Well, we finally made it :) Can I just say a huge THANK YOU to everyone who has taken the time to read this, and a special thank you to everyone who has reviewed this. You have no idea how much it means to me, especially as this is a completely different genre to what I usually write, the same for the pairing. But I just can't resist me some Raine - it's just so good, and since the writers have completely dismissed the idea now, I guess fanfiction is all we really have. I've got an idea for another Raine story, this time it would be a one shot, and is based on a video that I created dedicated to Rachel and Blaine, that should be up sometime next week, so keep an eye out for that. Other than that, I'm going to focus my attention on my other multi-chaptered story 'International Directions' which of course I'd love you all to read, there is also a strong Raine friendship in that.
So now, I present to you all the final chapter of this story, and I hope that you're all happy with the way I've ended it, and hopefully I've managed to give you all what you want.
"But, I don't understand Bunny," Rachel sighed as she held the phone to her ear, "Your father and I were really looking forward to coming to see you perform,"
"I know Daddy, I just think that maybe it would be for the best that you didn't come to this show," she closed her eyes tightly, as she could hear her father's disappointment through the line.
"Rachel, we've never missed any of your performances, what makes you think we'd start with this one?" Maybe because I've messed up big time and I couldn't bare to see the disappointment on your faces when you see what I've done? Rachel bit her lip and sighed quietly.
"I'm just really nervous Daddy," she said quietly, "This show plays a big part in our final grade for the year, plus there are always casting agents at these things, I'm worried that if you're there as well, then the nerves might really get the better of me." Rachel waited patiently as her father processed the news and hoped that the lie that she'd concocted was enough to convince her father.
"Okay Rachel, we'll miss this one, because it's obviously very important to you, but promise me that you'll come home during the summer, we miss you so much." Her father reasoned and Rachel nodded.
"Of course I'll come and visit, I miss you both to,"
When Rachel had finished with the phone call she let out a quiet sigh – that was the first time that she had ever lied to her father's and she prayed that she'd never have to do it again. It also sickened her that she was becoming such an accomplished liar, if her father's were to see her now she was sure that they'd barely recognise her, she was not the same girl she was when she lived in Lima.
"There's someone to see you," Jesse stated as he walked into the lounge where Blaine was yet again listening to 'Right Kind of Wrong' on repeat andreading the contents of the envelope that Jesse had passed over to him only a few hours ago, Blaine nodded and quickly stuffed it into his pocket and turned the music off. He turned around and gulped when he saw his sister giving him an awkward smile from behind Jesse.
"I'll leave you two to talk," Jesse smiled, closing the door behind him,
"Why are you here Mia?" Blaine asked quietly, "If you're here to yell at me, then you're too late. Mom and Dad have already beat you to it,"
"I thought I'd come and check out your latest living arrangements, especially as I never actually made it to the last place," Mia smirked, as she walked around the room slowly. Blaine shrugged and slumped into the nearest chair.
"It's only temporary, just until Rachel and I can figure out where we go from here," Blaine explained, Mia nodded and glanced around the room, before focusing on her younger brother again.
"So, about that," Mia started and Blaine rolled his eyes,
"Don't start Mia, I'm really not in the mood for this right now," Mia shook her head and walked over and perched herself on the coffee table directly in front of Blaine.
"I just want to talk."
"Does Finn know that you're here?" Blaine asked bluntly, noticing his sister's expression change immediately, "Mom told me that you've been arguing a lot since the party, she blamed me for that too,"
"Blaine, it was a lot for us all to take in. We all thought that Kurt and you were endgame, Finn is Kurt's brother, of course he's going to be mad," Mia explained.
"And you?" Blaine asked,
"I don't condone what you did, not for one second." Blaine sighed and turned away, "But, you're my baby brother, and despite what you might think, I will always care about you." Blaine nodded, and Mia sighed as she took a good look at her brother, and while she didn't understand his reasons behind his actions, she knew that he was hurting just as much as Kurt right now.
"How is Kurt?" Blaine asked after a while, Mia sighed and shrugged.
"Blaine, I really don't think…"
"Look, I know he doesn't want to see me, I just want to know how he's doing," Blaine argued, and Mia relented slightly.
"He's trying to hold it together," she explained and Blaine nodded and reached over to turn the CD player on again, the music started and Mia sighed.
"What is it with this song?" Mia asked, "I hear that you've been playing it a lot the last couple of days."
