He looked out the crystal clear window, gazing at the blue sky as the fluffy white clouds (that reminded him of cotton candy) passed by with the doves flying through the air, migrating to the south in there regular V pattern.
"How lucky they are…" He thought, placing his tiny hands on the silver bars. The chains that held his wrists rattled as he moved his hands. "Why must the sky be so far away…?" He whispered sadly as he jealously watched the doves fly away, freely and gracefully through the cerulean skies.
"Staring off into the distance again, my beautiful decoration?" A woman with long hot-pink hair had said. She was clothed in a silky sparkly crimson red dress, fanshioned to expose her right leg from her thigh to her ankle, she wore a light pink crystal rose strung with pearls around her neck, three red bangles dangled from her left wrist and on her feet were dark pink high-heals.
He bit his tiny lip hard at that sound of the woman's voice.
"I am not your decoration…" He hissed, squeezing the silver bars. The woman chuckled again as she made her way to the cage.
"Well you are right. By tomorrow you will then belong to my niece and mine no more." She giggled as she slid her right hand through the silver bars and stroked his silky and pure white feathers gently.
A shiver ran through him at the touch of her ice-like finger. "Why does it have to be me…?" He asked, with his bangs covering his eyes.
The pink haired woman smiled as she slowly slid her hand out from the bars. "Because you are the most exquisite being I have ever captured. With your porcelain white skin, your eyes that resemble the ocean; they even seem to splash whenever you look at something, your gold like hair and your musical voice, you are the ideal gift for my dear beloved niece." She explained with a cruel giggle.
The young boy turned around, his mystique blue eyes were filled with tears that were already running down his rosy red cheeks. He was indeed beautiful, exactly like the woman had said. With pure white feathered wings and dressed in a black and red suit made of the finest of silks but he was barefoot. Iron chains were tightly clamped onto his wrists and ankles not to mention the fact that he was in a large ornate silver bird cage.
The pink haired woman smiled. "What's with the tears, you should be happy." She said in dark positive tone.
"Why should I be happy? I'm stuck in here all the time, The food you give to me is disgusting, I'm bound by these chains and worst of all I'm not allowed to fly! Why should I be happy about anything?" He sniffed, anger dripping from his tone.
The pink-haired woman sighed. "There you go with that negative attitude again. At this rate it might rub off on my dear little niece." She mumbled.
"Why can't you just let me go…?" He suddenly asked.
The woman smirked and slid her arm through the bars again and lifted up his tiny chin. "Because if I did I wouldn't have a present for her…besides you are much, much to rare and beautiful to just let go." she giggled.
The boy growled and slapped the woman's hand away. "Just go away…" He whispered as more tears poured from his eyes.
"Don't you want anything to eat? I made some delicious beef-stroganoff with noodles and ambrosia as a special treat." She said in a sweet-motherly like tone.
"Just go away…" He repeated, sniffling.
The pink-haired women frowned. "Okay, I'll save it for you, for dinner." She murmured before leaving the room and walking down the long red and black hallway while leaving behind a trail of black roses that appeared out of nowhere with each step she took.
After she was gone the boy began to sob into his tiny pale hands softly. Why? Why did this happen? Why him of all people?
He wasn't always in this cage.
Once he had always flown through the beautiful blue sky, in a simple white shirt and shorts, landing on the branches of the trees and eating the delicious fruit that grew from them, innocently picking flowers and playing in the cold snow when winter had came and most of all singing with the birds. Oh…how it was paradise for him until the fateful day; one thousand years ago when he was chasing a blue bird, a large net had suddenly appeared out of nowhere and captured him and no matter how much he had struggled, the net just tangled around him tighter and tighter until an electrical wave shocked him and he was knocked out. When he came through, he found himself in a silver cage decorated with flowers and ribbons, dressed in a high-class black suit with iron chains clamped onto his wrists and ankles. He remembered how scared and confused he felt at that time until the woman with the pink hair had made her appereance. At first he thought she was there to save him and he begged her for help until she gave him a malicious grin and told him that he had become her decoration; that he was now a caged bird.
How many times was it when he had cried and screamed for the help that would never come. How many times was it when he had banged onto the silver cage until he wore himself out. How many times had he eaten the food she always made for him that always tasted like blood no matter how harmless and delicious they looked. And how many times has he shut his musical singing voice away so that a creature like her would not hear him.
