Hey, it's me! Here's the last chapter! Enjoy and Review!

Chapter 28

"It's sad that you're leaving." Gohan frowned as he watched Future Gohan and Future Trunks load up their time machine, which was sitting in the courtyard. A few other students were watching curiously, to see what would happen. The majority of them had left to Hogsmeade.

"It was nice to meet you." Harry smiled as he held his hand out. Future Gohan chuckled as he shook Harry's hand.

"You're a good man, Harry. Something in short supply these days. I do hope our paths can cross again in the future." Future Gohan grinned.

"Anything's possible. Say… any girls I meet when I get older?" Gohan grinned, getting several slaps on the head in response.

"Well, your future is quite different than mine, buddy. Who knows anymore?" Future Gohan chuckled. Gohan laughed. The older saiyan flipped and landed into the cockpit of the machine. Trunks made the two finger symbol as the machine's top closed. Then, the machine rose into the air, glowed white, and vanished in a flash of light, getting several wows and gasps in response. Gohan chuckled.

"Want to go see Lupin, Harry?" Gohan asked.

"Sure." Harry smiled as they waved bye to their friends and walked into the castle. The walked into the DADA classroom and into Lupin's office to see him packing a suitcase, the majority of his things already packed.

"You're leaving?" Gohan asked in surprise, causing Lupin to look up and smile.

"Ah, yes. It appears that someone let loose the nature of my condition this morning. And parents won't want someone like me, teaching their children." Lupin smiled.

"I'll put Snape back in that hospital wing!" Gohan snarled as he turned to go.

"It's for the best, Mr Son. I put you all in danger last night. If I had bitten one of you…" Lupin began to say.

"Trust me, there was no chance of that. You ran from the gigantic ape." Gohan joked, getting the three to laugh.

"Since I am no longer your teacher, I have no quams about giving you this." Lupin smiled as he handed Harry a silvery cloak.

"Thanks!" Harry grinned.

"For future reference, Harry, I would advise that you keep an eye on your belongings. Many of them could be quite dangerous in the wrong hands, as you've already seen." Lupin frowned.

"I know, Professor." Harry smiled.

"One thing, Professor. Did you know that Videl was Veronica's daughter?" Gohan asked curiously. Lupin chuckled.

"It was hard not to notice the resemblance. She certainly inherited her mother's temper. Veronica was always going about that muggle martial artist, even though it really pissed her parents off." Lupin smiled.

"Just the way things go sometimes. Will we meet again?" Gohan asked.

"Perhaps, Mr. Son." Lupin smiled. At that moment, Dumbledore appeared in the doorway.

"Remus, your carriage is here." He said. Lupin smiled, and then said goodbye as he left.

"Another year, gone. Time seems to get faster as we get older." Dumbledore chuckled.

"I've got at least two hundred more years left to live. I ain't worried." Gohan joked as he plopped in Lupin's chair.

"Professor… I think I made a mistake, letting Pettigrew live." Harry said. Dumbledore looked at him curiously.

"I mean… now he's free to go back to Voldemort, and Sirius can't be proved innocent." Harry sighed.

"Don't forget, you helped save an innocent man from a horrible fate. And Pettigrew owes you a life debt now." Dumbledore smiled.

"The prophecy came true." Gohan said, causing both parties to look at him. Gohan sighed and told them about Trelawney's episode during his final exam.

"And you didn't say anything why?" Harry sputtered.

"I see. That makes the total of true predictions that she has cast two." Dumbledore smiled.

"What is a Dark Emperor anyway?" Gohan asked. Dumbledore frowned.

"A long time ago, Mr Son, there was an Order of Dark Lords that served a Dark Empire. They had their own academies, rituals, and traditions. There were once thousands of them, and they all served the Dark Emperor, their ruler. It was, to be blunt, a cutthroat position. These Dark Lords would divulge into the Dark Arts, and would give themselves new names once they reached a certain age, undergoing rituals. They were often at odds with other wizards, and were known to wear black robes. Many of their techniques are forbidden to use today." Dumbledore answered.

"Just like how Tom Riddle changed his name to Lord Voldemort." Harry said.

"Yes, Gohan. But, the Order of the Dark Lords faded out centuries ago, due to internal fighting. The last known Dark Lord was Lord Marxius, from four hundred years ago. That is, until Lord Voldemort appeared. Although, Tom never followed many of the traditions set by those before him, such as giving his followers new names, or having his own academy." Dumbledore answered. He smiled.

