^_^ Disclaimer: I do not own Blizzard characters. I want to warn all of you lore fanatics out there that if lore error greatly displeases you, DO NOT READ THIS STORY! (some anonymous Joe decided to take the time to write a chapter book on all of my errors… dude… this is for fun, okay?) This is a unique tale that took some bends to put together to make the unlikely happen.

Now, for those of you out there who enjoy fanfiction for the sake of fun, spin-offs or just sheer creativity, then have a seat and enjoy the ride!

A Cursed Hero

"Ti'Ran, wake up! Time fo' anothah mission." Zumell beamed as he entered the tent with some breakfast.

Ti'Ran groaned as she pulled a layer of her old robes over her head.

"Oye, rise n' shine, girl. Getchaself pumped fo' dis one cuz ya gotta head tah steal."

Ti'Ran finally rolled off of her sleeping mat and crawled to her water bucket to wash her face. Zumell placed the breakfast plate next to Ti'Ran's weapons when he heard her suddenly shriek. He quickly turned around in concern.

"What is it, mon?"

Ti'Ran shook her head, "Nottin… jes scared mehself," she turned to him with a slight scowl. "Couldn't tell meh ya put ah mirror in heah, could ya?"

"Oh yea, I forgot about dat." Zumell tried to hold back a chuckle but Ti'Ran found the situation in no way amusing. She rolled her eyes and turned back to the mirror to stare at her reflection.

"Look what dey done to meh, Zumie. I look so much like a night elf now it makes me sick."

Zumell turned to refute but he stopped to really have a look at the girl.

Ti'Ran's once vibrant teal skin was dulled to an ashy tone of blue. The fiery red hair that made her look so much like her father, was now a deep and quiet violet hue. Her traditional tri-hawk hairstyle had been combed down into a simple elven ponytail and night elvish designs covered her eyes. She really looked like a night elf and Zumell knew it was nothing she was happy about.

"Look at deh important missions you been given because of what you be. Ti'Ran, you are ah blood elf-troll; a rarity, if not deh only of ya kind. Nobody else coulda completed all deez missions successfully except yaself." Zumell explained as he turned away while she changed into her dress robes.

"Don't know how I've made it so far. I may have ten fingahs and ten toes, meh brows look funny and meh eyes sure glow but if deez night elves be as smart as dey are made out tah be, ya tink dey woulda figured it out already. How dey haven't spotted meh accent or pointed out meh tusks or meh height is beyond meh!"

Zumell silently helped the girl strap on her bags and staff-pack. The troll knew better than to argue with Ti'Ran about the two last issues. While growing up in Sen'Jin Village had been difficult enough for the girl, training with other trolls in Echo Isles had left Ti'Ran with a serious complex about her tooth-sized tusks and her extremely short height, for she stood nearly a foot and a half shorter than the average female troll.

"Nevahmind doze tings. Ya confronted over thrity-some night elves at Darnassian Base Camp and not one could tell you wasn't one of dem." He picked up the plate of food to offer but Ti'Ran waved it off. As he handed her staff over, she let out a frustrated sigh.

"I miss meh axe… all dat training last month and I still can't use dis stupid stick. At least Shamans know how tah fight. Druids beh weak, mon and deez nature spells ain't workin' foh meh either."

"Ti'Ran, you are deh fastest learner I know. I'm sure you'll figure it out." Zumell was quickly growing tired of the complaints but his look of annoyance changed when he saw the sad look on the girl's face.

"I'm blood elf troll, Zumie. I ain't nevah been much to deh trolls and I ain't worth shit to deh blood elves. I was born wit an allegiance to deh Horde and I have always proven meh dedication… but what have dey offered meh? Dis line of quests heah, in Azshara…just anoddah practical joke… right, mon?" She snatched up her staff and headed out of the tent.

Zumell felt shot and the worse part about it was that he knew she was right. He had hoped that the missions Ag'tor Bloodfist had assigned in Azshara would help to raise the girl's spirits…and more importantly, her sense of self worth. However, his plan had turned upside down. Ag'tor believed that the only way the spy missions would be a success was if Ti'Ran was willing to go through with a thorough transformation. From that point, Zumell had watched the goblins transform the blood elf troll into a night elf, something many of the Darkspears had teased Ti'Ran about when she was a child in Sen'Jin Village. He helplessly sat back and watched as the girl was stripped of her Shaman powers and saw how she struggled to learn the ways of Druidism. He painfully listened to her take on the enemy's language with ease and he held back tears the day they burned away her tattoo of the Horde, her symbol of loyalty and the last bit of pride she had held onto.

