Dear Hermione,
George and I have used the money Harry gave us to buy a place in Diagon Alley. Mum threw a fit when we got home, but when we told her about Umbridge, she settled down a little bit, although she still wants us to go back next year. The Burrow is quiet without Ron, Ginny, Harry, and you. Come down and visit over the Summer Holidays, promise? George says "Hello Hermione, what've you done to my brother?" Forgive him for that, okay? He's got nearly nothing in that head of his, I got all the intelligence. Tell Ronald that when he gets home, he needs to tidy his room. That's what mum says. And Dad wants to know what dentists use to pull teeth. How're you, Hermione? Is everything okay? How's Harry holding up? Is Ron still a git? Tell him I'll hex him so hard he'll wake up in another time-zone, if he's still being a prat. Enclosed is a muggle book I thought you'd like, it's written by some bloke named Shakespeare. Tell me how you're O.W.L's went in your reply. I'm sure you'll get 'Outstanding' on everything, you're brilliant. Send an owl to your parents, to see if you can visit this summer. Mum loves you, says you're a good influence. Funny, right? Write back soon,
Fred Weasley
Dear Fred,
It was so kind of you to write me, I've missed you. When are you going to open the shop? I can't wait to see it. I know you're not coming back next year, so I ought not to beg you too. Tell George I haven't done anything to you, you've done it to yourself, silly! And Ronald says he won't clean anything. He's in a rebellious faze, but I'm sure he'll recover from it. And dentists use rather large pliers to pull teeth. Fred, I'm fine, really. With some help from the Centaurs, we got rid of Umbridge. It's a long story, better told in person. But Harry isn't doing so well…Sirius died. Again, better told in person. Ron is Ron, tactless. And I'll be sure to keep that threat up my sleeve for further use. That muggle book is 'Romeo and Juliet', how did you know it was my favorite? My O.W.L's went okay, I think I messed up Ancient Runes, but I'll live. I'm visiting this summer, apparently you're mother beat me to it. Fred… you're far more brilliant than me.
Hermione Granger
Dear Hermione,
You write back fast! We're opening the shop at the end of summer, and I hope that you'll come see it. I assure you that Ron will get over his faze the moment he gets home and needs mum to feed him. Pulling teeth sounds awful, and that is why I brush daily. Give Harry my sympathy, the poor bloke's been through enough. And about the book? I just had a feeling when I saw it. And Hermione Jean Granger, I bet you did wonderfully in Ancient Runes. I cannot wait for you to come visit us, and will have a talk with mum about telling me when people are going to visit. Hermione, you're braver than me, you ought to know that by now.
Fred Weasley
Dearest Fred,
I love you.
Sincerely Spoken,
Hermione Granger
Hermione Jean Granger,
I love you too.
Fred Weasley
That's the end, folks. Epilogue and all. What did you think? Review!