A/N: A Pilot is also, in the computer world, referred to as a device that has access to motor controls for electronic objects. In other words, it's a small control panel. (Don't worry, this will make sense about half way through the story.)

Change of Heart Mind

Wally eyed the girl in the kitchen suspiciously. She was busy writing down something on a calendar. What, he hadn't the slightest clue. He didn't even know there was a calendar there. The only reason he was still in the same room as her after that little fiasco that happened a few minutes ago was to try and explain himself before she settled with the wrong thought. Oh, no. He was not checking her out, no. He was simply criticizing her filthy appearance and he was going to inform her of that the moment he got the chance. He was waiting for her to make the first move though. He had to be clear what her game plan was before he proceeded.

His suspicions turned out to be incorrect. She did not have a devilish grin on her face, silently laughing at him, when she was in the kitchen like he had suspected. She was acting like nothing happened. Wally wasn't quite sure what to do with that. She had never blown him off before. Never. She always had something to say on every subject. He'd thought she would have had tons to say to him about, er, what happened. But she was silent and had been that way for the past five minutes.

He started sliding his soda can from one hand to another across the marble counter top. He was sitting at the bar now, he had felt the need to get closer to her to analyze every move she made. Making sure he didn't miss anything. She grabbed her glass off the counter and turned around. She jumped a little when she saw him at the bar. She must have not heard him. The blank look on her face was replaced with an annoyed one. Clearly, she did not like him looking at her with suspicion on his face.

"What?" she asked in an aggravated tone.

"Nothing," he muttered.

She was silent for a moment and just looked at him. He could feel an odd tension rise between them. Wally took this as her signal as a challenge for a staring contest but as he narrowed his eyes at her, hers moved. She was looking him up and down, seemingly taking in every detail of his appearance from the neck down. This caught him off guard and he unintentionally shifted slightly. He felt uncomfortable under her judgmental gaze. What was she doing? Was this how she was getting him back from earlier? When her facial expression turned to 'displeased' he felt his face redden slightly with a mix of anger and embarrassment. She had better not have see through vision.

"You know, I don't know why you are criticizing me for wearing my costume. Apparently, you like to run around in yours too."

Wally's eyes shifted down as he stared at his own costume. Yeah, so what if he wanted to wear it. He felt cool when he was in it. Was it a crime to wear a piece of clothing he owned? He thought not.

"Hey, I wasn't doing any criticizing, at least not with what you're wearing. Just that you look like you could use a shower."

She smirked, "Uh, huh. Right."

He wasn't quite sure what she was referring to as far as the tone of her voice was concerned. Was that her secretly telling him that she knew? He stayed silent while staring at her, waiting for some sort of answer the question he would not ask.

"Why are you looking at me like I committed a crime or something?"

"I'm not, I'm just thinking."

"Well go think somewhere else." He could detect the trace of venom that she made an effort of to put in her voice. She began to head out of the kitchen. Apparently, she was dropping the subject, and taking on a harsh attitude while at it.

Sheesh. Looks likes it's someone's time of the month.

"What's your problem?"

She froze before she could turn the corner of the counter. The way she halted and the dead silence that followed was a clear signal that an eruption was coming. Ah crap. He should have brought a fire extinguisher. That was a bad question. Bad idea. Oh well, too late now.

She turned back to face him her familiar glare on her face.

"What is my problem? Use your brain Wally! I am still furious with you or do you not remember what you did a few hours ago?"

Oh, that's right. He was still mad at her for yelling at him earlier nonstop. And apparently, she was still mad about the bow thing. Why couldn't she just see that it wasn't his fault? Why? This little back and forth banter about the day's earlier events was really starting to get on his nerves now. He tried to tell her what really happened but she just would not listen. She had to be right. Always. Even when she was clearly wrong. And he knew darn well she that she was wrong and he was right.

"You know, I seem to remember me saving you! You do realize that you would be dead if it weren't for me right?"

"I was already in the process of getting out of that situation when you decided to speed in! If you had just left me alone I could have gotten out with my bow not broken into three pieces! And that's not the only reason I'm angry! All night you've been constantly yelling at me and I'm done with it!"

This was beginning to sound very familiar. Had they not been having this conversation all flipping night? As of right then, he was officially burned out. They had been arguing about this for too long. Usually, he wouldn't stop till his point was proven but there was no point yelling at a brick wall. Even he sometimes knew when enough was enough. Ugh.

Fine you win! He mentally yelled at her.

He couldn't say it out loud. That would give her another reason to think that she could walk all over him and that he wouldn't be bugged by it. He just stared at her with an irritated expression. She glared back at him, apparently waiting for an answer but he stayed silent. She turned back to leave the kitchen and walked over to the couch. He watched her fall onto the couch, placing her glass on the table at her feet. She then picked her bow up off the ground, and started messing with it again.

This was so aggravating. He felt tempted to march over there and land his point. But he held still. At this rate, she was never going to let this go, he was going to hear about this every single day from now on. He would go crazy if that happened. What would it take for her to forget the whole broken bow thing?

Robins words from earlier suddenly came to mind. Find a middle ground. That thought made him cringe slightly. Not from the idea itself, but rather what it would mean. If he found a middle ground with Artemis, it would be weird. Him and Artemis's communication was basically just fighting, yelling, and disagreeing. If they agreed to get along, that would mean that he had to intentionally be nice to her. Which was weird. Being nice to Artemis would make things…awkward.

