Renesmee was laughing, really hard, if I might add.

''Damn you Renesmee Cullen!'' Alec snarled as she jumped over a hedge.

''You too!'' Alec really couldn't stand her laughing at him but her laugh was like a million bells. Probably the most overused overused line in history to describe one's laugh but it was true.

''Hey Alec!''

Alec stopped running and looked around him, confused. Renesmee had ran somewhere else and he didn't know where. Aro would kill him if he lost her when she just arrived in the country.

''Renesmee?'' He called out.

''Yes dear Alec?''

Alec smiled a little when she said 'dear'. ''Where are you?''

''Use your vampire abilities silly.'' She sounded like a four year old right now. Probably got that from Emmett.

''I can't since I can't see you!'' He shouted.

Someone jumped on his back. He turned around to face Renesmee. ''Will you use them now?''

''No. You're too precious to be turned into a noodle.''

She looked at him as if he were crazy. ''What?''

Alec sighed. He looked at her and two seconds after Renesmee found herself slumped into his arms.

''What the hell?''

''Well I'm not too fond of that song but...''

''DUDE! Change me back!''

Alec laughed. ''I want your parents to see you like spaghetti. Hold on tight!'' He looked down at her to find her glaring at him.

''Do I look like I can hold on tight boy?''

''Shut up and enjoy the ride.''

Meanwhile Bella was pacing around the room. ''If Alec harms her I swear..''

''I will rip his head off.'' Edward growled. Jane narrowed her eyes and Edward started to writhe in pain.

''You'll what?'' Jane said. ''If you think you're going to harm my brother for the sake of a half breed you can go home now.''

''Okay I don't need for you two to be fighting over Alec I want to know where Renesmee is!''

''MAKE ME MOVABLE ALEC!'' Came a furious voice from outside.

''Did you paralyze Renesmee?'' Bella said, pissed off now.

''She wanted to know what my powers were so I showed her.'' Alec said nonchalantly.

''You couldn't have tried your powers on something other than Renesmee?'' Bella rolled her eyes.

Alec stood still for a moment. ''Whoops...''

''Alec just change her back. We won't press charges.'' Alice said. Everyone stared at her. ''High blood pressured deer.'' Jasper explained, glaring at Emmett who looked elsewhere.

Renesmee jumped out of Alec's arms as soon as she was normal again. ''So what are we supposed to do now?''

''We? I'm gonna be somewhere else thank you.'' Alec dusted himself of invisible dust.

''You can take a stroll around town center.'' Heidi suggested.

''Alone?'' Edward gasped.

''Relax it's near us.'' Heidi said.

''I'll keep him busy.'' Bella dragged him off. ''We know you'll do just that!'' Emmett laughed. Jasper felt embarrassment roll into the air a few seconds later.

Renesmee sighed. She secretly wanted to spend more time with Alec but he didn't care for her. Her phone buzzed with a text from Jake.

Did those bloodsuckers get to you yet? :P

For some reason Renesmee felt extremely annoyed by the text. She frowned at her phone.

''What are you frowning at?'' Felix inquired of her.

''Nothing.'' She pulled a loose strand behind her ear. ''I'll just go out now.''

Alec was concerned now but he didn't let anyone see it in his face. They'd keep teasing him about it and he wasn't in the mood. He rubbed his nose. Surprisingly he still felt pain after that blow. Maybe that human way of was it? Would help.

As soon as Renesmee stepped out into the night she wished she lived in Italy. The beautiful lights lit up the square and reflected against the water. A slight breeze ruffled her hair but she didn't mind. She wished she could stay like this forever.

A rustle from some bushes behind her made her jump. She turned around to find herself faced to face with a homeless man. She shrugged him off as harmless but from the drunken pedophile look on his face she knew it was the opposite.

She turned to run but forgetting there was a fountain before her, fell head first in. She splashed about moving back as he moved forward, watching as he stumbled drunkenly.

She was about to scream when a dark shadow appeared before her. His cloak blew around in the wind and blocked her from seeing the man who was about to attack her.

''Go back to the castle.'' He ordered.

''Alec!'' Renesmee exclaimed. ''Were you following me?'' She knew that wasn't the point at the moment but she didn't like being stalked.

Alec didn't listen to her but instead lurched forward and attacked the man. Renesmee ran back; she didn't want to see or hear any of the man's screams but they caught up to her in the alleyway.

''Renesmee where were you?'' Renesmee was shocked to find Alec standing in front of her.

''What the hell are you doing standing in front of me? Aren't you supposed to be ripping my attacker to bits right now?''

''You were attacked?'' Edward said, shaking her.

''Dad stop shak-ing me!'' Edward stepped back. ''Sorry.'' He muttered.

''Who attacked you? Where was this?'' Bella asked.

''I thought Alec was with me but I guess I was wrong...I was around the town center and this drunken man came out and I fell into the fountain. Another guy came and he told me to go back. I thought it was Alec but...''

''Nobody can look like me.'' Alec snarled quietly.

''Well the back of his head really fooled me so. But whoever it was saved me.''

''Dude you're a freaking vampire how can't you save yourself.'' Emmett rolled his eyes. Renesmee pouted and Edward punched Emmett.

''Well fear took over the half of my body that was in the water don't blame me.'' Renesmee blushed.

''We'll take care of this in the morning. Time for bed.'' Esme said, directing them all inside.

Renesmee couldn't stop thinking about the mysterious stranger that night. Who was he, and would she ever meet him again?

this chapter didn;t go exactly as i had planned...but next chapter will be better