I do believe this is the last chapter! Short, sweet, and hopefully resounding.

I tried to make you, the reader, smile.

A Beginning

I ran like the wind, deeper and deeper into the woods, until I couldn't see the Cullens' house anymore. Whatever I was doing, I needed complete privacy.

I closed my eyes, re-exploring that terrible night when I'd last seen my mom. After Riley had dumped her in the water, I'd run out of the city, crossed the sound, and had come a little ways into the woods. Desperate to establish some type of closure, I'd buried the bracelet I'd salvaged from my mother's body in a lame makeshift memorial. An unmarked grave containing not her body, but her most prized possession.

My scent was stale, barely there anymore, as I neared Seattle. Thankfully, few people ventured into the thick woods across the sound from the city.

Following my year-old scent and my memories of the trees, I rooted around in the ground until I found my mother's bracelet, tarnished and filthy.

I made my way back to the sound and cleaned the bracelet in the murky water. Now that it was reasonably clean, I attached it to a single chain I'd kept hanging around my neck. I held it up, examining its every microscopic detail.

"I won't bury you in my past. You're with me now. Always." I really had gone crazy now, I mused, tucking the bracelet under my shirt. Talking to jewelry.

But it seemed to me that, somewhere, someone who mattered had heard me.

"Love you, Mom."

I let out a deep breath and closed my eyes. A new beginning. I set off running at breakneck pace, filled with hope and happiness.

Where I would go, I wasn't sure. Roam like before, probably. But I'd meet others, make friends now, only using my talent in situations of immediate danger.

And I wouldn't hunt humans.

Maybe I'd find a mate, or start a coven like Carlisle. Maybe I'd go to Italy and meet the Volturi with allies at my side, ready to avenge Bree. Or maybe I'd just settle down and start back to college, like a normal human being would.

The future, for once, was full of possibilities.

And there it is! That's all we want, isn't it? Possibilities.

Maybe Fred will have another adventure; maybe he won't. But what really matters is that he has gained the potential to have new adventures.

I suppose in a way the ending's happy. But really what I wanted was a hopeful ending. Just something that makes the reader finish feeling happy, and something that could be continued. Hopefully (no pun intended) the "hopeful" ending was worth suffering through my bad writing. If you made it to the bitter end, kudos! And many, many thanks.

So...story finished on June 26, 2013. Is that two years after I started? I'm so slow! Anyway, today's my...well, my special day. I guess I gave myself a present this year, huh?

Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for reading KylerM.

The End.