And now after all these years he was now going to be made a birthday gift to the woman's niece. Another creature like her would torment him and use him as a decoration for their house.
He knew there was no way to escape this horrid fate…no way out…all he could do was cry as his heart would tear apart from both anger and sorrow. "Someone please let me out of here…" He wished silently. "Someone…anyone please…"
He continued his sobbing for hours until he finally cried himself out. He laid on his side, curled up in fetal position in a bed of his feathers (that had lost their radiance) and black rose pedals (That had once decorated the cage) he began to slip into a dreamless sleep. The tears still fell from his closed eyes.
The poor boy had only slept for 3 hours when the suns pale glow awaked him. He groggily opened his puffy red eyes to find a golden tray with plates made of fine china that were filled with delicious looking food. There was an omelet stuffed and drizzled with cheese and sprinkled with onions, a bowl of purple colored grapes, apple slices that were roasted and dipped in grounded chestnuts, three slices of toast with margarine on the side and a cup of Darjeeling tea.
He hissed at the sight of the food and pushed it away as far as he could. "Oh come on now, you have to eat dear…" The pink-haired woman's voice suddenly said.
The boy trailed his eyes to the direction to where he heard her voice and frowned as he sat up straight. "I'm not hungry…take it away." He hissed as he covered himself with his wings.
"Oh dear!" The woman exclaimed, mocking a worried tone. "You haven't eaten anything yesterday, you must eat your breakfast. Today's is a special day."
"I hate it!" He screamed. "Take it away!"
The woman growled and then in a flash, she was in front of the cage. She grabbed the boy my his tie and brought him up so close to the cage that his forehead slammed into the bars. He groaned in pain and when he opened his eyes they widen with fear at the woman's blood-red eyes and pointied pupils. "Eat!" She demanded, harshly.
"No…" The boy whispered, already feeling even more afraid. "It always taste like blood…" He whimpered. "Please don't make me eat it…" He pleaded.
The woman hissed and then swiftly, like a snake she, grabbed his tongue and roughly stretched it out. Tears were now forced from his eyes as he felt her dagger like nails piercing through the skin of his tongue. He made fear-filled sounds as he felt the blood from his tongue dripping down his throat and lips.
She then smiled a malicious grin at him. "Would you like me to cut out your tongue so you wont sass me then?" She asked darkly. His eyes widen even more as fresh tears poured from his eyes, he could already feel his heart pounding against his frail chest. "I'll let you in on a little secret…Before I captured you, I heard that luscious singing voice of yours." She confessed slowly.
The boys eyes were so wide now that he could not even blink. He began to feel confused and more afraid. "I was silently studying you to make sure you would be the right gift in the future for my first niece, I know everything about you especially that beautiful, pure singing voice of yours…" She said maliciously as her other hand let go of his tie and began to stroke the Adams-apple of his throat. "Be a real shame if I were cut out your tongue, then you wouldn't be able to sing anymore, is that what you want?" She asked still smiling.
The blond fearfully shook his head, with his eyes still glued open. The pink-haired woman, smiled warmly and let go of his tongue. "That's a good boy." She cooed as she patted his head through the bars. "Now eat up while I go fetch you a fresh suit to wear. Oh! I should also get that lovely pin, it would look so good on you." She said as she walked away from the cage.
After a few steps, she stopped walking and swiftly turned her head around to the boy in the cage who flinched at her stare. He quickly picked up a slice of toast and ate it in fright-filled bites.
The pink-haired woman then smiled and continued her walk. "And maybe a bit of some jewels would make yourself even more breathtaking…" She continued as she walked down the checkered floor down the hallway.
When she was finally out of sight, the blond began spitting out the chewed bits of bread from his mouth with his tongue stinging from the awful taste of iron. He then put his trembling hand on the arms of the porcelain tea-cup and pressed the cold rim of the cup to his lips and slowly drank the warm liquid down his dry throat. Of all the things he was forced to eat, the tea was actually his favorite because it was the only thing without a touch of the iron taste.
As he sipped the tea, tears began to pour out of his eyes, dripping down his chin and into the cup. He then dropped the tea-cup after it was empty to the ground and began pressing his hands to his eyes again as he imaginened the horrors of what would soon be upon him when he would be delivered to that demon-woman's niece.