"But, that is talk of the past. Mr Potter… well done indeed. Your parents would be proud. Same with you, Mr Son." Dumbledore smiled.

"Thanks." They said at the same time.

"I hope you enjoy the feast tonight." Dumbledore smiled as he left the room.

"Oh, Professor!" Gohan called out quick, causing Dumbledore to look at him curiously.

"Have you seen Katie anywhere?" Gohan asked.

"I saw Miss Bell in the courtyard with her friends, Mr Son." Dumbledore said.

"Thanks." Gohan smiled as Dumbledore turned to go. Dumbledore paused.

"Do be gentle on her, Mr Son. It's unfortunate that things didn't work out between you two. Young love… wonderful and tragic at the same time." Dumbledore sighed, before turning and leaving.

"You're going to have to tell them sometime." Dumbledore turned to see Piccolo looking at him.

"Now is not the time." Dumbledore frowned.

"And you don't think that Sirius will tell them the truth about Videl and her heritage? About her real father? They will find out, one way or another, and they'll hate you for it." Piccolo frowned.

"If Gohan Son wishes to kill me, I can hardly stop him. If Cell or Voldemort learns about her true power now, they'll use her against us." Dumbledore said.

"All the more reason to reveal her heritage and train her, before they do. Do you want her turned into a Dark Lady?" Piccolo frowned. Dumbledore sighed.

"The time will present itself. Now is not the time. Good day." Dumbledore smiled as he walked down the hallway.

"You're going to get us all killed, you fool! Just like Fudge!" Piccolo spat before whirling and flying out the window.

"See you later, mate." Gohan gulped as he wiped his head.

"Good luck, mate." Harry laughed as he clapped Gohan on the back. He glared at Harry as they left the room and parted. Gohan gulped as he walked down to the courtyard to see Katie chatting with her friends.

"Kate!" Gohan called out, causing her to look at him.

"Oh! Gohan! I was looking for you. Wanna head up to the dorms?" She smiled as she walked over to him. Gohan nodded as they walked through a hallway.

"Really? Why?" Gohan asked curiously.

"You know, it was a neat year. Winning the cup, learning these cool tricks, having a cool boyfriend… but…" Katie frowned.

"You don't think that things are going to work out between us." Gohan finished. She sighed as she nodded.

"I don't mind. It was fun, Katie, but I think we're better off as friends. And teammates." Gohan smiled.

"I agree. See you later." Katie smiled as she pecked Gohan on the cheek in front of the portrait. Then, the portait hole opened up and they walked in. Gohan gave a small wave as Katie walked up to her dorm.

"Well, looks like you're a bachelor again!" Gohan turned to see Ron and Harry leaning on the couch.

"It wasn't that bad. Let's see you get a girl." Gohan smirked as he crossed his arms. Ron blushed as he snarled and gritted his teeth.

"So, who's next? Hermione? Videl? Angelica? Ginny?" Harry joked as Gohan plopped onto the couch.

"Huh? What did you just say?" Ron gaped at his best friend, who laughed.

"Geez, guys. The only thing I care about at the moment is what's going to be served at the feast." Gohan grinned. Ron and Harry stared at Gohan, before they all burst into laughter.

"Boys." Hermione rolled her eyes as she, Videl, and Ginyn watched them laugh.

"Tell me about it." Videl and Ginny said at the same time. The end of the year feast was wonderful, with Gryffindor winning the House Cup, for the third year in a row, getting much applause. Gohan had eaten quite a lot, and the news that he and Katie were no longer an item had spread like wildfire, causing girls of all ages to look at him again, much to his chargain. Before he knew it, he was sitting on the Hogwarts Express with his friends. Hermione groaned as she held the back of her neck, causing Gohan to frown.

"You okay?" Gohan asked.

"My back is killing me." She groaned.

"I've got it." Videl smirked as she pushed a surprised Hermione against the wall and jabbed her in the back several times.

"Whoa. What did you do?" Hermione asked.

"When you're in martial arts, you need to know how to take care of yourself." Videl smiled.

"Do me?" Ron grinned hopefully as he turned.

"Hell no. You're not getting a free rub from me." Videl smirked, causing Ron to groan.

"So, Vegeta gonna come back to teach next year?" Videl asked. Gohan frowned.

"I'm not sure. Probably. I think he's starting to have fun." Gohan chuckled. Then, he glanced at Hermione.

