"

Another boat came up each holding six scouts from two rival camps. "This place reminds me of Camp Kidney." Lazlo said.

"Yeah, but Camp Kidney isn't on TV." Raj said to his cabin mate.

Clam responded by saying, "Not on TV"

"This place is nothing like Acorn Flats." Patsy said to Gretchen and Nina. The giraffe and crocodile nodded in agreement.

"Bean scouts and squirrel scouts welcome to Camp Wawanaka!" Chris explained.

Another boat pulled up and two kids and some imaginary friends got off. "This place sucks," Bloo said.

"I'm sorry, but this place is a dump." Wilt said.

"Si" Eduardo agreed.

"COCO!" Coco said.

"But this place could be cool with a fire breathing dragon that spits acid and is twenty feet tall." Goo said but Mac, Wilt, Coco and Eduardo covered her mouth quickly.

"I wanted to see the dragon, guys!" Bloo complained.

"Hello Mac, Goo and imaginary friends. Please go stand by everybody else."

The next boat pulled up and a boy, a dog, a vampire, a girl made of bubblegum and a blob like creature got off. Finn said, "This is going to be the biggest adventure!"

"I can't believe we did not go on the princess vacation." Princess Bubblegum mumbled.

"Yeah, totally. Hot Dog Princess was bringing her cute bodyguards with her this year too!" Lumpy Space Princess said.

"Welcome Finn, Jake, Princess Bubblegum, Lumpy Space Princess and Marceline. Go stand over with everybody else," Chris said.

Another boat pulled up and two boys, two girls and a dog get off, "I am so glad to not have to solve any mystery!" Shaggy said.

"Right ro rysterys" Scooby added.

"I could use the money to make more traps" Fred said.

"Maybe we could go for a couple of vacations?" Daphne said to her crush.

"Welcome Mystery Corporation! Go stand by the rest of the group." Chris said to the five competitors. Another boat came up to the dock and two girls, three boys and a dog got off. Chris turned to six and said, "Welcome Johnny, Dukey, Susan, Mary, Gil, Princess Jillian and Bling Bling Boy".

"So should have seen this coming!" Susan and Mary said to each other.

"Here's an idea, run!" Dukey said running back to the boat that had already left.

Another boat came up and an old man, an old woman and a purple dog walked down. "Oh Eustace, isn't this lovely?" Muriel, the woman said.

"Where's ma food?" Eustace screamed at the nearest thing, which was Johnny.

"What's your problem, dude? Forgot your deicers this morning?" Johnny asked.

The next boat appeared and seven ten year old jumps off the boat holding M.U.S.K.E.T.s in their hands.

"!" Courage screamed and hid behind Muriel. Scooby jumped into Shaggy's arm.

"Welcome Numbuhs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 362, and 86. Great entrance by the way. Stand over by the rest of the group and try not to cause any injures, alright?" Chris said to the KND operatives.

Six certain teens from a show called 6teen got off the next boat. "This place is not very nice" Caitlin said.

"It's better than working at the Kaki Barn!" Nikki said.

"Or the Penalty Box," Jen added.

Another boat and two sailors got off. "When I win the money, I'm going to spend it on candy!" Flapjack said.

"I want to send money to get to Candy Island" Knuckles told his cabin boy.

Another boat pulled up and a certain group of teens got onto the island. "Teen Titans, please go stand by everybody else."

A purple fat bunny cat bear thing then ran off the next boat. Chowder screamed at somebody on the boat, "I'M NOT YOUR BOYFRIEND!"

Panini and Mung then followed. Mung walked over to every girl he saw and flirted with them saying, "Maybe we could…"

"Mung, quit flirting with girls that are five hundred years younger than you!" Chowder said.

"It's not like its illegal or anything Chowder" Mung replied.

"Actually it is!" Chowder said.

"Crap!" Mung said.

"There are children here, mon" the Grim Reaper said as he, Mandy, Bill, Irwin and Fred Fredburger.

"HI I'm Fred Fredburger. That is spelled F R E D F R E D B U R G E R" Fred Fredburger.

The last boat pulled up and Ed, Edd and Eddy ran off followed by the Kankers.

"Now that everybody is her, it's time for a group shot." Chris said hoping on the boat the Eds ran off.

