No matter how many stars I wish on, I don't own Twilight or its characters, darn it! Twilight and its original characters are property of Stephanie Meyer. The quote contained here is from 'Sucker Punch', copyright 2011, Warner Bros. Pictures et al. I'd made a reference to this speech in the last chapters, and wanted to share the whole monologue with all of you. All original characters (Not many of them, but the few that are here) are the result of too many late nights and too many energy drinks! :) Take care all! ~AD
Author's note:
I wanted to take this moment to send a special "Thank You" and give credit where credit is due...
Abby P: Thank you for all the late night brainstorming, encouragement and for the use of your least the first half of it! ಠ_ಠ I only wish I could tell you how much I enjoyed working on this with you...even if we both ended up sleep deprived because of it!
Carl D: Thank you for helping me write those fight scenes, the spelling corrections and the late night chats...and for humoring me while I got lost in Twilight Land. Again. I love you hon!
And finally, for those of you still reading, I made a reference to a movie in the previous chapters. If you haven't seen the movie "Sucker Punch", and you really should, here is the entirety of the quote that I'd used. Enjoy!
"Everyone has an angel, a guardian who watches over us. You can't know what form they'll take. One day old man, next day little girl. But don't let appearances fool you. They can be as fierce as any dragon. Yet they're not here to fight our battles, but to whisper from our heart, reminding that it's us. It's every one of us who holds the power over the worlds we create. We can deny our angels exist, convince ourselves they can't be real, but they show up anyway in strange places and at strange times. They can speak through any character we can imagine. They'll shout through demons if they have to. Daring us, challenging us to fight. And finally, this question; The mystery of who's story this will be, of who draws the curtain. Who is it that chooses our steps in the dance? Who drives us mad? Lashes us with whips, and crowns us with victory when we survive the impossible? Who is it that tells all these things? Who honors those we love for the very life we live? Who sends monsters to kill us, and at the same time sings that we never die? Who teaches us what's real, and how to laugh at lies? Who decides why we live, and what we'll die to defend? Who chains us, and who holds the keys to set us free? It's you. You have all the weapons you need. Now fight."
~Baby Doll, from the movie "Sucker Punch"