Beta-Read by ElementalMaster16 my one of my fav people ever now that he's helping be by Beta-Reading ny chapters
Many, if not all of the snakes bound to the snake contract are sick, disgusted, and tired of Manda and Orochimaru with their cruel ways. So Nacondas, Manda's cousin of equal size and power, decides to make a new contract in secret and find a worthy summoner. That summoner is…Naruto.
Snake in the Leaves
A six-year-old Naruto walks through one of the many forests in Konoha, holding his bleeding left arm. He had just been attacked again, it was always the same. Every birthday they came, beating him, stabbing him, calling him demon, never relenting, nothing helped.
He always desperately tried to avoid them on the tenth of October, the day of his birth and the day Kyuubi died, but they always found him anyway. And once they did, he would not get away. How could he? He was just a kid.
Tonight was just the sixth intense beating he had survived in his short life.
He finally stopped walking and sat on an outcropping of rock next to an old pond
"Why? Why do they hurt me?" His tearstained face looked up at the crescent moon through the trees.
Why did they sneer at him? why did they glare at him and throw things at him? Why did they beat him on his birthday? Why was he always alone?.
He looked into the calm crystal waters and saw that his hair, face, clothes, and mouth had blood slowly drying on them.
He splashed the water on his face and rubbed both the wet and dried blood from his skin.
As he looked into the water, he couldn't help but let his tears fall into the crystal pool reflecting the moonlight. "I wish…I wish that I could protect myself. I wish I could make someone proud of me. I wish…I wish I could I could have something…anything that the village or anyone else couldn't take from me." His tears continued to fall and he curled up on the rock where he cried himself to sleep.
Up in a tree, overlooking the pond and the sad six-year-old boy, was an orange snake with black bands and a collection of purple scales on top of its head. It's golden eyes softened and the slit pupil expanded. A lone tear mad its' way down from its' left eye.
'So young…too young and innocent to have to know this kind of pain.' The snake had been watching this village for three years now and marvelled that this small boy, with almost no-one to lean on, could stand the physical and psychological torture these villagers had put him through. She had lived long enough to see battle-hardened warriors, mistreated slaves, and tortured prisoners break and fall into madness and eventual suicide. But this boy, who radiated kindness and life, was put through so much and even when he thought he was alone, didn't say a word against his monstrous home.
Then a thought struck her. 'Perhaps…perhaps he could be the one to posses it, to redeem our people and…just maybe we can give him what he wishes for?'
Having a few moments to contemplate her idea and its chance of success, she made up her mind and poofed away. Leaving no other evidence of her presence than a cloud of smoke.
Deep in the lands of the Summon Snake clan, a huge white snake lay curled on a huge limestone rock sitting on a grassy hill.
His eyes were closed until he sensed a familiar presence. He raised his great horned head and looked below him to his left.
The orange snake appeared and bowed her head to him.
The giant white snake returned the bow. "So, Yoruichi, to what do I owe this pleasant visit?"The great serpent asked, cocking its head to one side.
The orange snake now known as Yoruichi looked up at the white snake and spoke. "Nacondas-sama, I have important news. I believe I have found 'the one'." Yoruichi said with a calm yet hopeful gaze.
Nacondas' eyes widened a little. "Then speak Yoruichi, I trust your judgment, but I must know your reasoning. for this single decision is one that could either save as well as destroy our clan, the one must be chosen with care."He said with a calm, yet eager voice.
"Of course Nacondas-sama." She replied.
She then told Nacondas all she knew about Naruto and what he is, as well as how the village treats him. Nacondas was amazed by this little human, and enraged with the actions of these peoplewho seemed to be too stupid to tell a kunai from the scroll it's sealed into. He had long known about the sealing of the mighty fox from his communications with the toad tribe. While Manda may have been the toads' enemy, those of the clan that supported Nacondas were friendly with them in secret, and apologized every time they were forced to fight the toads on Manda's orders.
Nacondas was silent for a few moments and then opened his eyes and looked at Yoruichi with the look of a leader commanding his forces " I feel your analysis is correct Yoruichi. His will seems unbreakable and his kind heart refused to be extinguished. I want you to speak with him and befriend him. Do not lie to him, but if he asks a question he would not be ready to hear the answer to, then say as much and tell him that we will answer those questions when he's older. Find out what it is he dreams of…what he aspires to become. and only if he wishes to pursue a career in the ninja ways will you offer him the new contract. If he wishes for another life…" he sighs, "we shall respect his wishes. I will not become like Manda just to get our freedom and I will not use him like Manda and his vile summoner use each other and us." He speaks the last part with determination. "The snake clan has gone too long using fear and deceit to gain our desires. If we are to be reborn, the clan must break from old evils."
