It was supposed to be a normal day, but, the Vargas household was anything but.
Two sisters, living under one roof, after the death of their grandfather.
Felicia, was a very sweet and kindhearted girl, with a heart of gold, she could always make someone feel better. To Ludwig, she was an angel, always making sure others were well, even if they were simple ways that Kiku would often compare to Tohru Honda.
Her skin fair, her hair soft bronze silk strands, and her smile the crown jewel to her kind appearance.
She always was the "baby" always getting pampered by her nonno, who loved and cared for her, even neglecting Lovina, the eldest of the two.
This wasn't supposed to happen. Felicia was supposed to be naive, innocent, untouched, but how, how did she end up like this?
How did she end up pregnant?
"This can't be right!" an angry voice shouted, haunting through the halls like a poltergeist.
In the bathroom, the sisters stood, or rather, Lovina stood, as her younger sister, leaned against the toilet, another wave of nausea hitting her. Ever since she started to get sick, especially after that tine of the month, Lovina got worried, and being the overprotective sister, she stormed into a local store, and bought as many tests that she could fit into the basket, giving death glares to those who stared, and even threatening Heracles to keep his mouth shut. Like he'd remember while being half asleep...
She made Felicia take 20 tests, each saying the same thing: pregnant.
Her baby sister.
Her baby sister...with a baby...
Even worse.
It was the potato bastard's.
She tried to make sense of it, why her little baby sister, why Felicia of all people? Sure, she had moments of anger, but she could never wish that on her baby sister.
How could he ruin her little sister like that? This had to be a crime, he had to suffer for this. He had to!
"S-sorella" Felicia sniffles, wiping her mouth, tears spilling from her kind amber eyes. Her once bright, hope-filled irises were now full of fear, and despair.
How was she going to tell him?
The Beilschmidt household was no different in terms of how "normal" it was. Gilbert, the older, but somehow less mature, loudly ranted about his so called "awesomeness" and his "awesome five meters", occasionally calling his brother "west", he continued to rant.
Ludwig spaced out, occasionally nodding, or giving a small grunt in response.
It was late into the afternoon, getting close to night, and not a single word, call text or any other form of communication from or about Felicia. He was getting worried. His angel was missing...
"Hey west!" Gilbert yelled snapping one of his fingers in front of his brother. "Are you even listening about how I kicked Roddy's sorry, prissy ass?"
The German nodded in response, but by then he had barely heard a word, which was really something unheard of. He had always been known to pay attention, especially during the meetings.
Gilbert shook his head, letting out one of his trademark "kesesesesese"s, a diabolical yet weird sounding chant, that could almost give Ivan's "kolkolkol" a run for its money.
"West, go see her...mein gott, you have been miserable without her..."
Ludwig facepalmed, before taking in the words. He hadn't seen Felicia for a day now. Something had to be wrong. He had to make sure she was well.
But, what if she hated him? What if she were hurt? No...he mustn't think like that, this wasn't one of those mafia-centered movies, where the innocent sweetheart is bumped off by a rival mob. This was his (mostly) ordinary life...right?
He stood up, causing Gilbert to complain. He had to make sure she was well.
"GET OUT!" Lovina's screamed, as she picked up a book, hurling it at the so called "potato bastard", occasionally letting out a "chigi" here and there. She was outraged to see him here, even more so because he got Felicia pregnant.
"She doesn't want to see you! F-"
"Sorella! That's rude~" poor little Felicia walked out, she appeared tired, and not her usual hyper self. She had lost that perfect angelic appearance.
Bags under her eyes, hair disheveled, clothing with a couple stains. She looked like she went through hell.
"Ludwig..." some of her cheerfulness returned, as she smiled at him. It may have been a weak smile, but it was still a smile. Turning to face her sister, that smile faded. "It's alright sorella"
Lovina scoffed, before walking out, her dark heeled boots violently making contact with the floor.
Felicia shook her head, sighing. She was even more scared than Lovina. She was carrying a baby, a small combination of Ludwig and herself. She was scared.
"Felicia...what's wrong?" Ludwig awkwardly patted her back as she sobbed on his shoulder. Each moment she sounded more and more upset. Each sob, more panicked, even more so than the way she cried when scared of being bullied.
Ludwig remained unable to comfort her, as she continued to sob.