Zumell exited the tent and watched Ti'Ran report to Chawng, the commander at Valormok. The orc looked pleased to see her and patted the girl on the head as he introduced her to a goblin rogue; possibly her mission partner. Contrary to her torturous training, Ti'Ran had become quite popular in Azshara for her mission successes and her extensive enemy head-count. Still, as Zumell watched the girl force on a smile as she listened to her mission orders, he wondered if it was all worth it. As her Godfather, trainer and mentor, Zumell knew that somehow, he had to keep her spirits up. He had to believe that things would turn around for her in the end. He slung his hands into his pockets and felt a small bag he had forgotten about. When he pulled it out, he remembered what it was for and smiled as he headed for Ti'Ran.

The blood elf-troll was heading out of Valormok with her goblin partner when Zumell caught up with her.
"Ti'Ran, before ya leave, I got someting fo' ya!" he chimed happily. Ti'Ran turned with a raised brow.

"I'll catch up wit cha, Slinky." She called to the goblin and waved her off. "Whatcha so cheery about, Zumie?"

"Dis! Can't believe I forgot about it. Mikal'wah wanted meh tah give deez to ya when you began tah take ya missions but you were so busy wit ya trainin' dat I forgot about dem." He pulled a rolled up piece of cloth out from the bag and handed it to her. Ti'Ran unrolled the cloth to find three strands of beaded feathers and two long locks of dreaded auburn hair.

"Deez were ya Pao's leadahship seals and two of ya Meme's dreadlocks. Ya parents gave dem to Mikalwah when dey left ya wit us before headin' out fo' An'Quiraj."

Ti'Ran's eyes glowed brightly as she happily looked over the items. "Pao's seals from Sen'Jin Village and Thunderbluff… and Meme's… Mikal'wah told meh dat Meme really liked deh trolls. Said she even dressed her up like a Darkspear girl once… but I didn't know she had dreadlocks!"

"Count ya blessins', girl. Yo' parents would be real proud of all ya done here and ya still got much tah show deh world." Zumell put a hand on Ti'Ran's shoulder. "I talked tah Chawng earlier an' he told meh dat ya days in night elf disguise end after dis mission. He said dat neahly all of Azshara's been covered." He took a lock of her hair between his fingers as she rolled the items back up and tucked them into her robes. "Takin' dis charade into Ashenvale be too dangerous for ya. I'll help ya put dem into ya hair once deh missions done and all dis costume dye be washed away."

"I'll take twenty baths if I have to! Oh tank ya , Zumie!" The girl cried happily as she hugged her mentor tightly. "I'll be back in no time at all!"

Ti'Ran waved as she headed out onto the dirt road toward Talrendis Point to meet up with her partner once again. Zumell smiled, relieved to finally see some hope from the youth.

"She'll be alright."

As Ti'Ran caught up to Slinky Sharpshiv, they veered off the dirt road and into the brush.

"Here, kid. I made this for ya." The goblin said, handing the belf-troll a slip of paper. It was a poorly drawn image of a human man, short and bearded. Ti'Ran raised a brow as she gave the goblin a look.

"Ya fo' real, mon?"

"Hey! It took me three hours to get his likeness! I'm a rogue… a bomb expert, not an artist… besides, I couldn't get my hands on a camera. Anyway, its just so you know whose head to take. Now get out there and I'm meet ya at the top of the tower."

"How you gettin' up dere?"

"Don't worry 'bout it. Just get through all that mess without being caught, got it?"


Slinky disappeared into the brush as Ti'Ran headed back onto the road towards Talrendis Point. She had succeeded in deceiving so many night elves in the past few weeks during her missions, that she couldn't help but feel a bit complacent. She approached two young Sentinels with a smile and said "hello" in polished Darnassian tongue. The Sentinels smiled and nodded in return. Ti'Ran strolled through the Alliance base without the twitch of one skeptical eye.

The belf troll quickly approached a human food vendor and pointed out a small selection of fruits she wished to buy. As the vendor collected Ti'Ran's selection, he couldn't keep his eyes off of the smiling imposed night elf. He handed over the goods and chimed, "I must say, what a pretty little night elf you are! I bet you'd stir up quite some mischief if you were in Stormwind."

Ti'Ran let out a soft chuckle, characteristic of many female night elves, as she shook her head. "Oh but I prefer to cause that mischief here." She jested in a dainty Common tongue as she paid for the bundle and carried on her way. The blood elf troll was as sharp and witty as she was cunning; traits she knew her parents had passed onto her. She smirked at the thought as she headed for the Northwatch Tower. Three human guards stood at the entranceway and she presented herself before them.

