KTKG Says: I do NOT own Inuyasha… Takahashi-san does.

Chapter One

"Blue? They weren't supposed to be blue, they were supposed to be royal blue."

"But… that's the same thing isn't it?"

"… Go home."

Shocked green eyes took in the obviously tired woman in front of her and suddenly she felt horrible for the anger that she had felt bubble up inside her seconds ago. "Are you sure Kagome? I'm really sorry for the mistake…"

Kagome Hirugashi, age twenty-three, sighed and ran a hand through her bangs tiredly before plastering a smile on her face as she turned her attention to the massive sea of tables before them. "Don't worry about it Ayame-chan, I'm… I'm sure I can fix it. I know you're tired too, you've been running around all day for me, not to mention I know you're worried about your exam tomorrow. Just go home for now and rest, study, do whatever you need to."

Ayame Ono, age twenty and Kagome's younger cousin, played nervously with the purple iris in her hair as she contemplated what the older woman was telling her and what she should actually do. She did have a HUGE accounting exam in the morning, but on the other hand, if she left now she would leave her cousin with a job that most likely wouldn't get done until at least two in the morning. She looked at the watch on her left hand; it was only nine o'clock which was late and not late at the same time. She sighed in frustration, still not having decided what she was going to do.

"Ayame-chan… go home already."

Fingers curled themselves in red hair as the younger girl bit her lip. Well, if her cousin was pushing her, then she guessed she better get moving. She didn't want to provoke her temper after all. "Okay Kagome, but I'm still really sorry about the color mix up." This time, the smile was genuine from the other woman. "Don't worry about it; I'll get everything sorted out. You better bring in an A tomorrow afternoon when I see you. Oh, don't forget your uniform and be here at five sharp!"

Ayame nodded in affirmation and waved good-bye as she ran to her car, relieved beyond belief that Kagome wasn't currently ripping her head off for her mistake. She knew how important this client was for her and the impression she had to make to keep her business with the reputation she currently had. Thankfully her cousin also valued education and knew the importance of exams.

Kagome let out an air of frustration as she watched her cousin started up her car and took off, wincing as the loud screeching noise known as her breaks accompanied by an unknown pop reached her ears. She really had to do something about that girl's mode of transportation if she was going to depend on her for help. Turning back to the task at hand she surveyed the work left to be done and allowed her shoulders to sag.

This was an absolute nightmare. Somehow she had to get the right colored table clothes tonight and have everything set and ready by nine in the morning so the client can come in and survey everything in case there are last minute changes that need to be made. The way things were going tonight she was sure there were going to be a ton of them. She felt bad for yelling at her cousin that way when she was trying to help, but she had been specific, and on top of that she was dealing with a VERY picky client whose gossip was condemning if you rubbed him the wrong way. Ugh, and it looked like she was more than likely going to be condemned.

A sudden vibration in her pocket brought her back to reality. Pulling her phone out she smiled at the picture that flashed across the screen before she answered it.

"Tell me something good please!"

"Geez, whatever happened to saying hello?"

Kagome laughed as her best friend and business partner feigned irritation at her not-so-friendly greeting. "Sorry Sango-chan, but I'm not really having a good day right now, or night for that matter. I'm trying to set up the tables for the SkillQuest corporation meeting but Ayame had grabbed the wrong shade of blue for the table cloths. Now I'm at a loss on how to get the right one so our color scheme isn't thrown off." There was a slight giggle from the other end and Kagome's eyebrows met in confusion. What was funny about everything falling apart?

"Well, I have some good news for you then. I talked to one of the CEO's assistants today and she said that the head hancho has changed his mind on the color scheme. I'm currently on my way to you right now with the materials."

Kagome let out what could only be considered a sigh of relief.

"That's not all though. You won't believe who our next client is."

Kagome's curiosity was sparked at the comment. Their next client? What was so special about their next client? She almost dropped everything in her hands when she heard Sango's next couple of words in shock.

"It's Kikyo Kiyomizu the super model! Get this; she wants us to help plan her wedding to InuyashaTaisho."

Damn, she could have sworn her heart stopped right then and there.


Inuyasha Taisho, age twenty five, dragged his heavy feet out of his car and up the various steps to his condo which unfortunately for him, was on the tenth floor.

This was just absolutely not his day. First off, the first four hours of his day consisted of his bastard of a brother droning on and on in that stupid monotone voice of his about how he needs a better assistant like his Rin, which prompted a fight since his response to that was 'she's doing a really good job because you're fucking her on the side.' Then, his assistant, who as it turns out actually is worthless, spilled his coffee all over him as well as all the important documents for the new software program the company was planning to roll out. After that, his day seemed to go downhill as he attempted damage control. Tomorrow he will be talking to human resources for a replacement first thing in the morning.

Finally reaching the tenth floor by way of the stairs since the elevator was out of service; he was convinced that the gods were having some sort field day up there with him when he noticed that he had left him brief case that contained some more important documents back in his car. Contemplating for a minute he decided that if he had to go back down there he was more than likely going to commit murder and that was no good.

Mumbling curses under his breath he slid his key into the front door, swinging it open only to be met with a silent and presumably empty home.

"Kikyo? You here babe?"

Only his echo greeted him in return and his frown only deepened as he hit the light switch and noticed that his cell phone was sitting on the granite covered breakfast bar along with a note. Damn, he knew he had forgotten something today.

Sighing, he threw his coat down on the barstool next to him and glanced at his phone. Thrity-two missed calls, twelve voicemails, and fifty-one text messages. Yep, seemed like a normal day for him. Grumbling he set his phone down and peered at the note that had been sitting beside it.


You left your phone. Again. You really have to stop doing that! Anyway, I found someone who might be able to help us plan our wedding. I heard that even though they are a small business, they're really good at what they do. I left their business card in your office by your computer. Take a look and let me know what you think. I'm out on a photo shoot right now and I'm not sure when I'll be home. I'll try calling if and when I get a chance.

Love you,


Warily he set the piece of paper back down and maneuvered his way to the back of the condo where his office was, deleting voicemails and texts as he walked. Why hadn't she just called him to tell him that? Oh yeah, he didn't have his phone. However there was always his office… oh wait, he had fired his assistant today, hadn't he.

He flopped himself unceremoniously down into his large leather computer chair, absentmindedly fiddling with the mouse to wake his computer up with his right hand as he picked up the earlier mentioned business card. His eyes widened slightly as he read what it said.

Hirugashi & Nakamura

Event Planners

Meetings, Weddings, and all of the above!

Hirugashi? As in Kagome Hirugashi? He quickly turned to his computer and keyed in the information in a search engine. Yep, it was her alright. He smiled almost ruefully as he rose from his seat and made his way back into the kitchen, his stomach growling loudly to announce its need for attention. Well, that was a name he hasn't heard in what, ages? He allowed himself a chuckle as he reached into the fridge and pulled out a beer.

Well, looks like his life just got a little more interesting.


KTKG says: Well, here it is the first chapter. Let me know what you think, reviews are very much appreciated and are also the driving force behind more chapters. I can't really continue on without feedback, can I? Haha, thanks for reading!