Meta Knight of the Sonnets does not own any x files or kirby characters mentioned in this fanfiction

Scully's cell phone rang on her way to work, and Mulder started jabbering on the other end before she could say hello.

"I have an alien at the office. A real one. Where are you?" he said. She could hear the excitement in his voice and smiled to herself.

"I'm going to be five minutes or so, and I really doubt it's an alien," she said.

"You'll see. See you in five minutes," he said, hanging up. The alien sitting next to Mulder gave him a quizzical stare under his mask.

The five minutes or so until she arrived felt like an eternity for Mulder. For once, he'd have a chance to prove himself right about everything, and Scully was already a minute late.

"Scully, Meta Knight, Meta Knight, Scully," he said when the arrived.

Scully took one look at the alien and rested her head in her hands. "That's obviously a small child in a costume," she said.

"I am not a child," Meta Knight said, drawing his sword. Mulder had warned him about Scully, but he took offense anyway.

Scully knelt to examine him, invading his personal space and turning him around. "Fine, then you're a dwarf with a Spanish accent…Funny, I can't seem to find a zipper or anything," she said.

"Do you dare challenge me?" Meta Knight said. He took a step forward. Scully pulled out her gun and pointed it at the alien.

"Yes I do. You are a fraud," she said. Her voice stayed even, but Mulder recognized it as a sign of her anger.

He got in between them before a fight could break out. Meta Knight and Scully had to peer around him to see each other.

"This fighting is the last thing we need. The Syndicate is after Meta," he said.

Scully put her gun away, and Meta Knight sheathed his sword. "Scully is going to be skeptical; it's her job. Now, I don't want any fights from the two of you, all right?"

"Very well, human. I shall consent to peace for now," Meta Knight said.

"All right, Mulder." Scully turned away, and then stopped to look back at Meta Knight.

"Wait, I recognize him," Scully said, "He's on the cartoon my godson watches. He's friends with a pink puff ball or something. He claims he's from Planet Pop Star. Where did you find him?" She moved over to the computer and searched Meta Knight on Google. Plenty of pictures and information appeared.

"He was dropped off by a couple of girls from Pennsylvania. The Syndicate went after them. One claimed she's a werewolf," Mulder said.

Scully quirked an eyebrow. She thought Mulder fell for a hoax, which was unlike him. "I want to talk to these girls before the Syndicate gets to them. The werewolf thing is probably an X-file on its own."

Mulder smiled. "It gets better. The other says she's a chupacabra. We have a third X-file there. It makes for a pretty interesting case. Are you up for it?"

Scully took a moment to think it over. She felt that this was a hoax, but she found the idea of three X-files in one tempting. "I guess it's worth a look," she said.

They spent the rest of the morning driving to Pennsylvania. The drive was uneventful, except for the predicament of getting Meta Knight in a seat belt. After a few hours, they pulled up in front of Dumont High School. The red brick building sat on top of a hill, looking for all the world like any other high school in America.

Mulder and Scully brought Meta Knight inside with them after his protests and some sword wielding. However, their only caveat was that Meta Knight had to wear a jacket in a feeble attempt to appear human.

The trio was ushered to the gym doors, where they were told they could meet the girls in question. The two girls appeared after a few moments, clad in gym clothes and slightly sweaty.

"I'm Agent Mulder. I spoke with you on the phone. This is my partner Agent Scully, and I think you two know Meta Knight," Mulder said.

He introduced the pair to Scully as Ariel and Brianna. The pair of teenagers seemed nondescript, a pair of brunettes that could be found in any high school. The one distinguishing feature was Ariel's marked lack of height.

"Why did you bring Meta Knight back? We gave him to you for a reason," Ariel said before Mulder could begin asking questions.

The group fell into an awkward silence, and the teenagers shared an uncomfortable giggle. Mulder and Scully realized that they had been in such a rush to investigate a triple X-file that they failed to think of the girls' safety completely.

"But it's good to see you, Meta," Brianna offered. Meta Knight glared at her, unhappy at the name "Meta."

"We're here to investigate your claims about being a werewolf and chupacabra," Scully said.

Brianna shot a glare at Ariel. "I told you leaving Meta with those people wasn't a good idea," she said.

"I didn't know this would happen," Ariel said. She turned to the FBI agents. "We don't really like to advertise the fact that we're wolfish. I guess you can see why."

"That makes sense. So explain the basis of your…" Mulder searched for the word.

"Lycanthropy?" Ariel offered.

"Yes," he said.

"You know the basics. Change every full moon into a wolf for the night. Go all blood thirsty. Can only kill me with a silver bullet, so I'm immortal. I got bitten in Elizabethan England, and Brianna got bit recently," Ariel said.

"I need blood to survive. I'm kinda like a vampire, too," Brianna said. "You know they exist, too, right?"

Scully's eyebrows shot up, but Mulder didn't react. "Four X-files in one case. This has got to be a new record," he said.

Ariel and Brianna looked at each other for a moment. "We're in danger," Ariel said, "I think we have a lot more to talk about than just lycanthropy."

"I think you're correct," Mulder said. "Tell us everything, and start from the beginning."

Thank you for reading.