"State your business." One human guard demanded sternly.

"Just a small snack delivery for Captain Grunwald." Ti'Ran batted her eyes as she held up the bundle of fruit.

The guard scrunched his brow as he stared at the night elf.

"We were never given notice of such transactions today."

The imposed night elf gave a slight pout as she began digging into one of her packs. "Really? That's odd. I have his request right here…"

"Oh, come off it Edgar. Don't give the little lady such a hard time. You know how the Captian likes to snack these days due to all his stress. Let her do her job." One of the other guards said as he winked at her and let her pass by. Ti'Ran smiled and nodded at the man.

(Humans sure do gotta soft spot fo' night elf girls.) She smirked at the thought as she climbed the spiral ramp to the top of the tower.

Captain Grunwald stood over a strategy table as two officials gave their reports. A female night elf watched the imposed night elf enter the floor and brought the girl to the Captain's attention. Captain Grunwald smiled and approached her.
"Ah, fresh fruit! A great snack! Mariel, did you send for this?"

"No, Captain." The night elf replied rather confused.

"Well whoever sent the request, I thank them." The Captain picked up an apple and winked at the girl.

Ti'Ran smiled. (Oh, dis be just too easy! )

"You are an adorable little elf, aren't ya?"

Ti'Ran's smile twitched. (If I hear someone call meh little jest one more time….)

"Just set the bundle on the that table in the corner, please."

As Ti'Ran turned to head to the table, the others went back to business.

"Gentlemen, we have a spy on our hands." Mariel stated darkly.

Ti'Ran froze for a moment as a pang of fear shot through her.

"Amberwind Lorekeeper and her mission crew suffered a massive blow last week when a spy came onto base. Apparently, our furbolg allies were conned into turning against us as well. One of the survivors believes it was a night elf member of our own, but we have reason to believe a Horde member in disguise was responsible for the massacre." The night elf explained to her party as Ti'Ran continued on her way to the small corner table.

"Well, it couldn't be a disguise! What race of the Horde could appear so convincing to the night elves that they would confuse the spy as one of their own?" one of the officials replied.

"Whatever the case may be, this spy's actions in the past few weeks have greatly weakened our forces in most of the regions of Azshara. We cannot afford to call for reinforcement due to the need of arms at the battle at Warsong Lumber Camp." Mariel gave the Captain a look.

As the group continued to discuss the situation, Ti'Ran quietly and steadily made her way back to the ramp.

"Well, I can assure you of one thing my lady and gentlemen," Captain Grunwald said as he sliced off a piece of apple with a knife and popped it into his mouth, "No spy is going to make a fool of me." The Captain immediately chucked the knife just past Ti'Ran's nose. The Northwatch officials immediately grabbed a hold of Ti'Ran as she tried to head down the ramp. Captain Grunwald and Mariel presented themselves before the night elf imposter. The Captain smiled as he took a hold of Ti'Ran's chin in his fingers. "Hello, beautiful. I believe your little charade on Alliance grounds has come to an end."

Mariel raised her staff in concern as the Captain drew his face close to the imposter's to further examine her.

"Such an elaborate disguise… and you almost had me. How cocky of your leader, Chawng, to send you my way. You look nearly just like a night elf," He pushed down Ti'Ran's lower lip to reveal the small tusks that barely jut out from her sharp teeth. "…and yet you are not. You're quite a mystery! What a shame that we must kill such a unique specimen." The Captain pulled out his sword and raised it but suddenly, the officials let out a yelp and fell to the floor, releasing Ti'Ran. The belf troll quickly grabbed onto the Captain's sword and pulled him off balance as Slinky appeared from behind the officials and attacked Mariel. Ti'Ran kicked Captain Grunwald in the chest as she pulled his sword from his hands. She suddenly felt a shock of pain surge through her body and looked to Mariel who had casted a spell of Wrath.

"Hey, down here, bitch!" Slinky Sharpshiv shouted as she sliced at the night elf's knees, forcing the druid to the ground. Captain Grunwald gripped onto Ti'Ran's hair and pulled her against him.

"Give that back, little one." He growled as he tried to pry the sword from her hands. Ti'Ran immediately turned and bit into the man's neck, shocking him enough to release from the sword. She quickly jumped back as the man gripped his neck.

"What the hell are you!"

"Deh last ting you'll evah see!" Ti'Ran shouted as she swung the sword and sliced through the man's neck.

