The day was like any other day at first. Work a bit, Fight a few bad guys and do some training. That all changed pretty fast.

Dudley and Kitty were driving back to TUFF after beating the Chameleon once again. They went inside to find the Chief waiting for them at the door instead of in his office like usual.

The Chief was smiling so they could easily tell that he had good news. "Agents, First I'd like to say good job for defeating the Chameleon once again." Dudley and Kitty smiled.

"One more thing, Agent Katswell, Cody is stopping by for a visit for a while." The Chief said.

Kitty's face lit up but Dudley was confused. "Who's Cody?" he asked.

"Cody was my old partner. He had to move to India because he had to help his family who lives there. He's also my ex- boyfriend. We didn't think a long distance relationship would work out so we broke up." Kitty said.

Before Dudley had time to reply, Cody entered the room. He was a little bit taller than Kitty, he was a cat as well and he had on a red T-shirt and blue jeans. He had black hair similar to Harry Potter's and he had orange fur.

"Hello Agent Cody." Chief said. "Welcome back." Cody saluted the Chief and turned to Kitty who he immediately hugged. Dudley bit his tongue.

"Great to see you Cody!" Kitty said. "How's your family doing?"

"A lot better." Cody said with a smile. Before Dudley could clear his throat erratically like he did with Jack Rabbit, Cody pulled away from Kitty and saw him.

"I'm guessing that's Dudley." he said.

Doing the best he could not to show his anger, Dudley shook his hand and said, "How do you know my name?"

"Kitty and I still write each other. She's told me all about you." Cody replied. "Nice to meet you."

"Same to you." Dudley said although inside he didn't feel that way at all.

"I brought gifts." Cody said. He grabbed a bag and pulled something out.

"Chief, I got you a high- tech hovercraft that's perfect for someone your size to get around. It has some India flare to it." Cody said and Chief smiled.

Cody then turned to Kitty. "Kitty, I got you an Indonesian bracelet." Kitty smiled as well.

Lastly, Cody turned to Dudley, "Dudley, I got you a box of fancy Indonesian sweets." Dudley for a while forgot about his anger and took the box.


Kitty and Cody were talking in the conference room catching up. Dudley on the other hand was at his desk thinking of so many things. The thought hurting him the most was the fact that Kitty and Cody might get back together.

Thinking about this made him feel sick. He started thinking for a minute and thought; I don't think that's why I feel sick.

Almost as if on cue the Chief came up on the screen. "Attention agents," he started as Kitty and Cody walked over to the screen. Dudley on the other hand was slowly walking over.

Kitty looked at him and she started to look concerned. "Dudley. Are you okay?" she asked.

"Yea, I just"- Dudley never got to finish his sentence because the second he started he ran into the bathroom.

Kitty with more concern rushed to the door and listened. Dudley was vomiting. "He's sick Chief." Kitty said. Dudley came out of the bathroom looking green. "Should I take him home?" Kitty asked.

"No, I'm okay." Dudley said shakily.

"Agent Puppy, you're sick. You have to." Chief said. "Someone else can cover for you on your mission."

"I'll do it." Cody said.

Dudley wanted to fight this but he felt too sick so he let Kitty help him into the car and take him home.

After she dropped Dudley off and made sure he got in, Kitty drove back to TUFF and picked up Cody to go on the mission. Snaptrap was planning to blow up the moon again because apparently he was allergic to cream as well (see Toast of TUFF.)

Kitty fought like usual but for some strange reason, as she fought, she couldn't help but feel that something wasn't right. What was it though? At first she thought it was because Dudley was sick. Nope. That wasn't it. What was it?

To be continued