"Hermione, I don't think all that stuff with the time turner was a good idea." Gohan said. Hermione sighed.

"You're right. I already handed it in and dropped the extra classes. All that work was too much." Hermione sighed.

"Before he kills Fred and George?" Ron raised an eyebrow.

"I agree. Splitting myself into four on a regular basis was really taxing, not to mention the headaches, so I dropped those extra classes too. I guess we learned something, eh?" Gohan smiled. Then, a tapping on the window caused them to turn to see a small owl clutching two letters outside, tapping on their window. Harry opened the window, causing the owl to land on him. He yelped as he pulled the letters from the owl.

"It's for me. And this one's for you." Harry frowned as he handed the other letter to Videl. He frowned as he opened it.

"Dear Harry, I hope you got this. Thank you once again for all your help. Please keep an eye on my cousin. If she's like her mother, she can be a handful, but she has a good heart. I hope that we'll be able to meet again in the future. I got you this owl as a gift. Also, it was I who got you the Firebolt for Christmas. I also got you something else. Enjoy. S.B." Harry frowned as he picked up the piece of paper that fell out of the letter.

"I, Sirius Black, hereby give Harry Potter permission to enter Hogsmeade." was written on it.

"That'll be enough for Dumbledore!" Hermione said as she looked at the paper. Videl let out a little gasp, causing Harry to look at her. She was holding what appeared to be several photographs.

"He sent me photos of my mum! And I think that this is me!" she beamed as she handed one of the photos to Harry. Harry looked at it to see a woman who looked like an older version of Videl beaming as she layed in a bed holding a small pink bundle that had small black hair and tiny hands covered with small pink gloves.

"You look very cute." Hermione smiled.

"Thanks. I'm gonna keep these close. Specially since my dad doesn't have any." Videl smiled as she pocketed them.

"I already have Hedwig. You can have him, Ron." Harry smiled as he patted the small owl. Ron beamed.

"Alright! Thanks." Ron grinned as the owl hooted.

"So, you gonna come by my house again?" Gohan smirked.

"Maybe." Harry chuckled.

"Oh, I almost forgot! The Quidditch World Cup's gonna be this summer. I'll get you guys tickets! Wizards from all around the world are going to be there! You guys wanna come?" Ron asked excitedly.

"Hell yeah!" Harry, Videl, and Gohan said at the same time.

"I am going to get mobbed. I wonder if I'll get to see some American girls. Or, maybe some French girls!" Gohan got slapped upside the head, causing him to yelp as he held his aching head.

"Never mind." He said softly. They continued to chat until the train docked into Platform 9¾. Gohan grinned as he saw his friends and family on the platform. He waved good-bye as he leaped off, and was immediately mobbed.

"Ahh, you got big, kiddo!" Bardock chuckled as he patted Gohan on the head. He got hugged by his mother.

"Yay! Gohan's back!" little Goten smiled as he hugged Gohan's leg.

"You haven't seen my husband, have you?" Bulma raised an eyebrow at Gohan.

"Nope. He left on his own. Probably in Capsule Corp by now." Gohan smirked. Bulma sighed as she rolled her eyes.

"Figures. Oh, and Krillin wants you to meet someone." Bulma chuckled, causing Gohan to look towards the monk, who was beaming at Gohan. He frowned, and Krilli grinned as he wrapped his arm around 18, who was holding a small pink bundle.

"No way! Congrats!" Gohan grinned as he hugged Krillin.

"Her name's Marron! She was born two weeks ago. We wanted to keep it a surprise for you, buddy!" Krillin grinned.

"We'll talk more on the way home." Chi-Chi smirked, leading the small group through the platform. Gohan's eyes widened to see Harry with his relatives, and his uncle looked terrified.

"Oh no. Not this asshole again." Bulma muttered. Harry's uncle noticed her, though, and immediately shoved Harry aside.

"Oh! Miss Briefs! I do hope you got my request." He asked as he attempted to make himself look good.

"I did. I thought my secretary told you that we were not interested. Besides, my friend has told me a lot about you. You okay, Harry?" Bulma asked as Bulma helped Harry up, causing Vernon to squeak.

"You… you know him?" Vernon squeaked.

"Of course. He's a friend." Bulma smirked.

"Uncle Vernon, meet my friend, Gohan Son. The golden warrior from the Cell Games." Herry grinned, making Dudley's eyes widen and Vernon go white.

"Okay guys, I'm off." They turned to see Videl with a duffel bag in her hand.

