Hey, guys! Another chapter up! Im sorry it took so long to post!

Series 2; Chapter 2: Exhibitionism is a not so Hidden Kink

Needless to say, Dean was thoroughly embarrassed at what has just transpired between him and his lover, his brother, in front of the entire company. And, as much as he didn't want it to show, it did, he knew it. There was no denying it this time.

Sam, a purely happy smile on his physiognomy, went to Dean's side, wrapping an arm around his waist and pulling the older male into him only a little, sending him a look that only stated he shouldn't worry about anything and that nothing 'bad' would happen due to their public display of affection.

But Dean wasn't convinced. Sure, people here were generally nice and easy-going, but to find out that two people who are related by blood are also lovers was enough cause to freak out. Not to mention the whole legality factor. As far as Dean knew, incest was highly illegal in South Dakota.

However, as he glanced around at the company before him, he couldn't see anyone who was obviously disgusted. There seemed to be only looks of adoration and knowing smirks—alright, so they were alright with this advancement in the brother's relationship. That's good to know, he supposed, as he glanced back up at his little brother, a small smile forming on his reddened lips. "I'm going to kill you, Sammy." He mouthed subtly to which Sam only chuckled while rolling his eyes.

After a few more seconds had passed, the guests had gone back to their own conversations, a few coming up to Dean in small groups to hug him and smile politely while telling jokes of past birthdays and events, Sam never letting go of his waist until needed, but he'd always return and stand absurdly close to Dean, not that the older brother complained or anything, he just didn't understand why.

It wasn't until maybe an hour later when the drinks and music started, the lights turned off, the stereo blasting throughout the place that Dean finally relaxed and let things go as they wanted to go. With him and Sam just having finished five shots of coconut rum, it was safe to say that he felt good, the alcohol further calming him and making him warmer than necessary. Pulling off his overshirt, Dean felt more comfortable in his black wife-beater.

With the alcohol in his system and the thumpa-thumpa of the music, he felt compelled to pull Sammy onto the dance-floor—meaning their living room void of all furniture; he'd have to ask Sammy where he put it all—jerking his hips in time to the beat with Sam smiling like a dork following behind him.

As people parted to let them through to the center of the room, Dean turned around and placed his hands on the other's hips, forcing himself closer to the other man, their legs on either side of the other's as they moved together to the rhythm that resounded around them, the heat of the other dancers and their exertion already taking a slight hold as their skin moistened a bit. Dean wasn't drunk and neither was Sam at this point, but fuck if they didn't feel like it slightly with the surreal nature of the night and how it was playing out, with how they were dancing with their friends watching in a society where incest was frowned upon.

But, again, it seemed like no one cared and if they did, they had enough respect for Dean and Sam not to say anything about it.

Wrapping their arms around each other, they brought their bodies closer together as their dance continued, as the need to touch, to feel, to kiss, rushed into them. For a moment, their lips were locked so tightly and moved together so roughly that Dean was sure he'd bruise for days. And that was perfectly alright with him because of it meant that he'd be this close to Sam, this intimate, this carnal, then he didn't mind at all.

When the music changed ten minutes later to a much slower rock song—not to suggest a cliché moment of slow-dancing, of course—Dean and Sam actually stopped gyrating against of each other for a moment, their hot, light pants ghosting across their faces, their exhales mingling, beads of sweat catching at the collar of their shirts, darkening the fabric. Equal smiles of magnitude graced their lips and when they finally parted—just to get some fresh, cool air to their skin—they were met with stares of jealous lust from the majority of their onlookers, either drooling over Sam or wanting to secretly paw at Dean. Either way, the temperature rose about ten more degrees in the place, a great cause for Sam and Dean to sneak away to the balcony.

Once there, breathing that cool scent of the chilly air, Sam, out of habit, wrapped his arms around Dean's midsection, bringing the other into a hug from behind as he rested his chin on Dean's shoulder, his voice just a whisper in Dean's ear. "Enjoying the party?" He asked,, slipping his hand slowly down Dean's stomach.

"Hmm, oh yeah, Sammy…" Dean chuckled in return, his hands coming to rest against Sam's thighs behind him. "You?"

Dean only felt Sam nod as the younger's dexterous fingers slipped under the hem of his shirt and made their way down Dean's pants, tickling the flesh found there.

The older brother shivered at the touch, excitement and arousal already taking ahold of his senses, his cock hardening even before Sam touched him fully.

