So here I am, back to writing again :]
This isn't really much, but it's still a beginning, right? ^^''

Came up with this idea when I read another collection of drabbles and thought, why not test my drabbling skills? xD
So yeah.. Some of them are at the camp, some of them at home, some of them in public, some of them nowhere in particular..
Also, some of them may be bad, some of them may be good, some may be cute, some may not, bladibladiblah..
Some words may be mistranslated or misinterpreted, but that's just my fault then :X
Anyways, please don't sue me because of my pretty much lacking grammar skills, I'm not that good at English! :X

I'm gonna stop blabbing now, just enjoy reading! xD

Dislcaimer: I do not own Holes or the characters in this fanfic (because if I did, it would be completely about Zigzag and Squid falling in love and becoming cute little boyfriends :X /shot), they all belong to Louis Sachar, who wrote this wonderful book that I'm now addicted to.

Alan had woken up to a quite strange sight. "I love you :)", the green letters on his arm read. He sighed and then chuckled, remembering he saw Ricky rummaging through the stuff on his desk before closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep.

While walking through the supermarket and looking at all the chocolate bars in front of him, Ricky felt some kind of strange familiarity.

It was only when he met Alan later that day that he realized the other boy's hair had always looked a lot like chocolate.

While digging his hole for that day, Ricky wondered what would happen if he suddenly dug up a treasure chest full of gold.

He'd probably get out of that godforsaken camp and live a long and rich life far away from Texas.

Not without Alan, of course.

Once again, Ricky had persuaded Alan into watching TV with him. The blonde-haired boy was staring at the broken TV-set intently. Alan, on the other hand, had no idea what the fuck they were watching.

He couldn't complain about watching Ricky, though.

Ricky didn't take it too well when Alan said 'No' to him for the first time when he tried to kiss the other boy.

He slumped down in his seat and stared at the broken TV-set in front of him with a hint of pain in his eyes, only to be hugged by a pair of arms and to hear a 'Sorry' being whispered in his ear.

When Ricky had just gotten his new cell phone, he had tested everything on it. He ended up getting bored, switching on the camera and filming Alan.

"Why are you filming me?", the other boy had asked.

"Because you're gonna be my new wallpaper", he had answered simply.

Alan's mother always lectured him about his room being too messy, not doing homework and him being lazy and throwing his junk everywhere.

"Your room's a mess", were the first words Ricky spoke when he entered Alan's room.

"Shut up, you sound like my mom", Alan groaned. "Well, I bet your mom isn't as hot as I am..", Ricky grinned.

"Nah..", Alan smiled, and he reached up to kiss the taller boy.

Alan glanced in the mirror and scowled at himself in disgust. His hair looked terrible, his clothes were ugly, he hated the color of his eyes and he thought he was getting chubby.

Suddenly a wild-haired head appeared next to his in the mirror and he felt two arms wrap around him from behind. "You're so beautiful..", the other boy told him and he felt a pair of lips kiss his neck softly. He looked up at himself again and smiled.

He didn't look that bad, actually..

Ricky gasped as he accidentally dropped the water jug on the floor. "I'm so sorry!", he yelled and started picking the shards off the kitchen floor.

Alan looked up from his magazine at the kitchen table. "Oh, it's okay", he said casually. "We have a spare"

Ricky looked up at him terrified. "What?", he said. "That's not okay! What if that was you? I don't have a spare Alan!", he cried out.

Alan just chuckled and walked over to the other boy to kiss him softly.

Alan looked up at Ricky as he read the birthday card he had written for him. "That's supposed to be an 'i'..", Ricky stated, pointing at a word on the paper.

Alan rolled his eyes.

"Whatever..", he grumbled and he snuggled back into the other boy's arms.

Ricky looked at Alan in distaste as he crammed down the sixth pancake in a row. "You really shouldn't eat that much, you know..", he said, eyebrows scrunched up in a frown.

"But I'm hungry!", Alan said, his mouth filled with pancake mixed with syrup.

Ricky tried so hard to keep himself from laughing, but ended up snorting twice and bursting out in a fit of laughter.

He had been counting from the beginning. Twelve days. Twelve days and eleven nights since he got here. Tomorrow it'd be thirteen days and twelve nights.

He stared up at the canvas above him. Once again, he couldn't sleep. Though that was normal for him; his head was just too busy with all those thoughts about everything and nothing. He looked to the side and saw a dark sleeping form. He could barely make out the chocolate brown hair, closed caramel eyes and perfectly formed lips of the boy lying in the cot next to his.

He was introduced to him as Alan, but everyone called him Squid. He preferred to call him Alan, though. He liked the name and the sound of it. It made him feel funny in the stomach, even though he had only known the boy for twelve days yet.

Yawning, Alan walked up to the 'library' to get out his shovel and grabbed his breakfast from the plate filled with tortillas drenched in honey. As he ate, he felt a tall body linger over his shoulder and soon a head full of wild blonde hair appeared in his field of vision.

He felt his face heat up furiously and his heart clench tightly as he saw the other boy take a bite off the tortilla in his hand.

A second later he was left there staring at his friend's back, blushing like mad and with a burning feeling in his stomach that made all of his appetite disappear like snow in the sun.

He glanced at his tortilla again and decided that he hadn't been really hungry to begin with.

Alan looked up at the boy holding him and felt a smile creep onto his face.

Maybe, he thought, Camp Green Lake was indeed a good experience. Maybe it hadn't been as bad as he always thought it was. It had earned him Ricky and a bunch of new friends, after all.

Or maybe it was destiny. Maybe God, or whatever great force was up there, had wanted them to meet at the camp. To fall in love eventually, and be together.

Or, he concluded, maybe he was just lucky..

So, those were the first fourteen (if I counted them right) I have :]
Please tell me what you think. Liked it? Hated it? I want critics so I can get better and write better fanfics that don't suck like half of my fics do :']
Also, I find it very ironic how the twelfth drabble I wrote is called 'Twelve' xD (I bet the random word generator knewI was going to do this and decided to give the twelfth drabble the word 'Twelve'!)

Also, people, flames are still used to roast my marshmellows! :D