"Felicia..." he tried to get the words that would help her. "Felicia...tell me..."
"Doitsu...d-do you still love me?..."
Her voice shook as she asked this.
"Of coarse...why?" he frowned. He knew that her grandfather was an infamous womanizer...was she trying to say she cheated on him? "Felicia..." he was getting a headache from this, and he could feel the bloodlust radiating from Lovina.
"D-doitsu...I-I'm so...scared..." she wailed. "I-I'm..."
"You're what"
"I'm p-"
"That's it!" all it took were those two words for all hell to break loose. Lovina tried to kick Ludwig in the...vital regions, causing Felicia to scream, then she felt nauseous, and ran off into the bathroom. He sighed, as he tried to make the angry older sister go away, but with her screaming and punching him, it was to little avail.
"Lovina...I need to help Felicia..."
He frowned, and saw Antonio, her on again off again boyfriend walking in. His oblivious smile made him seem like an older more cheerful male version of Felicia.
He spent a lot of time with his usual tomato centered word, and it was very clear that's why he had been absent. Lovina got very angry, when he would go back to take care of them, and this would normal result in her screaming, something gets broken, then he gives her a cute little tomato-filled basket, and they would somehow make up. Needless to say it was a very unpredictable relationship.
"What the hell are yo-"
"Lovi, it's very rude to talk like that." Antonio's creepy smile stayed, as he places a hand on her shoulder. Ludwig still didn't understand why he put up with her. She was younger than him, and the way he treated her, he would be what many girls would consider "the perfect boyfriend". He was too soft, and she knew it, and time after time she would push those boundaries. He never hit a girl, but with her, he nearly did just that.
It was a good thing Gilbert was around, but a bad thing that Ludwig got to hear him yelling out his problems with Lovina, and how Gilbert told him to "grow his pair back" and find someone else, but he blindly stayed with Lovina, saying that she could be kind and gentle too.
How he kept the patience. Ludwig would never know.
With the angrier of the two Italian sisters yelling at the poor guy, Ludwig made his way to the bathroom.
Felicia looked worse that before, she tried to keep her hair from falling into the toilet, and each moment she sounded miserable.
Being the caring boyfriend, he carefully tied her hair back into a ponytail, before trying to make her feel better, by rubbing her back.
She seemed to relax, and after a minute or two of coughing, she was back to her happy self.
She sat on the toilet seat, wiping her tears, while she waited for him to get something to help settle her stomach.
"Felicia...this may help..."
"Thanks doitsu" she smiled at him.
"Tell me what's wrong..."
She took a deep breath, before reaching down into the small trash bin, picking the box out. She took the test and handed it to him, since she was still too emotional to say it out loud.
"You're...pregnant?" he seemed to be in some shock. His blue eyes widened slightly, and his face seemed to become more pale.
She nodded hoping that he would hug her, and make everything better, just like when she would fall and hurt herself, or anytime she needed him.
"mein gott..." he muttered trying to take it all in. "...pregnant..."
"Kesesesesese" he cringed as he turned to see Gilbert grinning like the Cheshire cat. His red eyes sparkled with mischievous intentions, as he watched the couple. "I KNEW you had it in ya west" he laughed, causing a light pink dusting to appear on his brother's cheeks. "boy or girl?" he grinned at Felicia.
"I-I don't know yet..." she shyly replied.
"I bet it's a girl!" he exclaimed, walking over to Ludwig.
"What makes you think that bruder?"
"My awesomeness, Kesesesesese~"
"But, Lovi-"
He sighed running a hand through his brown hair. With all the stress she caused it was a miracle he wasn't losing his hair, or an unhealthy amount of weight. After all stress is deadly.
"Lovi just hear me out" he pleaded with her, but she was as stubborn and uncompromising as the bulls he would face in his free free time.
"NO!" she screamed. "AND IT'S LOVINA NOT LOVI!"
He sighed, reaching for his pocket. "Lovina...I wasn't working this time..."
"N-no...Lovina Katerina Vargas..." he began. "You scare people, curse them out, but I know the real're scared of being alone..."
She frowned at him, especially when he got down on one knee.
"Marry me?" he meekly smiled at her before revealing the ring he bought for her.
She stared at it in shock. This is why he would avoid her for days upon days. This is why Francis seemed to back away from her. This is why he was working?