He was positive that she would be just as worse as the pink-haired woman if they really are related. The memories of one thousand years of torture ripped through his mind like paper. "Why me?" He thought already shivering. "Why does it have to be me…?"
It was already an yearly afternoon when the blond boy was boarded into the back of a dark black truck that was for delivering caged birds like him to the other creatures like the pink-haired woman's. The truck was not moving yet however, because the man who drove this truck was fueling his car up so it would be able to drive all the long miles it had to go to make all the delivers.
The blond boy was still in his cage and was dressed in a bright yellow suit with crimson red lining, a white rose was pinned on his the chest area of the suit, He wore dark-blue silk pants, as well as a new set of chains with golden roses looped through each hole of the chain and pierced through his feathered wings were gorgeous looking jewels, dangling in the breeze.
The pink-haired woman was there to see him off. She gave him a warm smile as she easily slipped her bone like arms through the silver bars and cupped his cheeks with her ice like hands.
She brought his face close the bars of the cage and stared at him in warm, loving manner.
"I hope you will be very happy there." She said sweetly, the warm smile still painted on her pale face. The blond frowned and looked down, not even speaking to her. "Oh my. Are you still angry with me because I had to threaten you to eat your breakfast?" She asked mocking a sad tone.
"Just let go…" he whispered.
The pink-haired woman grinned at him, her warm smile turned as cold as snow. "Not without giving you, your gift first." She giggled, gently bringing his face closer to the bars of the cage.
The blond looked up, wondering what she meant. "G-Gif-!" He wasn't able to finish his question because he was interuppted when the women placed her lips onto the blonds, kissing him deep and affectionately.
His eyes were so wide that he was afraid they would never close again, her blushed fiercly at the kiss. He then gasped under his mouth and his shoulders tensed up when he felt the woman placing her tongue onto his own. His eyes then closed tight shut and sweat poured from his temples.
The woman did not let go of the kiss for at least three minutes and when the last minute was up she pulled away with a grin while the boy gasped for air with drool spilling from his mouth. He began spitting and wiping his mouth with the chains with his cheeks bright red. He felt a burning sensation in his mouth, like something was being carved into his tongue. He didn't like it.
"I put a seal on you so that if you ever do escape from my cute little niece; your wings will be painfully torn apart from your skin and will never grow back." She explained with a cold giggle.
The boys eyes widen at what she had just said and done. He began to tremble, covering himself with his wings to hide from the woman's cold stare.
She giggled at his fear and then covered his cage with a silken yellow cover. The boy trembled at lack of light. He was always afraid of the dark since it would always make him feel vulnerble and alone. Alone…he hated that more than the dark.
"You take care now Len-Kun…" The pink-haired woman voice cheerfully said, giggling at the end. Len for that is what the blond was called, shivered when she had said his name. "I hope you'll always keep me within your heart." She said sweetly before the back of the truck closed and soon drove away. The motor already groaning.
Len hugged his knees to his chest. Fresh tears had already began to pour from his ocean like eyes as fear consumed him like the darkness that was around his tiny figure. He shivered violently never feeling so scared before in his life.
Even though he would hopefully never see that horrible woman again; a much, much more greater horror awaited him. Knowing that this truck was taking him to another tortures prison; he was going to be a birthday present to that woman's (who had deprived him of his freedom.) niece. Just the thought of it made him want to hurl. He curled himself up tighter into a ball as his radiant wings closed tighter around his shivering body
"Why?" He thought again. "Why does it have to be me…" He began to cry into his knees, already thinking about the tortures that will be inflicted upon him when he would presented to that demon-girl.
KYAAAA! I just love making stories were Len's the victim, although I do feel a bit guilty for putting him through all this. I was inspired by this story when I saw a picture of Len crying in a cage and Rin as an angel, letting him out. And I was like, KYAAA I so have to make a story like that!
Anyway I hope you aren't all angry with me from torturing Len some more but I just couldn't help in….*sigh* I really am mean to him. The next chapter might take awhile to come though but when it's done it'll be so cute. OH! Also I published this in middle of the night so there might be some mistakes but don't worry tomorrow after I wake up I'll fix them!
Now Please enjoy this first chapter everybody! They'll be more to come!