Hi! :)
Ok i'm really really really sorry for the late update. I think it has been a year or maybe even more since i updated, and to be honest i wasn't sure if i will ever continue this story. But i think i'll try :D Also sorry if this chapter is rather boring. I'll try to make it more interesting and i'll update more often (not after a year for sure). And also thanks for all reviews. It made my heart go doki doki ! :D

I do not own Fairy Tail, it belongs to Hiro Mashima.

"You know better than anyone, what your true power is…"

Lucy woke up with a big headache. It was sunny outside and she thought that it should be already lunch time. She quickly remembered what happened yesterday before she passed, and went to the bathroom to clean her mouth. She had a flaming taste on her lips, probably because of that boy's power. She couldn't believe it. He really kidnapped her, and no one cared that she's missing. Well maybe only Levy noticed that she's missing, but she probably thought that her friend went on a walk with her future husband. She heard a strange noise coming from her stomach. She hadn't tasted a single dish since yesterday. She tough that if the boy, Natsu, wanted to give her to someone he wouldn't poison her food. She then decided that she won't lose anything if she just goes downstairs and asks him for food.

Natsu was sitting on the sofa and watching TV when the girl came down.
"Good morning sweetheart „he said.

She looked at him and then with a quiet voice said:

"I'm hungry, could you possibly make me something to eat"

Natsu thought, she's trying to sound not so bossy, but it still annoyed him that she didn't say "please". But he decided to forgive her this time.

"Yeah, anytime you want." He smiled." I can make you fried eggs if you want."

He saw a slight hesitation in her eyes but she still nodded and sat on the sofa. He stood up and went to the kitchen. He didn't want to admit it but this girl amazed him every time they talked about something. He opened the fridge and took some eggs. Now how should he fry them? He was wondering if he should use his powers or the oven. He finally chose the oven because he didn't know how they'll look, after his Flame Dragon Fist.

Lucy was sitting quietly on the sofa waiting for her fried eggs. She was amazed and in the meantime shocked when Natsu asked her if she wants fried eggs. She thought he was making fun of her. But he looked serious. She was wondering how he is going to cook them. It would've been funny if he used his power to fry them, but she was sure that he's not that stupid and he'll use the oven. While she was thinking Natsu came in with a plate in his hand and a grin on his face. She was wondering what's so funny. Maybe she had something on her face or maybe he really put poison in her food. Whatever it was it annoyed her.

"Ta-da" said he. „I hope you like my homemade fired eggs"

"You mean fried?"

"Never mind that"

Lucy tried not to laugh. When he put the plate In front of her, she had a strange feeling that something's not right in this plate. But her stomach wasn't on the same feeling and she, without even hesitating, took the fork and grabbed one of the eggs. Then it happened. The strange feeling she had from before was the smell. The eggs were looking good on the outside. But she had the feeling that on the inside there was something disgusting. Was it from the butter or from the oven, she didn't know, but the eggs were still raw.

"So… how are the eggs?"

"Someone really has to teach you how to cook."
"Why?"Said he surprised.

"Never mind… ouch I think I'm going to puke" Lucy stood and went to the bathroom. She made a mistake trusting him with the cooking. How did he manage to live these years, with these unhealthy meals every day? Maybe he was going to a restaurant. But she had more important things to think of at that moment. She didn't throw up everything. Otherwise she would've passed right after throwing. Someone knocked on the door. After that a pink hair showed.
"Hey… how are you?" She was surprised how gentle he sounded.

"Well except for the fact that I haven't eaten a single thing in two days, I'm ok." Then a great idea came in her mind. "Well after I know that you can't cook, why don't you take me to a restaurant."

She saw that the boy was considering this option. He didn't have much to choose. Either way he had to buy some food ingredients from the market, so that she can eat something normal, or he had to take her to eat somewhere. In both ways there was a high possibility of escaping.

"Well… I don't know. I know that you'll try to escape."

"Well then you can go to the store and buy some food." She laughed." Then I'll try to escape too. And don't think I'm afraid of the forest. If you can call it a forest." She knew that there is no way they are somewhere, where there is no civilization. There must be a village somewhere closer.

He was wondering for about two more minutes and finally said that he'll take her to a restaurant.

"But I won't lose you of sight!" He warned her.

"Ok, if you say so."

And after that he grabbed her through her waist and took her downstairs.

"Wait, let me go! I can walk!" She tried to escape but his grip was tight.

"There's no way I'm letting you down. " He grinned. Lucy gave up on her fight. There was no escaping this boy's grip.

She was wondering if he had a car. Even thought there was a village somewhere near, she didn't think he'll carry her all the way to there. He must have a car. Then he went to one side of the house. He put her down and started looking for something, but from time to time checked if she was still there.

"I thought that you wouldn't release me." Lucy smirked.

He just smiled back and kept searching. After a few second he laughed and took out a bicycle. Lucy stared at him, and couldn't stop her laugh.

"You'll take me to a restaurant with that thing?" She was laughing so hard that her stomach started to hurt.

"Well I'm happy that you understand. Now get on and don't let go of me, cuz I'm really fast." He waited for her to sit behind him, and then started wheeling.

While they were traveling across the forest he thought that the idea of taking her to a restaurant wasn't such a bad idea. It was easier to feed her that way. He was sure that she would have liked his cooking but it seemed that when you are from a rich family you have your own taste.

He was going fast through the forest with his bicycle. She was behind him and her hands were on his chest.

"I'm thinking about bringing you to my favorite restaurant. Take it as a gift for the kiss yesterday." He didn't notice how her cheeks went red.