Some say love is blind. Some say it clouds your judgement. To Lovina, she didn't care either way. After all since she was the more cynical out of the two sisters, she didn't believe any of that. Not that she cared anyway.
She noticed he had that same determined look, like when he was trying to get her to go out with him. Leaving daisies in her locker, bringing her the sweetest tomatoes he could pick. Even asking her grandfather when he was still alive.
He was what she would call "an idiot in love".
Sighing she looked down at him.
He smiled, and stood up, placing the ring on her finger. She had a small blush that he used to compare to a tomato. Not so much now, since she could be very sensitive, but that didn't mean he couldn't think it...did it?
Being pregnant meant that a lot of things were going to change, and Ludwig being the strict rule-following, precise German man he was, had to do a small change in how their relationship was.
To him that meant:
1. They would have to move in together.
2. Get married as soon as possible.
3. For her and the baby's sake, he would give up beer completely, which meant it would be easier for their friend Kiku to consume less sodium.
4. Prepare for their little bundle of joy -taking classes, getting supplies, clothing, furniture, going to the doctor, finding a doctor he can trust assisting in the birthing process-
He frowned, wishing he had more time for the first two, but with the jobs he respectfully held, he knew that he could manage, and with all of what Gilbert called "Roddy's annoying frugal attacks" he knew how to be able to support both Felicia and the baby. Sure, he wouldn't be spoiling him or her, but he was going to make sure their kid grew up responsible, and maybe he would let them occasionally be a kid.
"I...I'm glad you're not angry" Felicia seemed to gave returned to her chipper self.
"Come on, let's get you cleaned up" he took her hand, and guided her to the sink. He cleaned her face with a wet cloth, before getting her a fresh comfortable set of clothing that she could relax in, while he took care of her.
He made her a healthy lunch, and as she ate, he packed up her clothing. Since it was a shared room, he noted where Lovina kept her clothing. Their grandfather's room, which was next door, remained untouched ever since Arthur's sister claimed a ghost tried to seduce her one night. That and one time he swore he saw him.
"I'll take care of her..." he stated as he stood in the room. "I apologize in advance that it was before I could properly tell you...but I must take her with me." he felt a weird almost comforting feeling, as he looked around, then it felt like someone patted the top of his head, messing up the way his blonde hair was styled. "Danke..."
He smiled and got her suitcase, bringing it down to his car. He got Felicia and left either her.
Lovina frowned even though she knew that Felicia would be cared for. She couldn't believe her baby sister was with that potato bastard. She couldn't believe that her baby sister was pregnant. She couldn't believe her babu sister just left.
"Lovi?" Antonio asked as he moved her closer to him, as he tried to cuddle. "What's wrong?"
Not realizing it she sighed. "My sorella is gone...what will I do?"
He chuckled. "Just enjoy what we have now? Maybe get married and have a baby of our own? How does that sound Lovi?"
She remained silent.
"Or we could have a baby sooner?"
He chuckled again. "I was kidding Lovi, just a joke, nothing to worry about."
"It better be" she muttered resting her head on his chest. She didn't like much of his "jokes" and what if he was "joking" like how he "joked" about that tomato costume?
"Have I lied to you before?".
Felicia seemed to cheered up the next couple months. Sure she was moody, hormonal, more irritable, but somehow with all the weird cravings, hormone-induced mood swings, she still had maintained the sweeter side of her personality.
Gilbert had started a small pool on how early or late she would be, while on the side there was a small bet on what the gender would be. That is, until Ludwig unleashed his "Germanly" wrath upon the Prussian, and made him give everybody their money back, resulting on a frying pan, courtesy of Elizabeta to the more obnoxious brother.
How Gilbert could handle all those malicious hits to the head, and NOT sustain a terrible brain impairment, was beyond the others.
Felicia was progressing very well, despite being a little young to have a baby, due to Ludwig watching over her like a hawk, and her "older brother", Francis making sure she kept her nutritious diet.
Lovina was still angry with Ludwig, but for the sake of her sister, didn't get into as many fights, but that didn't mean she wouldn't discretely flip him the bird, or mouth out "I'll rip your *bleep* off if you dare hurt my sorrella". He did his best to get on her good side, since eventually he was going to be part of the family, but she was impossible.