Yoruichi nods. "It shall be done my lord." She then disappears in a puff of smoke and Nacondas looks up to the heavens.
"Please…please let him be the one who is worthy."
By the pond in the forest, Naruto still lays fast asleep while the sun slowly rises into the sky.
He opens his eyes and sits up, rubbing sleep from his eyes. He looks around and his eyes water as he remembers why he is here. He yawns and stretches, while he thinks of things he can do for the day.
"Greetings, Naruto." A soft, kind voice says to him.
Startled he looks around till he spots an orange snake coiled up next to him.
His first instinct is to run, but when he looks into the snakes' eyes and only sees kindness a calm feeling overtakes him. He turned to the snake and sits down Indian style, he places his hands on his knees and curiously looks at the snake.
"Did…did you just say something"? He asks, never looking away from the snakes' calming eyes.
"Yes that was me Naruto-kun. I am Yoruichi, a snake summon." She says in a voice that Naruto finds to be feminine and extremely beautiful.
Naruto thinks for a moment and crosses his arms over his chest. "So…you're like one of those poof dogs?"
Yoruichi blinks and sweat-drops at his statement and tilts her head to the side. "Um…what do you mean Naruto-kun? What is a poof dog and why do you think I'm like one of them?" Part of her feels slightly miffed that he compares her to a dog and the word poof doesn't add any endearing qualities about the name of whatever animal he's referring to.
"well...When the man with the Inu anbu mask watches me sometimes, he does these weird hand things and then poof, a little dog appears. He lets me play with the smallest one who likes it when I rub the pads on his paws." Naruto explained happily.
Yoruichi thinks for a moment when realization hits her and she smiles as much as a snake can smile. "Oh I see, you mean he summons dogs. Naruto, that poof is just what happens when you summon something. The dogs are like me, but I am from the snake clan. Those hand things were probably hand-signs; the way ninja mold their charka to perform jutsus. Because he signed a contract with the dog summons, he can call them to help him if he gets a drop of his blood and does those hand-signs." Yoruichi says in a teacher-like manner.
Naruto thinks for a few moments and nods as he understands most of it. "So, if you have to summon creatures like that, who summoned you?"
Yoruichi shifts around in her spot as she relaxes a little. "Well, no one. You see Naruto-kun, sometimes summons can come and go on their own, but it takes a bit of chakra to do so. Now, before we take that topic any further, I would like to ask you some questions."
Naruto Nods for her to continue and she begins.
"Now, what is your dream?"She asks seriously.
"I want to be a great ninja and someday Hokage." Naruto answers with a small smile.
Yoruichi smiles too. 'Okay, at least he has the right profession for what I need to offer, but I better make sure of his reasons and seriousness.'She thinks. She takes up an inquisitive pose. "But Naruto, why would you want to work for a village that treats you so bad?"She sees his look of surprise and decides to elaborate. "I have been around this village for the past three years looking for something and I don't understand why you stay, let alone want to help them."
Naruto's head hangs low, but then he raises it in determination. "I want to prove to them that I belong here and that I will help them. I think…" He looks pensive for a moment. "I think that the people think I'm connected with the Kyuubi." Naruto states, half expecting Yoruichi to attack him or run from him. Instead she just looks puzzled at him.
Inwardly she's surprised by how perceptive he is, but wants to see how much he knows. "Why do you say that"?
Naruto looks up at her in mild surprise that she doesn't hate him. "Well, I was born the day the fourth died defeating Kyuubi and I have these marks, "he says touching the whisker marks on his cheek, "and I kind of look like the fourth. So, I figure people see me and are reminded of everything they lost."
Yoruichi is stunned by the boys' insight and reasoning, even if it isn't quite the truth, but it could be seen as a logical conclusion for someone who didn't know the truth. "I see. Well, while your reasoning is fairly logical and heavy in the understanding of others, that doesn't excuse their behaviour. But…I suppose that's something for a later discussion." She then looks him in the eye. "Naruto-kun, you said you wanted to be a ninja, right?"He nods. "Well, I'm here to make you a deal."
Naruto cocks his head to the side in confusion but nods again, waiting to hear her out.
"Naruto, I would like for you to sign the snake contract and become our summoner." She says in a polite tone.
Naruto looks surprised. "Why? Not to be disrespectful, but why would you offer this to me? I'm just a kid."