"God, Sammy…" He muttered into the crook of the other's neck once he was finally able to turn his head—his mind already foggy from the alcohol and now becoming recognizably muddied…and Sam knew exactly where to touch, and how to touch, to make Dean this way: this muttering, whimpering, groaning mess that only wanted more and more and that Sam was always willing to give. "…T-there's people here, man…."

"So?" The younger brother drawled out. "They're too busy with whatever it is they are doing to pay attention to us, Dean…" A small nip to the other's earlobe, a cheeky smile.

"Yeah, but what if someone sees us from the bedroom, or comes out here looking for u-us!" He didn't mean to raise his voice at the end but Sam chose that moment to wrap those devilish fingers around his already leaking prick and squeeze, making him jump and shiver in surprise.

"Shh, Dean," Sam cooed. "If you're quiet they won't have reason to come out here, now will they?" Sam purred in the other's ear, nipping the flesh every so often between words, knowing how it made Dean's skin crawl in pleasure—knowing that for the other to keep quiet was nearly impossible and not something even a mime could handle with Sam performing.

Dean rocked his hips into Sam's hand to try and get the other to move it along his aching cock, but to no avail. "Fuck, Sam, get on with it," He begged the other as he rocked his hips into the other yet again, getting his message across to the other.

Yet, unfortunately, Sam didn't comply to Dean's wants immediately like Dean thought he would because usually, when Dean started begging with his body and words everything would suddenly become so much more heated than it already was. Rather, his younger brother only chuckled—the jerking of his abdomen and chest the only thing that gave it away—as he slipped his free hand up Dean's right side, his fingers trailing hotly against the other's clothed skin, over Dean's tensed neck, and into the other's short—but still very much graspable—hair, yanking the other's head to the side and back a little farther like he had done many times in the past.

When he spoke, his breath was hot against Dean's skin, his voice purring out into a low growl. "Ordering me around, Big Brother?" He smirked, letting his lips graze against Dean's pulse, feeling the small shudder that Dean's body gave in reaction to him.

Dean swallowed, the adrenaline, the desire, the yearn to have his brother fuck him and the knowledge that Sam could be exceedingly rough and forceful if he wanted to be—not that Dean had a problem with it. "Hnng….Sammy, I swear, if you don't do something right now, I will fucking kill you."

"Such a strong threat, Dean…." He quipped sarcastically as he licked a small line from the base of Dean's throat to his jaw, nipping the edge of it before he shoved Dean against the railing—his fingers still tangled into Dean's hair and the other hand easily slipping out of the other's pants—the cold metal digging into the man's hips as Sam forced Dean's head forward and pressed himself against Dean's back, his hardened cock felt against Dean's ass even through two layers of jeans.

A low moan sounded from Dean's chest as he was manhandled. God, he'd only do this for Sammy. No one else could he trust enough. Arching his back a little bit, he rubbed his ass against the jean-clad cock of his brother, shivering at the feel of the large outline he felt against him, the heat, the friction, the hold Sam had on him, keeping him there as he reciprocated the movement if only to tease Dean—because Dean knew, without a doubt, that Sam had something planned and that his little brother wasn't going to let him get off so easily, not after all that effort to stop from giving into what he wanted.

Bending his head down enough to touch a kiss to Dean's neck, Sam loosened the grip he had on the other's head just a bit while sliding his other hand down into the back of Dean's pants, his long fingers already commanding Dean to spread his legs and bend over just a bit over the railing when they parted the man's cheeks, running over the tight, puckered orifice that he loved to abuse on a daily basis—and that loved to be abused.

Dean's breath hitched at the initial action but he had quickly submitted. Crooking his head in a way that he was able to whisper into Sam's ear, he licked his lips before speaking. "We really gunna do this here, Sa—"

He was caught off by the balcony door sliding open and a group of people calling their names, begging for the 'birthday boy' to come back to party and that Sam was a jerk for keeping Dean all to himself. But, when Sam faced them, looking innocent and not as if he was just about to fuck Dean's brains out—Dean, on the other hand, couldn't turn around just yet, he only smiled, laughed, and promised that they would return in a moment which seemed to placate the demanding group as they left seconds after the claim.

Smirking, Sam turned back to Dean, placing a kiss on the other's shoulder. "Guess we aren't doing it here after all, big brother." He teased, slapping Dean's ass playfully as he returned to the party inside.