A/N: Apologies for errors, I'm exhausted after Speech class. I HATE Speech with a passion, and I know I'm failing it badly, and I can't get myself to care. =/.

So, enjoy!

(mild adult content below, nothing graphic, just a little fun!)

13. Little Miss Can't Be Wrong

Little miss, Little miss, Little miss can't be wrong
Ain't nobody gonna bow no more when you sound your gong.
Little miss, little miss, little miss can't be wrong
What'cha gonna do to get into another one of these rock 'n' roll



"Santana!" Kurt rushed to the Cheerio's side after Brittany had left for her class.

"What can I do for you, Lady Face?" Santana asked with a smirk.

Kurt cringed inwardly. He was really dreading this, but what else was he supposed to do? He needed help, and he knew that Santana was perhaps the best person to talk too.

"I need your help."

Santana arched an eyebrow. "Oh, this is going to be good," she grinned viciously, and if Kurt had to struggle to not flinch.

"My car?"

"Mhmm, lead on pretty boy."

Dave was in the training room, and so Kurt had the afternoon free. As soon as Kurt was sitting in the driver's seat of the car, he breathed heavily as Santana slipped in.

"Out with it."

Kurt stared at the steering wheel. He was trying to figure out how to word it, and he was surprised with Santana's patience. She simply sat there staring at him. Finally, he took another deep breath. "Okay, David and I are getting closer every day."

"Uh huh."

"And – I don't have a clue as to what to use when that time comes."

"To fuck?"

Kurt cringed. "Whatever," he said closing his eyes. "I just – I need opinions on lubricants and condoms."

Santana barked in laughter. "Wow, is this where you call me a slut because I know all these things?"

Kurt sighed. "No, you're the only one mature enough to handle these situations, Santana. I asked you because you have a no nonsense approach. I don't want to make a mistake, and buy something that we're both allergic too, or what the right kind is. I'm sure there are different condoms for different needs."

Santana was not only impressed by Kurt's words, but she also understood that what he had, she had with Brittany. "You thought right, little pretty. Start up the car, we're going to Hustler."

"That's far away, and we don't have IDs?"

Santana rolled her eyes. "Silly boy, their lubricants and condoms are in the front. Besides, Walmart isn't going to have the latest and best in anything no matter what you do, and neither is a convenient store. You want the best, Lady Face? Then let's go to Monroe!"

Kurt relaxed when he saw the glitter in Santana's eyes. "First, let's go home so we can get changed. We don't need to look like High School kids."

Santana nodded. "Good idea. We might be able to slip in the back if you want. Depends on who is working."

"I'll tell dad that I'm going shopping with you, and he can give me my shoe allowance early."

After a stop a piece at Kurt's and Santana's they hit the highway. Santana decided to tease Kurt with graphical images of sex causing Kurt's cheeks to flush, and Santana to laugh at his expense.

"Oh come on, you're going to have to get used to it."

"I know," Kurt muttered glancing in his rearview mirror. "It's strange because I never thought that I'd even think about it."

"You had no one to think about it with," Santana reminded.

"True. I never thought that I'd suddenly be sex crazy or anything."

"It happens."

"Not to me! I'm supposed to be the ice bitch or whatever."

Santana snorted. "Just because you want sex doesn't make you crazy. We are human after all. It's in our blood. Have you and Dave talked about it?"

"A little bit. He's the one who reminded me that we didn't have the stuff."

"He's right. If you don't have the right stuff you can get hurt."

Kurt nodded. "I know, and that's why I asked you."

Santana grinned like a shark, and Kurt shuddered visibly.

Kurt's legs felt a little stiff when they pulled into Hustler Hollywood. He'd only been to Monroe a few times, and now his eyes were straying toward the Cincinnati Premium Outlets.

Santana plucked his shirt. "Afterwards, and you can buy me a scarf for doing this."

Kurt nodded, and allowed her to lead him into the store.

The wall that divided the front and back had a huge billboard with writing, 'It's Just Sex.'

Kurt was distracted by some of the t-shirts, and items along the sides of the walls, but Santana snagged his hand, and waved to one of the cashiers.

"I may pop into the back," she told the girl who nodded with a smile.

"Be quick about it."

Santana winked, and led Kurt over to the condoms and lubricant. "Alright, here's where we can have fun."

Kurt was overwhelmed; there were easily thirty different kinds of condoms and lubricant. He swallowed. "Alright, so what do I-"

"Some of these are pure crap," Santana insisted boldly. "You don't want flavor scented condoms or lubricants because that is nasty, and like you said one of you could be allergic to it."

"Here are the samples, play with them, and I will return." Santana smirked and walked away leaving Kurt to call after her.

"Wait! Where you going? You can't leave me here!"

She merely laughed and wiggled her fingers over her head as she disappeared into the back. Kurt huffed, and picked the first one off the shelf. He winced at the scent. "Ew."

"That is not what I would choose for pleasure."

Kurt flushed when he looked over to see a tall slim tan guy standing there wearing a Hustler t-shirt and jeans. Swallowing the thickness in his throat, Kurt placed his best smile. "How would I know? My friend was supposed to help me, but she left me."

"I can help you." Kurt looked a little apprehensive, and he was about to decline, but the guy – Rob – according to his nametag held up his hand. "Don't worry, we're here to sell sex not prohibit who you have sex with. You are free here, and besides, I'd be a hypocrite if I stated otherwise."