"It'll be the first and the last one, don't worry." She was thinking about a way to escape after they eat in the restaurant. While in her thoughts she didn't notice when they arrived at a restaurant with the strangest name ever. It said "Flaming Happy". „What's that supposed to mean?" – wondered Lucy.

"I'm sure you'll like their cooking. It's one of the best restaurants in this town. "Natsu was so happy that Lucy thought that maybe this place was filed with perverts. When they were just about to enter, a blue flying cat went out. Suddenly Natsu's expression changed from happy to, like Lucy describes it, ultra-happy. After that the blue flying cat, Lucy was still wondering how could this little creature fly, shouted:
"Natsu!" And after that they hugged tightly, tears running down from their faces.

"Hey buddy, long time no see! " Natsu said when they released each other. "How are you Happy?"

Lucy now understood where the restaurant's name was coming from. It seemed that this little creature was the owner of this place.

"Happy, let me introduce you. This is Lucy, my hostage." Natsu smiled.

"Oh I see. Nice to meet you Lucy!" She was watching as the cat extended his hand for a shake.

"Nice to meet you too. Aren't you surprised that I'm his hostage?" She couldn't ignore this question.

"No." – was the only answer she got from the blue cat, before it went back in.

"This is my best friend. Don't worry, you'll like him." His smile was so bright that was killing.

When they entered, Lucy was thinking that this place will be horrible. She was surprised to see that the restaurant was more than normal, it was comfortable. Natsu took Lucy's hand and started pacing around the restaurant. After a few minutes, they found a free table. A brown flying cat with a rather scary face brought them menus. Lucy was wondering what's in the menu. She opened it and the first name she read was "Spicy Flames". Ok this was weird. She checked the next name. "Blue Flames" it said.

"Oh this one is my favorite!" said Natsu. He was pointing to the "Blue Flames "dish.

"Um, I've got a question. By flames, do you mean real flames?"

"Yeah what else could it be?"

"So what are your orders? "Lucy saw that Happy was now beside them with a huge pen and a note in his hands. She was wondering how is he able to hold them.

"I'd like one portion of "Blue Flames", please." Natsu ordered. "And a cola."

"I'd like something that can be eaten." Lucy was trying not to show that she was annoyed. What were they thinking? Was that supposed to be a restaurant?

"There are some normal dishes on the back of the menu. " The blue cat noted when he saw Lucy's angry face.

"Hey, what do you mean by "eaten"? You know… these flames are delicious!" Natsu looked sad.

"Yeah he's right" Now was Happy. "You should try them too."

"I prefer to stay whole, till my death. I'd like to order a steak…"

"They are not that hot, you know. And the blue ones have a sweet taste." Natsu said.

"Natsu you should change you taste… Why don't you try the spicy ones? "Lucy was going to explode after a few minutes.

"Can we please order something, because I'm starting to see everyone here as meatballs. Especially you Happy… Now I see you as a giant flying sandwich!" She said angrily.

Happy got scared. "Ok one portion of "Blue Flames" and a steak, right?"

"Yeah that's right." After that the blue cat disappeared.

"You are mean. " Was the last thing Natsu said, before their meals arrived.

While they were eating, Lucy noticed a strange boy on one of the tables. He had black hair and black eyes, but that's not what was strange. It was the way he was dressed. His chest was naked and he wasn't wearing trousers, only his underwear. She was wondering when she's going to see a pervert, and there he was. Sitting on one of the tables and, strange, watching her.

"Hey Natsu?"

"Mm?" said the boy with full mouth.

"I think this boy over there is watching us. " Lucy pointed to the stranger.

"Hm… yeah I think you're right." Then the said boy stood up and started walking their way.

"Happy… HAPPY! "Shouted Natsu. "Bring me the check please."

"Aye!" said the cat.

Natsu paid and grabbed Lucy's hand. Then they started walking to the exit. The boy that was watching them noticed that they are leaving and started following them. Lucy knew that now was her chance of escaping. When they went outside she kicked Natsu in the leg and started running.

"So long fire boy!" This was her plan of escaping. And it worked. She was finally free.

At first when Lucy told Natsu that someone was staring at them he thought she was joking. Then he saw him, and he recognized him. It was his enemy Gray Fullbuster. He knew that something's fishy here that's why he decided that this will be the end of their meal.

But now the girl was escaping. And he couldn't follow her because she kicked him really hard. After a few seconds Gray came outside and he had no choice but to follow her, even though it hurt. He started looking around. But she was nowhere to be seen. "Where did this girl go?" Natsu thought. Then he saw an old man walking on the street.

"Excuse me old man, did you happen to meet a big breasted girl with blond hair? And if you do, did you see where she went?" The old man looked at him and said with a husky voice:
"Yeah I saw your girlfriend. She went that way" He pointed to one old building. "If you want to capture her you better run fast."

"Thank you!" Natsu shook his hand and went to the building.

"Youngsters… always in love." Said the man to himself.

Gray saw that Natsu was talking with someone. And it seemed that this man knew where Lady Heartfilia went.
"Hey old geezer, do you know where the blond-haired lady went?" Gray asked the old man.

"You too? This girl must be famous. Well she went to that building over there… You better hurry because you're not the only one who is fighting for her heart!" The old man winked to Gray and continued on his way. Gray saw something pink near the building and was sure it was that "flaming head's" hair.

When the black-haired boy went to the building the old man told himself:

"This girl is so cruel."

Just when Natsu was about to enter the building, out of nowhere the building collapsed making a big cloud of dust. He froze. For a moment he couldn't understand what was happening. After that he quickly came on his mind and started shouting.

"Lucy…. LUCYYYYY!" No one answered. There was only dust.

I promise to update as soon as i can! And also sorry again for my grammar. Lol too many sorry. :D

Don't forget to review. :D