"I sang this to Rachel, right before I told her I loved her," Blaine mumbled, his voice croaking. He hadn't spoken to anyone properly since that night when he turned up on Jesse's doorstep. The conversation had been pretty forced and Blaine had only spoken to Jesse when it was completely necessary or if Jesse had overheard a conversation and demanded to know what was going on. He knew that Jesse was visiting Rachel on a daily basis, and the majority of their conversations had ended up being about Rachel. Blaine gulped as he tried to stop himself from crying, it didn't work, in fact in only made it worse. Mia sighed and reached out and pulled him into a hug, comforting him as he cried into her shoulder.
"Oh Blaine, how did you get into this mess?" she said quietly, patting Blaine's back as she spoke.
"I really didn't mean to hurt anyone Mia, you have to believe me," he mumbled into her shoulder and Mia nodded and continued to comfort him.
"I believe you," she soothed.
Mia eventually managed to sooth Blaine enough to them to have a proper conversation, she knew not that his barriers were down fully and they'd be able to talk like they used to when they were growing up.
"So, what is happening now, between Rachel and you, I mean?" Mia asked, and Blaine shrugged and pulled the envelope out of his pocket.
"She told me she needed some space," Blaine explained, "She said that she was scared that we'd end up resenting each other if we dived straight into a relationship, especially the way the truth came out," Mia nodded and smiled at Blaine.
"She sounds like a smart girl," she commented and Blaine smiled,
"She is," he said quietly, "But she asked Jesse to give me this, and said that she's ready if I am."
"And are you ready?" Mia asked and Blaine shrugged, unable to give her a direct answer. Mia's phone started ringing loudly and she sighed as she pulled it from her pocket.
"Hey Finn…yeah, I'm on my way now…okay, I'll see you soon, love you to, bye," she finished the call and sighed quietly and stared at Blaine.
"I need to go Blaine," Blaine nodded as he stood up and hugged his sister tightly, "You'll figure out what to do, I know you will."
"I'm really glad you came Mia," Blaine smiled as he pulled away from her.
"Mom and Dad will come around, they just need time to process things, and deep down they just want you to be happy." She smiled and squeezed his shoulder.
"Thanks Mia," he said quietly as he walked her to the front door. They exchanged goodbyes and Blaine hugged Mia one more time before she finally left. When he closed the door behind her, he finally felt as if a huge weight had been lifted from his shoulders.
Rachel sighed as she sat in front of her mirror after completing her make up, she could hear excited conversation from everyone around her as they rushed around to get ready. She still wasn't sure whether Blaine was actually going to come tonight, they'd barely spoken since Jesse had last visited her. She didn't know whether that was a good thing or a bad thing, she knew that he had things of his own that he had to work through and she accepted that. She was pulled from her thoughts when Tina sat down at the dresser next to her and began working on her own make up, not yet noticing that Rachel was sitting next to her. Rachel took a deep breath and smiled slightly.
"Good luck tonight," she said quietly, Tina rolled her eyes and turned her back on her. Rachel sighed and stood up and wondered through the rush of cast members.
"Hey Rachel!" she paused when she heard someone calling her name, she turned around, regretting it instantly when she saw Jacob approaching her.
"My sources tell me that you're recently single," he smirked and Rachel rolled her eyes in disgust, "Since it's our opening night, I'm going to take you out to celebrate, and if you want to give me a little something, something in return, I wouldn't say no."
"You're such a jerk Jacob!" Rachel hissed, "I wouldn't go out with you if someone paid me!"
"What's the matter, am I not gay enough, I hear that's more your style these days," he scoffed and Rachel glared at him, resisting the burning desire she had to punch him.
"Just leave me alone," she said through gritted teeth.
"Hey, I'm stating the facts here, call me when you want a real man to show you how it's done." He smirked at her and walked in the opposite direction, Rachel stared after him, she could feel the tears and she shook her head furiously, she wasn't going to cry, not tonight, she'd dreamt of this moment all year, it was finally her turn, she wasn't going to let anyone take it away from her.
"Places people!" Rachel turned on her heel and strutted towards the stage, ready to take her position for her opening number.
Blaine took a deep breath as he stood in front of main doors to the Julliard theatre; he watched as people walked inside, each of them too wrapped up in their own conversation to even notice him. When Jesse had first given him the envelope with his ticket inside, he was a little nervous to say the least. Sure Rachel had said that she was ready when he was, but Blaine wasn't sure what that meant. He desperately wanted to be with her and give what they had a chance, but it still didn't stop the anxiety he was dealing with.
"So, are we actually going to go inside?" Jesse asked, walking up behind Blaine. He nodded and the two walked inside and took their seats, patiently waiting for the show to begin.