Yoruichi nods in understanding. After all he has never been given anything for free except by the Hokage. "Naruto, let me tell you a small story about my clan." He nods and sits straight up. "Naruto, for a long time now my clan is viewed as a bad or evil clan. We have a reputation for being cruel and causing pain for no reason other than our own enjoyment." She sighs sadly. "This is not really who we are. Our clans leader, the boss summons known as Manda, and his summoner Orochimaru use us to do terrible things, and since Manda's the boss and Orochimaru has signed the contract and has Manda's approval, we are forced to obey.
recently, Manda's cousin, lord Nacondas, has been gathering some of our clan members up in secret and all of us want Manda and his summoner either gone or killed. So, he drew up a new summoning contract and we have been looking for a summoner ever since. However, we don't want a repeat of the past and wish our summoner to convey our true selves. We need someone who will do what is right and be loyal to his friends and precious people. I heard your wishes last night Naruto."
Naruto's eyes widen.
"I'm impressed. You didn't once curse the village that rightly deserved it and you wished only for things to make your life happy and complete. I told lord Nacondas of you and he has agreed that, if you wish to be a ninja, you may sign our contract and we will aid you and teach you to be strong. Our only request is that you stay a good person at heart and see to it Orochimaru is destroyed. He uses us as disposable soldiers and tools of death. He has done horrible things to us and his comrades for his own pleasures and wants. He betrayed this village, has ruined many lives and continues to do so." She took a moment to let this all sink in.
He seemed to be deep in thought. Yoruichi waited for a few minutes and then asked again.
"So Naruto, will you do it? We will not pressure you into this. We will not be like Manda and make outrageous demands like the human sacrifices he desires for his help. We wish to be an honourable clan again and speak freely with other clans without fear of Manda's punishment. This is your choice Naruto." She sits and awaits his answer, hoping.
After nearly fifteen minutes of thought, which is incredible for a six-year-old, showing that he has maturity beyond his years. he looks Yoruichi dead in her golden eyes. "I accept."
Yoruichi smiles, and nods. She then waves her tail and a large white scroll poofs next to her. She unrolls it with her tail, showing it was filled with empty slots. "Then bite your thumb to draw blood and write your name with it. Then wet the hand you want to summon with, with your blood and press it at the bottom."
Naruto obeys, when he is finished his blood glows golden on the page and remains as if written in golden ink.
He looks at Yoruichi as the scroll poofs away and she smiles her serpent smile. "Congratulations, it will be an honour to be your friend and summons, master Naruto."
It has been seven years since that fateful day and Naruto had grown very strong in that time. He had purposely failed his first two genin exams because he wanted a team his age and he needed more time to learn from his summons. They had taught him a lot of things, among them were things like chakra control and other things the academy wouldn't teach. Mainly jutsus, most of which exclusive to snake summoners. They even helped him create some for himself or modify some from Orochimaru into less evil counterparts.
He and Yoruichi had become very close in that time. She has a human form of a pretty, beautiful in Naruto's opinion, girl around his age. She had dark skin, purple hair tied into a long pony-tail and golden eyes. She wears tight black shinobi pants, a black backless top that shows her beautiful curves with a golden snake in a spiral formation in front and a dark orange battle kimono top over it. She can remove her orange top for her more powerful moves that need flexibility and range of motion. On her feet are black ninja battle slippers and she has a white scarf around the lower half of her face. She stood at about 5' 10" and had a lean, muscular, but incredibly firm and feminine figure that, if and when other male shinobi, and a few females, see it, they would be driven mad with lust. She looks like this in private, minus the scarf on her face, but when in public she is in her snake form and wrapped around Narutos neck.
She became his constant companion when they exchanged some blood in an open cut they made in their hands. While in her snake form, she could do various attacks and be used as a weapon, scout, or tool. In her human form she was a goddess to him that could do nearly anything.
Of course Naruto was still forced to act like a weak obnoxious idiot because it would make him less of a threat in the villagers eyes and thus safer. Only drawing suspicion at first because he had Yoruichi draped around his neck, but with some acting on their part she was quickly written off as a victim to the boy's love for orange. But today would be different, this is the day he becomes a genin, the day he drops his mask and shows the world his strength, his true self!
Narutos true body is 5' 9" of pure muscle, his baby fat has all but disappeared though training, he has black hair with blond streaks, and his eyes are now slitted. It was part of the contract and necessary for some of the Hebi jutsu he learned during his training.