"Aren't you waiting for your dad, Videl?" Harry asked.

"Nah. No one would get out of the station, and my dad would be covered with British women for a few hours. I'll just take the Floo Network. See you at the Quidditch Cup. Videl pecked Gohan and Harry on the cheek before taking off, vanishing into the crowd.

"Was that… Videl Satan?" Dudley gaped.

"Yep! She's really cool once you get to know her." Harry chuckled.

"She's one of those freaks?" Vernon sputtered.

"Excuse me?" Chi-Chi asked with a dangerous tone in her voice.

"You know! Those freaks with the twigs! Just like those blasted parents of Potter! They're all freaks!" the fat man roared.

"Excuse me? That happens to include my son." Chi-Chi said dangerously. A wail came from Marron.

"You're scaring my daughter." Android 18 said dangerously to Vernon. Petunia was wisely at a safe distance.

"Ummmm… Uncle Vernon?" Harry asked nervously. The man ignored him.

"Yeah! He's just another freak!" Vernon snarled.

BAM! Chi-Chi nailed the man in the head with her legendary frying pan, causing him to roar in pain as he clutched his huge head.

"You little!" he roared in rage. Android 18 handed Marron to Krillin, and grabbed Vernon, hurling him into a pillar, causing it to crack in half. She took Marron back from Krillin and bounced her gently. Vernon groaned as he sat up.

"There's no problem here. Just a squabble." Bulma reassured a conductor who was looking them curiously.

"Now, if Harry tells us that you're being mean to him, and we will know, your house will have some unexpected demolishment. My friends don't like to be pissed off." Bulma smiled. Gohan grinned as he let blue sparks flahs over him, before firing a ki beam at Dudley's feet, a small one, causing him to stumble back with shock.

"And if you behave, maybe we can talk business." Bulma smirked at the man, causing him to sputter and nod.

"Don't forget. If Harry isn't happy, I will make it so that you are blacklisted in every company on this god damn planet. Your company will go out of buisness, you will never get another job, you will go bankrupt. Do I make myself clear?" Bulma hissed. The terrified man nodded as he scrambled to his feet and made his best effort to take off, with the rest of the family in tow. Harry grinned and gave the two finger symbol before vanishing into the crowd.

"Damn! Nice job, Bulma." Gohan grinned, ignoring the glare from his mother. Bardock let out a low whistle.

"Thanks. Just another buisness transaction." Bulma chuckled as she pulled out a cigarette.

"Ahem?" 18 glared at Bulma, glancing at Marron. The young baby gurgled.

"Sheesh, never mind." Bulma rolled her eyes as she pushed the cigarette back into her pack. Gohan grinned as he looked around. His friends and family were alright, and Cell had retreated for now. For the moment, things were good. And, the excitement of the Quidditch Cup was what was on his mind.


Cell paced in his chamber, frowning. Once again, he had been forced to run. But, he knew what he had seen. That girl was a saiyan, no doubt about it. He had been pacing like this since bringing Pettigrew here. He snarled as he stepped out of his chamber, his robes billowing behind him as he stalked down the metal corridor of the recently built laboratory. The door in front of him flew open to reveal Dr. Gero working on a computer.

"Is it done?" Cell asked, causing the scientist to look at him.

"Of course, my perfect creation. The snake milk has been imputed into the mixture. And now… tell me you have it!" Dr Gero's eyes gleamed. Cell chuckled as he held his hand out.

"He never noticed." Cell grinned as he dropped several black hairs into Gero's open palm. The doctor gleamed with delight.

"Excellent. I will begin immediately! With this new technology, the process will be perfect!" the doctor crackled.

"Of course. Who better to have as the perfect partner, and who better who knows Gohan Son's techniques and habits?" Cell grinned. The doctor laughed as he rushed off towards another computer. Cell smiled as he walked up to the central tube and looked at what was inside. It looked like a small baby, with tubes going into its arms, legs, and mouth. The baby was floating in a clear liquid.

"So, Lord Voldemort, I'm pleased to see you've improved." Cell smiled. He didn't get an answer in response.

"We both have foes we want dead. You want Harry Potter dead, I want Gohan Son dead. My plans include them both ending up deceased. Together, we can revive the Empire of Old, and the Order of the Dark Lords! Together, we are unstoppable! So… do we have an agreement?" Cell smiled. The baby opened it's eyes, revealing a pair of red orbs.


Well… that's that. Now, I have to edit up Goblet of Fire. Enjoy!