Top Hat: I see the Wolfman hasn't killed you yet.
Van Helsing: Don't worry. He's getting to it.

-Van Helsing

Tyler was not in the best of moods.

In fact, as he stood there near the bonfire, nursing a beer and well, brooding, he wanted nothing more than to just go home and raid his dad's liquor cabinet. He didn't want to be around all his classmates who just wanted to party and have fun.

Yeah, yeah, Tyler liked to party too.

But just not right now. He wasn't in the mood, all he really wanted was to go home and be alone.

You see, kiddies, Tyler had a dilemma.

Being a werewolf wasn't hard enough with the monthly transformations, constant mood swings and annoying little bastards he called his pack to take care of but he also had to have a 'mate'.

And nope, not as in 'friend' but in that 'let's hump like rabbits and have little werewolf puppies to take care of!' kind of way.

It's not that he minded having mate. It was something they thought to you when you were just a kid so he'd had time to get used to the idea. He'd find that special person that nature, his biology and the heavenly bodies thought was perfect for him in every way.

The werewolf girls used to blush and giggle about the entire idea while the boys scoffed and prayed they wouldn't find theirs yet and have a few more years of bachelorhood.

Because really, once you find your mate – she's it. You won't feel anything for any other girl ever again. She's the one who hanged the moon in the fucking sky and was the only person who could make you happy.

Bottom line, finding your mate was no small matter. It was damn monumental.

And thus, we're brought him back to his present predicament – his mate.

Caroline Forbes – insecure, neurotic, bitchy little twit. The blonde girl he's known since forever and argued with half the time and avoided the rest.

He really wasn't expecting it at all.

It was after his second full moon, he'd been tired and sore, the day after but he still was forced to go to school (his mom just had no pity).

So, he was walking down the hallway, debating with himself whether he should just skip classes and sleep somewhere when he saw Caroline talking/laughing with Matt in the hallway and bam!

It felt like he just got punched in the gut and he wanted to very, very badly…well, lack of a better word, kill Matt in the most graphic ways you couldn't imagine. And before he knew it, he was already half way to Matt when Aiden and Conor both had to stop him and dragged him away forcibly. They had to lock him in the janitor's closet until he calmed down.

The rest of the day he spent thinking about Caroline, stalking Caroline, dreaming about Caroline…she just overwhelmed his senses. Her scent, the sound of her laughter, the feel of her soft skin…

He wanted to very badly bang his head against the wall until his brains emptied his skull. At least, that way he wouldn't have to deal with the fact that Caroline Forbes was his mate.

Tyler scowled down at the bonfire bitterly.

Pining after his best friend's girlfriend? How low had he sunk?

Then again, he'd never really set the bar too high for himself so that was really something.

Of course, he and Matt hadn't been so close these past few weeks with Tyler being so busy with the pack and his body adjusting to the shifting. But Matt was still his best friend and he wouldn't steal his girl. The right thing to do was just to leave it alone. Tyler could live through life without his mate.

Okay, why did that make him feel so queasy?

Stupid mating instincts, they just made his life needlessly harder.

"You okay, boss?" An auburn-haired girl asked him as she appeared by his side.

River Hartley was the newest addition to their pack. A stray originally from Vermont, she'd been on her own since she was fourteen and Tyler admired her for her strength and tenacity alone.

That and she had a wicked sense of humor. He liked her for that too.

"I'm contemplating jumping off the falls to see if I'll die," He told her with a straight face.

River just laughed and shook her head. "You won't die. Lycanthropy makes sure of that."

What a pity.

"So, what's your real problem?" The female werewolf started. "Is it mate business again?"

Tyler rolled his eyes and scowled some more. Ever since he found out Caroline was his mate, the whole pack wouldn't leave him alone about it.

Why don't you just approach her Tyler?

Why don't you talk to her, Tyler?

Tell her she's the one, Tyler.

Why don't you grow some fucking balls and get this over with, Tyler?

"Leave me alone, Hartley," Tyler growled. "I don't want to talk about it."

"I'm just concerned for you, Ty," She replied. "Your third full moon is coming up and so is your deadline."

He inwardly groaned at the reminder. Stupid werewolf traditions that dictated that he find his mate in between his second and third full moon less the pack choose one for him via ring of absolute death with female werewolves killing each other for him.