He no longer wears his orange nightmare, instead he now wears black, heavily pocketed, ninja cargo pants with loops for scroll carrying, kunai and shuriken holsters. This is secured around his waist with his snakeskin belt which he had made from shed snakeskin he'd gotten from Yoruichi. His shoes were armor-plated versions of Yoruichi's, and also black. He wore a dark green sleeveless muscle shirt and had his hands covered by fingerless gloves that reached just below the elbow, on the backs of the gloves was armor plating engraved with the symbol of a snake curled in the shape of the leaf symbol. His face was covered by a dark green facemask like Kakashi wears. He also wore black cloth over his slitted eyes since he long ago learned to see through vibrations, sound, and heat and chakra sensing. He could fight in total darkness if he had to, and had done so in some training.
He also had several seals placed on his body. Some gravity and resistance seals for training purposes giving him incredible speed when released, A couple of storage seals for some of his personal belongings, scrolls, and most importantly his sword, the Kage Kusanagi. It was made specifically to be stronger than Orochimaru's sword and could theoretically destroy the cursed weapon . It was also designed with special seals to give the sword several abilities, much like kiri's Shinobigatana Shichinin Shu (seven ninja swordsmen). He kept it sealed because as Nacondas had said while training him. "the wolf bares its fangs and is countered, but the viper hides his and strikes"
Naruto walks into his classroom and immediately everyone who was talking turns silent, trying to recognize this strange kid, it takes nearly a full minute for Iruka, the only teacher who gives Naruto a chance, to realize who he is. "Naruto? Is that you?"
Immediately after speaking the whole class erupts into murmurs of disbelief and looks of recognition.
"Naruto-baka! What are you thinking! dressing up and using henge won't make you any less of an idiot, you'll never be better than Sasuke-kun! Now take off the blindfold before you hurt someone and make yourself even more of a dobe!" (guesss who ^_^)
Naruto slowly turns his head in her direction, unnerving her and the other students, and speaks. "shup up Haruno!" This causes the class, even Sasuke, to look at him as if he's grown a second head and for Sakura to stare with her jaw on the floor miraculously at a loss for words for once.
"this is how I would normally dress if I wouldn't have had to behave like an idiot because of the villagers. I have decided to drop this charade, as it is of no more use to me. As for the blindfold, I have trained to fight without sight and therefore don't need my eyes at a time like this." Here he pauses for a second.
"For potential ninjas, you all sure suck at looking underneath the obvious. What if I had been an enemy ninja? Posing as a complete fool to lower your guard and then kill you before you know what's happened to you." He said calmly.
The class was dumbfounded, even Shikamaru was wide-awake and surprised.
Sasuke looked at the supposed "dobe" wide eyed. 'Had he really fooled everyone? No, that was impossible…right? He couldn't have fooled him, he was an Uchiha.'
Sakura recovered first. "S-Shut up Naruto-baka! Stop acting like you are better then the rest of us, you can't even do the bunshin no jutsu!" Sakura managed to screech out.
Naruto sighed. "Again Haruno, you prove your stupidity." A few eyebrows rose at that, and Sakura looked pissed off. Naruto turned his head to Ino. "Yamanaka."
Ino went rigid in her seat as his cloth-covered eyes looked at her. "Y-yes?"
"Tell me, what are the jutsus Sasuke knows." Naruto asks as he crosses his arms.
Sasuke looks curious as to why Naruto would ask about him.
Ino looked equally confused, but nodded anyway and replied to his question. "Um...well lets see. There's the bunshin, kawarimi, henge, and I think he knows some fire jutsus."
Naruto nodded at that, then he "looked" back at Sakura. "If I wanted to kill Sasuke, I would just have to use an earth jutsu to level all the trees and bury all objects around us to stop him from using the kawarimi. Then I could use another jutsu called "earth encampment wall" to raise three large slabs of earth around him to block his escape and then use Suiton: Teppodama making any fire jutsu useless, resulting in his death." The class was stunned once again and Sasuke was pissed.
Naruto continued "You see Haruno, Sasuke's fan-girls can tell anyone what they want to know about him and then plan to counter his skills. I on the other hand, made it look like I have no skills. So no one knows what I'm capable of. It's true I can't use the bunshin no jutsu, but that's because I have a condition where my chakra is denser and larger in quantity than that of a regular ninja. Because of that my chakra control goes out the window and I can't use little enough for the bunshin. However, I can make any type of elemental clone, including shadow clones."
Iruka and his assistant Mizuki were doubtful, and as if he was reading their minds, he snapped his fingers and four shadow clones poofed into existence, walked over to the window, opened it, and disappeared.
Silence in the classroom followed.
"Now," Naruto spoke again, "I would like to take this exam and go home, so let's hurry up, shall we?" He then walked up to the back row, sat down, and crossed his arms, waiting for the exams to begin.
After a little while a recovered Iruka finally spoke. "A-Alright then, let's get these exams started." He looked at his list of students. "Chouji Akamichi, you're up first."