He was going to discard that idea but remembered his current predicament. He would be hounded by Artemis for the rest of his life if he didn't do something. Suddenly, the idea of meeting in the middle didn't sound so bad compared to what could happen.

He slid off the bar stool and walked over the couch, behind Artemis and contemplated. Meet in the middle huh? Sounded easy enough, but how to start?

Hey Artemis so I was thinking that we should stop fighting and meet in the middle. And that we should be nice to each other from now on, which would make us best friends forever.

Yeah, he would probably get slapped for saying that. As he played it out in his mind he couldn't help but feel weak, like he was giving Artemis the upper hand. Then again, if they did call a truce, there wouldn't be any need to worry about such things. And besides, it wouldn't exactly be surrendering, just evening things out.

He could mention the idea, but he knew she would shoot it down. He needed some sort of leverage to get her to agree with it. Maybe he should give her chocolate? He remembered hearing somewhere that girls had a weakness for chocolate; like it was their own personal dog treats. If he gave her that, maybe she would be more open-minded. Maybe giving her chocolate for every time she started yelling at him would silence her. And then while he was at it, he could teach her tricks.

He quickly swallowed the eruption of laughter that threatened to make its way out. The idea of…you know what, he wasn't even going to think about it. Wow, leave it to him to get completely side tracked while trying to be serious. He discarded the thought of using chocolate. That was just dumb, and it would be weird. He'd have to use that idea some other time.

He thought for a moment of what he should do. He suspected that in the back of his mind, knew what he had to do already. He just wouldn't let himself consider the possibly of it till now. This was going to be a major blow to his ego. Not to mention what would happen if his plan went south. He concluded that he would give it a try to 'meet in the middle' but if she shoots him down, he's done. For good this time. He took a breath and fully faced Artemis. Well, here goes everything.

The sounds of ripping medal were suddenly replaced by a ghostly silence in the dark tunnel. A large bunch of wires were now exposed to the damp air. The dark haired man began hooking them up to a device he was holding. He had to be extremely cautious, if he misjudged even the smallest detail, they would be discovered. Their mission would be over.

The masked man took out his radio when a voice began to call from the other side.

"Sir, we are in position."

"Good, send it to the safe line and wait for further instructions."

As he put his radio down, a brilliant blue light lit up in front of them. The man on the ground had finished rerouting the wires and had a list of the contents on the holographic screen before him. After passing through a few files, he came to a halt and one in particular.

"There is a small problem."


"I am able to loop the system but as soon as the upload is started, an energy surge will be sent out. And since we can only operate on secondary systems, there is nothing I can do to prevent it."

"Will that prevent the android from uploading the virus?"

"No, it won't. It will probably only effect energy flow to the lights and other nonessential systems."

"No one is in the cave to detect it. There shouldn't be a problem."

He pressed a few buttons, pulling up over thirty video feeds on the screen, "As long as no one decides to come back. If only I could be the one going in. I could do it in half the time that robot can."

"If the life signs detector was not linked to the mainframe, then you could. If you did go in there, you would be detected the second you stepped foot inside. It does not change our situation though, so work fast with what you have."

"Yes sir," he said as he scanned and tagged each and every one of the video feeds. Once everyone of them was tagged, he typed in a code. The screen flashed an orange color, signaling that the videos were looped. It would not be detected, and now the android could move around the base freely.

"It's done."

The masked man grabbed his radio. "Send it in and transfer all motor controls to the Pilot station with me. I also want someone to bring the boy to me, we may need him. Everyone clear the area. We do not want the Justice League suspecting anything if they should return sooner. Contact me if anything looks suspicious as for now, I am ordering radio silence. Over and out."

"Why are you ordering radio silence?"

"We may be operating on a unique wave, but I will not be taking any chances tonight. We have worked too long and too hard for this."

He dark haired man just shook his head in his understanding as he went through what files were available to him. Everything was working according to plan so far.

It was finished finally. She held her bow up a little higher on her lap to admire her handy work. It had taken her all day, but she did it. And frankly, she was quite proud of herself for doing it on her own and not having to call Green Arrow for assistance. It was whole again and the dent was gone, aside from a few scratches, it looked usable again. She suddenly became annoyed for remembering how she got in this situation in the first place. Wally just had to break the one thing she treasured most out of her hero collection. Good thing it was fixable.

She became aware that the room was a little silent; too silent. She was starting to feel uncomfortable in the void. The room may be silent, but the tension between her and Wally was there. maybe it was just her, but it felt like they were having a silent battle with each other. Wally was acting weird tonight, well, weirder than he usually did. He kept giving her 'the eye', or better known as, a suspicious look. She wondered if this was some sort of new tactic to get under her skin he was trying out. Even if it wasn't, it was working.

Ever since he walked in here, he'd been following her, literally. Maybe not right on her heels but every time she went somewhere, he followed her giving her his new creepy look. He was giving her that very look right now and she could feel it. She wondered why he was still even in the same room as her. After tonight's previous events, she was sure he wanted nothing more to do with her. She will admit, she really was frying him in the pan tonight. But the thing is, he deserved it. He was unbelievably annoying, and she made sure she informed him tonight about it. Because if she didn't, who would?

She silently wondered why she was even in the same room as him. She considered getting up and leaving but decided to stay put. One, because she was here first, and two, she had a mess to clean up. She was about to reach down to start collecting the tools she used to put her bow back together when Wally spoke behind her.

"I'm sorry."

Artemis froze.

…..what did he just say?

A/N: I feel like I've left you with two cliffhangers…

So, a review would be awesome:)