"Yeah! Nice one, girl!" Slinky cheered as she finished off Mariel.

"Slinky, you're late, dammit!" Ti'Ran snapped as she began chopping through the bone in the Captain's neck.

"Hey, you're alive, ain't ya?" Slinky replied and she bounced around the deck setting up explosives. She climbed one of the ledges and secured a parachute pack on her back. She pulled out a detonator and turned to Ti'Ran. "The rest of the tower is set. You finished with that head or what? Come on! We gotta blow this joint and I mean literally!"

"Cleavin' ah head ain't exactly an easy task, ya know!" Ti'Ran said as she continued to saw through the neck.

"Yeah, well scaling a three-story tower and setting explosives ain't exactly a walk in the park either. Hurry up!" Slinky said as she noticed guards rushing into the tower from below.

"Got it!" Ti'Ran exclaimed as she pulled out a bag and pushed the head inside. She wrapped the bag's cord around her arm and climbed the banister ledge beside Slinky. "I didn't get ah parachute! What dey hell am I supposed tah do!"

"Ya hold onto me!"


"Move it or lose it, chick! We got company on the way!" Slinky said as she pushed the belf troll over the ledge and jumped immediately after. They fell a few feet before Slinky latched onto the girl and released her parachute. The wind immediately picked them up and carried them out over Talrendis Point. Alliance members below began shouting and a few bowman began to shoot at the floating duo.

"You're a crazy little bitch, ya know dat!" Ti'Ran shrieked as she held onto the little goblin for dear life.

"What's a' matter, TR? Afraid of heights?"

"No I'm afraid of YOU!"

"Ahhhh… you're fine, you're fine." Slinky laughed as she detonated the bomb. "KABOOM!"

Just as the Northwatch guards reached the top of the tower, the massive structure exploded and heavy wood and stone debris went flying in all directions.

"Nice work, TR. Just hold on nice n' tight and we'll be on the ground in no…" A massive chunk of stone blew right into the girls, knocking them apart and sending Ti'Ran away with it. Ti'Ran screamed as she was casted out past Azshara's ledge and down into the Southfury River.

"TI'RAN!" Slinky screamed as she watched in horror as the belf troll disappeared into the river. The goblin landed just outside of Talrendis Point. She immediately detached from her parachute and began to head for the river when she noticed Sentinels on their way toward her. "Oh shit!" she cursed as she quickly headed back to Valormok.

Horde members cheered and celebrated the fall of Talrendis Point shortly after they heard the blast. Chawng's officials pulled out an oak keg and handed him a stein. He laughed cheerfully as he turned to Zumell and offered him a stein as well. The troll gladly took up the ale and smiled.

"They did it, Zumell! Haha! That girl is a fantastic spy! She'll do wonders for us when we reach Silverwind!"

Zumell's smile immediately dropped, "Silvahwind? Ya mean Silvahwind Refuge… in Ashenvale?"

Chawng's expression grew more serious. "I forgot to tell you. I received notice from Ag'tor about an hour ago. He wants to keep Ti'Ran on the job after all. She'll be of crucial help to us in Silverwind."

Zumell dropped the stein and clutched onto Chawng's tabard. "Ya jest tol' meh dis mornin' she was done wit dis night elf shit!"

The orc's eyes grew cold as he sternly stared back at the troll. "Ag'tor changed his mind. She's a great asset to us. She remains on mission duty. Do you refuse his command?"

"Chawng!" a small voiced screeched and the two males looked to the distance to see a small female goblin crying as she ran towards them. Zumell and Chawng immediately ran to meet with her.

"Slinky, what happened? We saw the tower fall from here? Did you not succeed?"

"Sentinels are after us! All of Talrendis are on their way!" Slinky began.

Chawng turned to his officials, "Tell the base to prepare for battle, NOW!"

"Where's Ti'Ran!" Zumell implored.

"Debris knocked her offa me! She fell into the river! I ain't NEVER lost a mission partner like that before!" Slinky cried.

"TI'RAN!" Zumell shouted as he stumbled to his feet to head to the river.

"No, troll! She fell, like over some fifteen stories into that river! She's done! There's no way someone could have survived that."

Chawng looked to Zumell who stared wide-eyed with tears. He put a hand on the troll's shoulder with sincerity.

"Stay strong, troll. We'll need you if Valormok is to remain standing." He said as he headed toward his tent to retrieve more weapons.

Zumell looked back towards Talrendis Point as the Alliance members approached, weapons in hand. He looked past the crowd of enemies to the cliff's edge, to the river.