The dock suddenly collapsed. Lucky for LSP, Marceline, Starfire, Raven, Beast Boy, Bubbles, Blossom and Buttercup, they can fly. Sadly nobody else could. "Dry off and I will explain the rules in 10 minutes."

"Welcome to Camp Wawanaka. This will be your home for until you win or you get voted off. There are some rules, anybody who eats Princess Bubblegum will be sent home quickly. We do not need any death treats from the Candy People!"

"Where the lumps are our beds?" LSP asked.

"Good question, LSP! You're cabins will be decided after today's challenge. You will all have to avoid a giant monster that is being controlled by Chef. There is a cage inside the beast where you will stay after the monster eats you! Any questions?" Chris asked.

All of the new contestants raise their hands. "No question. You have ten minutes to run and hide. You can also go to the confessional where you will vent about what is really on your mind or if you just want to get something off your chest." Everybody runs off.

Confessionals – Censor Button Anyone?

"*bleep* Cartoon Network! If I find that *bleep* of a CEO, I'm going to *bleep* his *bleep* into his *bleep*!" Buttercup screamed.

"That *bleep* McLean will so be tortured after his death. I will so enjoy it!" Grim said laughing.

"Ha saying the word *bleep* is fun. What does *bleep* and *bleep* and *bleep* and *bleep* mean?" Billy asked.

"I like cereal!" Cheese screamed, "*bleep* is a funny word! *bleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep*!"

"I like nachos and burgers and yogurt! And sometimes I don't like anything at all! What does it mean when somebody says they're going to *bleep* his *bleep* into his *bleep*!" Fred Fredburger said.

Numbuhs 3, 4, 2, 5, 362, 1, and 86 are jammed in the confessional. "Why are we in here, Numbuh 3?"

"Because people always knock before they enter the bathroom" replied Numbuh 3.

"That is so stupid I wouldn't believe you said it if I wasn't here! It sounds like something a boy would say!" Numbuh 86 screamed as she stormed out.

Irwin was following Marceline event thought she keep trying to get rid of him. "But I am a vampire, yo!"

"Right!" Marceline said not believing it.

"It's true, I am also part mummy!" Irwin added.

"Keep telling yourself that, kid" Marceline said walking away.

There was a loud roaring noise and Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup fly by along with Goo, Mac and Bloo.

"You're right it is way cooler!" Bloo said laughing to Goo.

"I shall protect you beautiful ladies and square headed kid!" Irwin said.

"Just run you vampire wannabe!"


The six KND operatives are hiding still and making out with each other. Bloo comes in and screams,"Will you get out of here?"

The KND operatives leave. "Goo was so right; it is way cooler with a huge dragon." Bloo laughed.

Marceline, Blossom, Ed, Owen, Chowder, Fred Fredburger, Mac, Bubbles, Buttercup, Numbuh 1, Numbuh 2, Numbuh 3, Numbuh 4, Numbuh 5, Numbuh 362 and Goo are also waiting outside the confessional. Ed, Owen, Chowder and Fred Fredburger scream, "Quit hogging the bathroom!"

Suddenly a giant hand swooped down and grabbed the group of copyrighted characters. Bloo came from outside and screamed, Wait your turn for the confessional!"

The monster grabbed Bloo and ate him. Inside the dragon/ monster he complains, "I want to get out. I needed to finish my confession about my thought on everybody! Can I use the confessional in here?" He notices Ed, Chowder, Owen and Fred Fredburger running in there, "Can those guys get their own confessional?"

In Chris quarters, he is watching. He turns to the camera and says, "Will Bloo ge3t anybody else from being captain? Who will be team captians? And who will not even be on a team? Find out after the break!"

Captured: Marceline, Blossom, Ed, Owen, Chowder, Fred Fredburger, Mac, Bubbles, Buttercup, Numbuh 1, Numbuh 2, Numbuh 3, Numbuh 4, Numbuh 5, Numbuh 362, Goo, Bloo

Running For Their Life from the Monster: Everybody else

There will be polls on my profile so you can vote somebody off. It only happens after on those challenges after Chris mention who wins. If you have any challenge ideas, please review!

For every ten reviews, favorite alert I will write a one-shot for any couple in any of my stories.