"Do you think she's okay?" Blaine asked, "I mean, she did want me to have the tickets, that's a good sign, right?" Jesse rolled his eyes and turned to face his friend.
"Will you just chill out?" Jesse laughed, "You two have been apart for an entire week, yet you're all each other can talk about, of course she wants to see you," Blaine furrowed his eyebrows in concentration and nodded slowly before turning to face the stage, once again. The house lights came down and Blaine stared at the stage, his breath catching in his throat when he saw Rachel finally appear on stage. If she was nervous, she certainly didn't show it. Jesse glanced at Blaine and gave him a satisfied grin as Blaine sat in his seat, completely mesmerised by Rachel's performance on stage.
The performance finished and Blaine, along with the rest of the audience, jumped to his feet and applauded enthusiastically. Rachel beamed on the stage as she embraced the applause that everyone was giving her; she scanned the crowd hoping that she'd be able to spot Blaine, but there was no sign on him. She sighed quietly, before taking one more bow and returning backstage, to get changed and head home once again to her empty apartment.
"Are you coming Blaine?" Jesse asked as the audience began to leave the theatre, Blaine shook his head and sunk his hands deep into his pockets.
"I think I'm going to wait around for a while," he said and Jesse nodded,
"Right okay, tell Rachel that she was amazing tonight," he smirked knowingly and Blaine laughed as he said goodbye to his friend. Blaine watched as everyone began to leave, before making his way to the stage door, he was pretty sure that would be the best place to look for Rachel.
Rachel sighed as she watched the backstage area become full of family and friends of various cast members, she slightly regretted telling her dad's not to bother making the journey out to New York, but she really couldn't deal with facing them right now. They didn't know what had been going on in their daughter's life, and Rachel wanted to keep it that way, at least until she knew what was going to happen next for her and Blaine. She spotted Mike on the other side of the room as he hugged and congratulated Tina and she sighed quietly as she quickly got changed and picked up her bag and slipped out of the door unnoticed by the rest of the cast.
Blaine continued to wait for Rachel, he still didn't know what he was going to say to her, and whether she'd actually want what he wanted, after all of the hurt and trouble they had caused, but he didn't care, he just knew that he had to see her. He sighed as he leant against the wall, he heard the door open and he saw her emerge from behind the door. Rachel hadn't noticed him standing there; he smirked and cleared his throat.
"You know, it occurred to me that we never actually had a first date." Rachel jumped slightly and smiled as Blaine walked over to her.
"Blaine, what are you doing here?" she asked, before he pulled her closer to him and pressed his lips firmly against hers. He smiled as she immediately responded to the kiss, and he held her tighter.
"I didn't think you'd come," Rachel smiled as she pulled away from the kiss,
"I promised you that I'd be there for your opening night," he grinned,
"Yes, but that was before everything blew up in our faces," Blaine shrugged and kissed her again.
"I had to see you again Rachel, it's been torture not seeing you everyday," he admitted. "And although we've hurt so many people, I'm actually glad that it's all out there, you know?" Rachel nodded slowly.
"I know that it's going to take everyone some time to get used to the idea, but I don't want to have to hide how much I love you any longer," Rachel smiled at him and kissed his cheek softly.
"I've missed you so much," she whispered, "I know that it was my idea to spend some time apart, but I think we can both agree that it's not done either of us any good."
"I want to be with you Rachel, all the time. I want to be the guy that comforts you when you need it, I want to be the guy that supports you as you take over Broadway, I want to be the guy that sits in the audience cheering loudly when you receive your first Tony Award. I want to be your boyfriend Rachel," Rachel smiled and pulled him into another kiss, running her hands through his hair as he placed his hands on her lower back, holding her body closely against his.
"So, about that first date, did you have anywhere in mind?" Rachel smiled, pressing her forehead against his; Blaine gave her a broad grin and clasped her hand tightly inside of his.
"The possibilities are endless," he grinned, Rachel giggled as Blaine started walking away, taking her with him, "But luckily for you, we've got an entire lifetime of dates ahead of us,"
And that's it :) I really hope you liked it. I am thinking of posting an epilogue to this, but I'm not entirely sure yet what I'm going to do, so for now I'm going to list this as complete, but let me know what your thoughts are regarding the epilogue - would you want one, or are you happy to leave it here? Also, someone requested a sequel, and again, it's not something that I'm working on, but I'll never say never, because Raine doesn't seem to want to leave me alone, and I'm sure that one day I'll want to revisit them and see what is happening in their lives. Let me know what you think, and whether you would want to read a sequel, or again, are you happy to leave them both alone for now?