A/N- I do not own House of Anubis…. Wish I did :/

You can't put a price tag on love, but you can on all its accessories- (Melanie Clark)

(Nina's POV)

I wake up and realize it's Valentine's Day. I'm not a fan yet I don't hate it either. I've just never had anyone special to share it with. Not that I'm complaining, but it would be nice. I get out of bed and get ready for school. Within minutes I'm bounding down the stairs, ready to face the mushy yet cute couples.

"Hey Nina." Fabian says, as I slid into my seat next to him.

"Good morning." I say, smiling.

"Awww. The cutest couple of the day everybody," my roommate Amber says.

Fabian and I look at each other knowingly and we share a light blush before turning towards Amber.

"We are not dating Amber, for the millionth time of the week," I say.

"We are just friends," Fabian adds nonchalantly, trying to hide the hurt.

I wonder if he likes me I think while eating breakfast. I look up at Fabian only to find him staring at me. I quickly glance back down at my food, blushing furiously. I finish up my breakfast, as do the rest of my friends, and we go to school. I walk next to Fabian lightly discussing today's events or at least someone else's events.

"So, what about you? Have you had any Valentine's day experiences in America?" he asks.

"No, not really, besides the stuff I get from my friends. I've never gotten anything from a guy. What about you? I ask playfully.

(Fabian's POV)

I blush slightly at the question. I slid into my seat next to Nina and before I could respond, our teacher begins the class.

I lean towards Nina and whisper, "I'll tell you after class.'

I see Nina nod and blush. She looks beautiful today, not like she never does. Her eyes, her smile, her everything. I turn away before I start to stare at her for the rest of the day. I try to focus on the lesson but I can't help but think of Nina.

After class…

Nina literally jumps on me, waiting for my answer.

"Nina! You scared me. So, I guess you're waiting for my answer then, huh? I ask jokingly.

"Yes! I couldn't stop thinking about what you could have told me," she says.

"Okay well, I've never given a Valentine to someone who was special to me, but I hope to change that this year."

I see Nina's face drop, as if I told her devastating news.

(Nina's POV)

I'm so sad, Fabian has someone else in mind. I can't believe I fell for him. His sweetness, personality, everything about him makes up the one person I love. I sigh deeply as Fabian and I watch a couple walk by us and he pulls out a beautiful necklace. She shows a content face, happy that her boyfriend bought her something.

"Nina, could you meet me out in the courtyard later during lunch?" He asks a plea in his gorgeous brown eyes.

I nod and Fabian leaves me alone in the hall way and walk to my next class. I wait for the next two hours, waiting for lunch to come. The bell for lunch rings and I jump out of my seat. I must have jumped out of my seat pretty quickly because Amber shoots me a surprised look. I quickly dash out of the room and into the courtyard. I look around and see Fabian sitting under a tree, waiting for me.

(Fabian's POV)

I see Nina walk towards me and I take in a deep breath, nervous about her reaction. She sits down next to me and smiles.

"Hi Fabian." She says excitedly.

" Umm…I've been waiting to tell you this but have been to nervous to say anything," I look into her eyes, meeting her gaze, "I-I love you."

She looks back at me and smiles, " I love you too."

Too shocked to speak, I just watch her. I take the rose from behind my back and give it to her. She takes it gladly and burries her nose in the petals. She looks back up at me smiling. I lean in and our lips meet in a kiss.

(Nina and Fabian's thought)

What a perfect day.