"Bed. Now." Logan ordered as soon as the front door was open. He tossed his keys into the glass bowl next to the door that was overflowing with numerous bills and other non-important papers that were forgotten about. He shut the door with his foot as he juggled the bags of groceries and his bag of books and papers in to hands.
"But, Daddy," the small blonde whined and stomped his foot for emphasis as he crossed his arms and pouted, "I'm not even tired."
Logan smiled and rolled his eyes was he walked past the small boy and into the kitchen where he dropped the bags in a heap on the small four-place table and turned back to wave the small boy to him, "Come here, Mason."
Mason shuffled his way across the kitchen to his daddy and Logan squatted down to his level as he placed his hand to Mason's forehead and frowned, "You've gotten warmer," he mumbled and picked up the short blonde a he carried him to the counter and set him down before he started rifling through a near-by drawer.
"Daddy, I don't feel good," the small, almost scared voice made Logan look up from the drawer to see his son's small green tinted face look up at him. Logan abandoned the drawer and made a mad dash across the small kitchen to the garbage can that he held out to Mason, just as the small boy emptied the contents of his stomach.
Logan rubbed the small blonde's back soothingly and held the can until there was nothing left in the boy's stomach. "Ewww," Logan chuckled as he set the garbage can down and picked Mason up from the counter. Mason snuggled into Logan's shoulder as he carried him up the stairs and into the small bathroom, that Mason had dubbed as his and even picked out the Spongebob curtain and wall clings.
Logan sat his son on the toilet and turned the water on in the tub, getting the temperature just right before plugging it and turning back to Mason. "Arms up," he said and Mason slowly lifted his arms as Logan removed his shirt then his pants before he carefully set the small boy in the warm water.
"Daddy, when is Papa coming home?" the small blonde asked and Logan couldn't help but smile at the bright green eyes that shined up at him, reminding him so much of the small boy's father.
"Soon, Mason. I promise." Logan kissed the top of his head. Mason seemed content with this answer as he nodded his head and leaned back against the tub wall and let his Daddy clean him.
When the water started getting cold and Mason's head started to bob, Logan pulled out the stopper out of the tube and lifted the sleepy boy out of the cold water and wrapped a warm, fluffy towel around him as he carried him to his hockey-themed bedroom.
Logan laid the boy in his bed as he searched for some warm pj's to dress the boy in. Once he found some, he carefully put them on the sound asleep boy and tucked him into the soft covers, "G'night, Mason. I love you." Logan kissed Mason's forehead and the boy snuggled deeper into he covers as Logan smiled softly and left the room, closing the door softly behind him.
He let out a breath and slowly made his way back downstairs to the kitchen. He sighed as he glared at the groceries that had yet to be put away and trugged his way to them as he began to put the melted ice cream and thawed out steaks in the freezer, along with the warm milk.
Once the groceries were put away, Logan chanced a glance at the clock-10:30. He huffed and ran a hand over his face, he still had papers to grade. He sat at the table and pulled out his phone to chesk his messages and e-mail before realizing it was Friday.
He would have jumped with joy if he wasn't so tired, instead he settled for a small fist pump as he picked himself up from his chair and climbed the stairs to the master bedroom where he face-planted into the king-sized bed.
Five minutes later-or so Logan thought-something was tugging on his jeans and he swatted at the offending object as he mumbled and curled into himself even more. A low chuckle made Logan shiver and he opened his eyes just enough to see a blonde head of hair dissappear into the connected master bathroom.
Against his body's protests, Logan pushed himself up on his arms and looked at the alarm clock-12:30. His eyebrows furrowed and he got up from the bed, making his way to the bathroom, he stopped and leaned against the door frame as he smiled at his husband who was dressed in his boxers only.
Kendall's eyes locked with Logan's in the mirror and he smiled as he dried his face, "I know I'm late, but the guys are super pumped about making the finals, so I took them out for a late dinner after practice." Kendall explained and Logan only nodded.
After the band broke up, about 10 years ago, Logan and Kendall moved back to Minnesota where Logan realized that his real calling was teaching and Kendall became the leading scorer for the Minnesota Wild. About three years into their new life, they realized something was missing-hence Mason coming into the world. Kendall also figured that having a kid and playing hockey wouldn't really mesh well, but when he tried to quit, they made him head coach and that's where he is today.
They still talk to James, who decided to stay in L.A. and follow his modeling dream. He is also involved in a steady relationship with his manager. Carlos moved back to Minnesota with the other's and coaches little league hockey, which is why Mason loves going to practice. Katie stayed in L.A. also, and became a successful manager to one of L.A.'s greatest models-who she so happens to be dating.
"I see little man is sick," Kendall broke through Logan's thoughts as he wrapped his arms around Logan's waist and shut off the bathroom light as he steered him towards their bed. Logan furrowed his brow and looked up at Kendall confused, "He was in th bathroom when I got home."
Logan's eyes widened in alarm and he made to move towards the door, but was stopped by a pair of strong arms lifting him into their large bed, "He's fine. I took care of it and he is sound asleep in his bed." Logan relaxed into the pillows and Kendall smiled as he undid Logan's jeans and pulled them down his legs followed by his t-shirt that was also discarded and thrown next to his jeans in a pile on the floor.
He climbed into bed and wrapped his arms around Logan, pulling the smaller brunette close to his body. Logan snuggled into Kendall's embrace and sighed as he looked up into Kendall's bright green eyes and smiled, "I love you."
Kendall smiled and pressed his lips to Logan's in a sweet, chaste kiss, "I love you, too," he mumbled against the shorter's lips before capturing the brunette's lips again and deepening it just a little.
"Daddy? Papa?" a small timid voice made to the two pull apart and look at the end of their bed where all they could just see a pair of shining green eyes and a mess of blonde hair, "I can't sleep."
Kendall smiled and climbed out of bed before picking up his small look-a-like and laying him on the large bed next to Logan. Soon, he was back in bed and had his arms wrapped around not only Mason, but Logan as well.
Mason smiled contently and snuggled into Kendall's chest as Logan settled against the smaller boy's back, "I love you, Papa. I love you, Daddy." Mason said and Logan's eyes locked with Kendall's over the small boy's head.
"We love you, too," they said together and kissed the top of his head. Logan's hand found Kendall's under the blanket and their conjoined hands rested against Mason's small hip as Kendall's eyes drifted shut.
Logan smiled at the two perfect blonde's that were in his bed. They were his boys and he wouldn't trade that for the world.