Werewolves tended to be so stuck in the past, it was nauseating.

"Do you really want to be stuck with someone who isn't your mate for the rest of your life?"

He glared at the other wolf. "I know how critical this is, Hartley. And maybe you should put some stock in your own advice."

She looked confused at that. "Why?"

"Pack law: new wolves must find a mate into the pack or fight their way in."

Understanding dawned on her expression before changing to worry. "I just got to this town, I don't want to leave–"

"It's the law, River. What are you gonna do about it?"

He didn't mean to sound so harsh but he was in a bad mood already and she was pissing him off with all her reminders that he didn't really need to hear. So he was just making her sweat a little.

"Do you think you can take down Remus?"

Her face went ashen at that.

Fighting your way into the pack meant having to go against the alpha AKA Remus who was all teeth and claw when it came to pack law. If you could be considered strong enough to enter the pack by Remus then all was good. Now if you weren't…

"T-They won't seriously kick me out, will they?"

And he was hit with the fact that she'd been by herself for so long, it was probably the first time in years she had a pack, a family to call her own and now she was at the risk of losing it all again.

Sympathy washed over him and calmed his mood somewhat. "It'll be fine, River. Just pick a mate."

"They're all either in college or mated."

Oh right, he forgot about that.

Then he remembered something. "Aiden's first full moon's coming up."

She practically gaped at him. "Aiden?"

He winced.

Okay, maybe that was a bad suggestion….Aiden would just probably drive her insane with his antics and she was way too mature for him.

But maybe they could balance each other out?

Nah, they'd never work.

"Hey, I was just suggesting…" He shrugged. "I'm sure it'll all work out."

She sighed. "Hopefully,"

He bid her farewell at that and went to get another beer. He needed to get drunk now. All that talk about mates with River just kept reminding him that Caroline was here…with Matt. And the only reason why he went to this party in the first place was because he knew she'd be there and now he couldn't leave because she was there.

A feminine giggle reached his ears, his wolf senses going into overdrive as he recognized who it came from.


That meant she was close by and he could–

Nope, no, he wasn't going there. He was staying right where he was. He wasn't going to come looking for her like some lovesick puppy. He wasn't, he wouldn't, he–

Another giggle then a moan, "Matt…"

Oh damn it.

It didn't take him long to find them, they were near the falls, a popular make-out point, Caroline pressed up against a tree with Matt sucking on her face like some leech, his hands all over her, in her hair, around her waist, sliding up her blouse…

Tyler saw red.

He moved so fast, they barely noticed him not until he pushed Matt of her and punched him so hard in the face, his nose broke with a sickening crack, blood gushing out immediately.

"Tyler!" Caroline yelped in surprise and anger and he ignored her, too busy glaring at his now ex-best friend.

"Don't you dare touch her again," He made himself loud and clear and all the while Matt only stared up at him from where he was sitting on his butt on the ground, completely dazed and confused about what was going on. "If you do…I will kill you."

"Tyler, what is going on?"

Ah, his lovely mate.

Turning to her, he took in her horrified, surprised, angered, confused expression. So many emotions she could feel all at once, how fascinating.

Not thinking twice, he grabbed her around her middle and hauled her on his shoulder, her screaming at him to stop and put her down. He ignored her and started walking to where his car was parked.

"Tyler, put me down! Tyler, stop! Tyler!"

"Shut up, Caroline."

She stiffened and shut her mouth, the telepathic conversation catching her off-guard. He hadn't meant to use it so soon not until he told her all that she needed to know about him and their connection but desperate times called for desperate measures.

"W-What was that?"

He didn't answer her.

He had to pass the large clearing where everyone was to get where the cars were parked and he was aware of all the stares they were getting but ignored them. This was none of their business and anyone who asked would get punched in the face.

"Tyler, please put me down now!"

He inwardly apologized to her and nodded at Conor and Aiden to block Matt as he neared his jeep.

"Tyler, where are you taking me?" Her voice was rising with alarm.

He sighed to himself.

He had a feeling it was going to be a long night.

So I should be updating Miseria but I've been missing the pack lately. And I promised you guys the prequel so here it is. Will be very short, below ten chapters.