He did his best to care for Felicia, getting the foods she craved, except he had to portion the unhealthy foods, to sate the craving without being too harmful. Whenever she got sick, he would climb out of bed, tend to her, making sure her hair wasn't in the crossfire, then making something to settle her stomach. He had to thank Yao for some of the tips he gave to help the poor girl with her nausea and morning sickness.
By the end of the first trimester, she had a small little bump protruding out of the lower part of her torso, in others words she was just barely starting to show.
She kept that beautiful radiant cheerful glow, even as she knew that soon everything was going to change.
Just last week, Ludwig proposed to her, she giggled at how nervous he was, and how he almost was rambling in why he wanted to be with her until the end. She was as happy as a schoolgirl when she accepted, and now here she was with her Hungarian friend, Elizabeta, picking out a wedding gown.
"You'll need something with soft that...the embezzlements look fake..." Elizabeta put a finger over her chin, deep in thought.
"What about this one Liz?" Felicia gestured to a simple white gown, strapless, the bottom of it was layered to look almost similar to delicate flower petals, a beautiful translucent lace like ribbon around the bottom.
"That's really cute Feli" she giggled as she looked at every angle of the gown. "It's perfect for you"
"You really think so Liz?" her friend nodded. "Ve, I'm so happy" she paused and noticed a young woman watching them.
Intimidating eyes, light hair. Same scary aura.
"Ms. Natalya?" Felicia titled her head in confusion. "Why are you trying wedding dresses on...are you getting married too?"
"Nyet..." the Belorussian replied, her expression staying at apathetic, her cold tone dripping poison "I just want to show brother how pretty I will look when we get married, married, married..."
She started to trail off chanting the last word.
Every other week she would go to a bridal store, and text Ivan pictures of what she would look like, hoping that he would finally want to marry her. So far, no luck, but she was persistent. She didn't care it it took hundreds of times, she was going to marry him one way or another, and no matter who got on the way.
Toris, Raivis, that pretty boy Yao, she would drag them to hell, and faithfully return to her beloved brother if need be.
Now that she thought about it, that cross dressing Polish man, Feliks, he was getting on brother's last nerves, and she would do anything for brother, even if it meant killing.
Married. Married. She was going to get married, and nobody was going to get in the way of that.
Not even the brother she knew wanted this too, but was just acting shy...
Meanwhile, Ludwig was getting fitted for his suit, while Gilbert and Antonio sat on the sidelines, chatting about their own relationships.
Lovina, still angry about her baby sister getting pregnant, decided to ban anything that would lead to sex. She flat-out told Antonio if he wanted to keep his "vital regions" to keep it in his pants, and if not to even THINK about feeling her up, let alone actually touch her in that way. She even yelled "dead baby turtle" so that he would be too depressed to bring the kissing to the next level.
Gilbert was having better luck with Francis's little sister, even if she was the same age as Rosie, that annoying American girl who ate way too much fast food for her own good. Somehow she kept the weight metabolism much?
Anyway he and Mathilda were going strong, surprisingly into their three year. When he first asked the shy Canadian out, her sister, with her strong might, threatened to punch Gilbert into the next millennium, but Mathilda, being the shy girl, accepted his offer, shocking everyone, including their older stepbrother Arthur.
Nobody expected them to last, even Elizabeta, no especially Elizabeta. She laughed and gave them three minutes, and now here the couple was at three years.
After hearing of Felicia's pregnancy, Mathilda did the most sensible thing, she dragged her sister to a doctor, and made sure they both were prescribed the pill. Sure it was about seventy dollars a month for each of them, but that little amount was far more affordable than the thousands that a child would cost.
She still made sure there was absolutely no chance she could get pregnant, so if Gilbert didn't take all the precautions on his end, she would make him sleep on the couch, and he couldn't touch her for a while.
They were pretty much like a married couple already.
"Hey west, you look awesome, like one of those badass spies" he chuckled before imitating the 007 signature theme music that was always heard as the epic fighting scene Bond got into, culminated.
Ludwig sighed, holding back a chuckle. His brother was always...enthusiastic...sure let's go with that for now...
"You look great" Antonio added, smiling. He was glad that his almost little sister was getting married, yet at the same time, at the back of his mind, the sex-ban Lovina threw onto him...which was more like the "invade my personal square, and I'll neuter you" rule, wasn't sitting too well. But he loved Lovi, she was, and still is his tomato princess, and he'd wait until the end for her.