And so the exams passed. Some graduated, others failed. Naturally Naruto passed, much to Mizuki's hidden ire. After Iruka told everyone to be back the next day to receive their teams and jounin instructors, he went back to his apartment.
Once he arrived, he locked the door before activating the silencing and blinding seals he had placed everywhere in his home so no one could see or hear what was inside. All anyone would see would be a run down apartment with covered windows.
Naruto went into his bedroom, placed his leaf headband and his blindfold on his nightstand, and sat down on his bed.
A moment later, the weight around his neck where Yoruichi always stayed disappeared and two slender, delicate arms wrapped around his chest and held his back against Yoruichi's soft assets.
"Naruto-kun, Don't you think that you might have gone a little too far? I mean sure Haruno is a joke of a ninja, but you pretty much verbally backhanded her." Despite Yoruichi's words, she was smiling and Naruto knew it. She had hated it when Naruto would allow the Haruno to hit him to keep up his mask. She also remembered how he always shielded her from harm while she was wrapped around his neck.
"I know…but now that I'm strong enough to take on anything below kage I refuse to play the idiot any longer, nor will I chance being put on a team of weak fools that don't realize the harsh truths of the ninja world." He said as he turned his head to Yoruichi, he then lifted his left hand, cupped her face and drew her close for a long, passionate kiss.
He and Yoruichi had indeed grown close these years and were lovers in all but the act itself. They wanted to wait for a time when they could relax and truly be together without concerns.
Naruto had asked Nacondas about it and Nacondas had given them his blessing to be together and informed him that if they "mated" she could conceive a child, as long as she remained in human form during her pregnancy. This made Naruto blush but he nodded. Nacondas also told him that this was how Orochimaru was conceived by the manipulations of Manda. He wanted a cruel and snake-like summoner, and he obviously succeeded.
When they finally broke the kiss, Naruto moved his arms around Yoruichi and moved her into a sitting position on his lap.
She laid her head on his right shoulder and he ran his right hand through her long, purple, silky hair after undoing her ponytail.
She sighed in happiness. He was handsome, strong, smart, kind, gentle, and all hers…for now.
Two years ago, she had, on orders from Nacondas, told Naruto who his father and mother were and about the fox sealed in him.
He was PISSED!
It took a whole day of destroying several training grounds before he calmed down. Then he cried on Yoruichi's shoulder and she cried with him for his pain. after several weeks and lots of long talks, he finally forgave his father and vowed to make his parents proud.
After learning that both the Namikaze and Uzumaki where famous clans, he decided to combine them into the Namikaze-Uzumaki clan.
This means that, when his identity is finally revealed, he would be forced to follow the clan restoration act and have multiple wives to insure the clans survival.
He had discussed it with Yoruichi who told him that she already knew about it and didn't mind, but only if they both approved of the females in question.
They spent the night like that, just holding and petting each other only getting up for a quick dinner of fried rice with beef. When they decided it was time to head in they changed into their sleepwear, Yoruichi, who always slept in a large t-shirt and gray sweat-shorts, snuggled next to Naruto who slept in only boxers. They wrapped their arms around each other and slowly began to drift off to sleep, comforted by each others' warmth.
Yoruichi looked up at Naruto as his eyes drooped. "I love you, Snake charmer." She said with loving affection.
He looked at her and smiled his foxy smile with his slitted eyes showing his love for her. "I love you too, my Hebi-hime."
Then he kissed her one last time before they both fell into a blissful sleep, each with a gentle smile on their face.
When Naruto awoke, he found Yoruichi laying her head on his left shoulder, while her hand resting on his chest.
He smiled and took her hand in his right hand, squeezed it gently, and leant over to kiss her gently on the lips.
Her eyes fluttered open and she saw she was being kissed by her man and smiled as she returned it.
When they parted, they were both slightly breathless.
"I love waking up like that." Yoruichi said when they parted with a seductive voice and a serpentine grin.
Naruto smiled. "I live to please, my Hebi-hime."
"Damn straight you do." She said with a smirk, to which he answered by kissing her again.
After that they both got up and went to the shower.
They may not be ready for sex yet, but that doesn't mean they didn't enjoy looking at each others bodies, let alone the occasional groping.
When they exited the shower, light blushes on their smiling faces, they went back to the bedroom and got dressed. Once they were both dressed in their usual attire, they ate a light breakfast of cereal and toast as they spoke of what to do that day and who Naruto's jounin sensei could be.
Naruto smiled evilly and Yoruichi returned it. Whoever it was, was about to get one hell of a surprise