"so glad you're making me the awesome best man" Gilbert's Cheshire-cat-like grin returned, as he was being fitted for his suit. "Best choice, after marrying Felicia..." he added the last part, so his brother wasn't as annoyed.
Ludwig sighed, as he waited, he had done everything he needed to do.
Suit? Check.
Some of the registered gift list? Only partially completed.
Location? He got a phone call from his grandfather, and they were able to use the garden.
Guests? So far, a few people replied.
Food? Since they were getting married before the child was born, there had to be healthy food for Felicia, to help her maintain her nutrition. A small inconsistency in her very strict diet, was not acceptable.
The rest of the planning went off without a hitch, the dresses picked out, the decorations, even the small music.
However, with the day getting closer, Felicia grew more and more nervous. Elizabeta had told her it was wedding jitters, since she was once married, to Roderich. It didn't last too long, but she knew what Felicia was going through.
Even the tough Ludwig, was nervous. He knew he loves Felicia, she was the only one he really considered a friend. Sure, Kiku was, but he wasn't as close as his Feli.
As the day they were to go to Germany approached, the only problem was Gilbert, who caused a problem for the airport security, and nearly got tasered.
"Opa..." Ludwig shifted uncomfortably, as he brought Felicia with him.
"Grazie mr. Beilschmidt" Felicia smiled at him.
He only nodded in response, after all he was a man of few words.
"I'm going for a walk" she giggled before kissing his cheek.
Ludwig nodded and sat down with his grandfather.
"She's just like him..." he stated watching her walk away. "Shame...the mafia got him...he would have killed to walk her down the aisle.
"Ja..." Ludwig nodded.
Felicia walked down the garden to a small memorial. Engraved on the stone was the name Alderic Beilschmidt. He was known as Holy Roman Empire, Felicia's first love.
He left many years ago, drafted much to Felicia's despair. They never found his body, despite Gilbert's extensive searching. She met Ludwig after it was announced that they gave up the search, and she never forgot him.
She hoped that he would return to her.
Sadly, he never made it to her, not even his -assumed- lifeless body, and it ate away at her.
Even worse, her own grandfather couldn't walk her down the aisle.
Many years ago, Lovina got into trouble with the mafia, and he had to save the cost of his own life, but he died with his family, Lovina, and herself, that's he needed.
She cried for a very long time, but the room he died in, had a comforting feel to if. Whenever she was sad, she would go in that room, and get that warm feeling that she would get when he hugged her.
His love for them lived on.
Which is why she wanted to live with Ludwig in that house.
A.N. -not counting this side note- 4,374 words... 0.0 I got really inspired...and then lost my train of thought after the part about their grandfather
HRE's fate: some say he's Germany, some say he died, I'm just going to stay with he was a different character, whose body was never found
Alderic Beilschmidt: HRE's human name in this, Alderic means "noble commander" it's also my Amnesia!HRE account human name on DeviantART, if you're ever on, and want to rp with me, the username is UN-Holy-Rome
Rosie Jones: Someone else on here made America's fem name Rosie, because of the inspiring female figure of empowerment during WWII Rosie the Riveter, and I liked that, and decided that would be perfect for her -I'm sure that's the fannon name any way-
007 Ludwig- Sure Germany isn't like James Bond in the sense of being a womanizer, but come on, 00germanly, sounds awesome, yes?
Morgen: Holland's human name is this
Bella- Belgium's human name in this
The reaction to Felicia's pregnancy:
0. Lovina still fuming at Ludwig, takes some of it out on Antonio, and completely pushes him away from any sort of intimate contact
0. Mathilda -fem canada..I thought that was a cute human name for her- is the more sensible one, and even makes sure her sister won't be at risk. She's scared of getting pregnant, and her angry side comes out when Gilbert doesn't listen...hence the "banished to the couch"
Belarus in the wedding dress: just showing how much she wants to get married to Russia...extreme, but sometimes a "girl in love" goes to desperate measures to win "her man"
why Rome is dead but not Germania?: I don't know how Rome ended up dead instead...with Germania still alive, well the mafia thing since Romano is tormented by the mafia...I guess I thought it would be bad if both were dead, and Germania is more like the "voice of reason"
Also, boy or girl? What do you want the gender of the child to be? And any names you would wish to see?