"I don't really know – my boyfriend and I – well it's kind of complicated. I was told to stay away from scented stuff, but my friend never told me that some of these were as sticky as candy."

"Some of these have an unpleasant texture. You and your partner aren't allergic to latex are you?"

"I don't think so," Kurt replied.

"Good, then I'd recommend Wet Platinum. It has a wonderful texture, and the price is reasonable. There are no funny tastes or smells, and with it, I'd go with Kimono condoms, a little pricier, but for the sake of condoms you do get what you pay for. If you absolutely needed to go by price then I would recommend Trojan."

Kurt tilted his head. "I'll take the best. Thank you for the help."

"No problem. I know how difficult it is to get educated in a backwater town."

"I'm from Lima."

"You're a ways out," he acknowledged. "I think we have a few books that may help you get a better understanding than the internet can on what to expect." He walked over to a shelf to get something, and came back with a small book. "It might clear a lot of things up for you."

Kurt took it, and thanked him once more as Santana made her way over. She already had a bag on her arm. She was smirking. "Ready, Lady Face?"

Nodding, Kurt showed her his items. "Yes, let me pay for these."

"Good choice. See, you're not the biggest idiot."

"I know I'm not an idiot, otherwise I wouldn't have asked you."

Santana smirked. "Swelling my head, please continue."

Kurt didn't get home until almost nine o' clock that night. He had buried his Hustler bag in his school bag.

His family was in the living room watching TV when he came into the room.

"Where have you been?" Burt asked checking his watch. "It's kind of late."

Kurt shrugged. "I told you, I was with Santana. We went shopping. I bought this beautiful scarf and hat."

"Oh that is pretty!" Carole cooed standing and taking a look at it.

"It was on sale, the same one I saw in Vogue last week. We went to the mall in Monroe that's why we were gone so long."

"Why Santana?" Finn asked with a frown.

"Why not?" Kurt shrugged gracefully. "She's my friend."

"First Karofsky now Santana?"

"Finn," Carole chastised softly.

"I could question your friends. You know the baby maker, Noah Puckerman and the self-centered brat Rachel Berry, but I don't now do I?"

Finn went quiet, his eyes dropping to his lap. He always hated to be reminded of Puck and Quinn's nonexistent child.

"That's enough boys!" Burt chided. "Have you eaten, Kurt?"

"Yes, we stopped in at O'Charley's for their soup and salad. I'm going to put my things up and call David. Good night."

Kurt was taking everything out of his bag when he heard a tap on the window. Immediately, he locked his bedroom door as Dave slipped into his room with expert ease.

"Perfect timing," Kurt said with a sideways smile.

"Just get home?" he asked kicking his shoes, and placing them aside.

"Sure did. I was with Santana."

"That had to have been interesting," Dave remarked sitting on the bed, and glancing over at a black bag next to a Macy's.

Kurt slipped onto the bed, and kissed Dave softly.

"What's in the bag?" Dave asked.

"See for yourself."

Arching an eyebrow, the jock took it, and hesitantly looked in. When he did, his cheeks went blood red. "Oh."


"That's why you were with Santana."

"Uh huh. We went to Monroe. If I hadn't of asked Santana, I would have gone to a nearby convenience store, which is not good at all."

Dave chuckled as he pulled the stuff out. "Informative, I take it?"

"Oh yeah. I figure we might as well get used to this. It's going to happen, and we need to be prepared."

"I know. I've never heard of this brand."

"Apparently, it's the best on the market for gay men. I even double checked with Santana."

"She's not a gay man," Dave reminded.

"No, but she's not an idiot either. I'm sure she knows everything."

"That's terrifying."

"It was, but it was fun."

"Really?" Dave asked skeptically. He pushed the stuff aside, and curled his arms around Kurt drawing him close to his chest. "I'm a little doubtful."

Kurt laughed and rested his head on Dave's chest. He loved hearing the boy's heart beat. "It was fun because I could be myself, and I could ask questions, and I didn't have to worry about being mocked or scorned. She teases me, but that's Santana. She's mature enough to know the seriousness of the situation. She's not a blushing Barbie doll like the others would be."

"You have a point." He ran his fingers up and down Kurt's back affectionately. "Did you learn a lot?"

"Mhmm." With his eyes closed, he reached out for the small book, and handed it to Dave who laughed.


Kurt snickered. "Yeah, we should go there together sometime."

"You want too?"

"Up to you." Kurt closed his eyes, and buried his face into Dave's chest enjoying the sound of the beating heart, and the feeling the warmth of his boyfriend's body heat. "Might be more fun with you."

Dave chuckled. "I 'spose I could handle it." It would be interesting to explore that part of the world with Kurt. He shuddered when Kurt's knee gently glided across his thigh. He snagged one of the fluffy pillows, and placed it behind him as he closed his eyes. "You changed me," he murmured.

"Did I?"

"For the better. You've done so much for me. For the first time in my life, I feel comfortable in my skin. Before, I felt like some sort of alien trapped inside of a shell."

"I've been there."

"Really? I can't see you pretending to be someone you're not."

"You don't remember my flannel phase? Or dating Brittany? I think I told you about that."

"You did, but you still knew who you were. You only did it for your dad. I was doing it for a world who didn't give a rat's ass."

Kurt chuckled softly.

"Then you come along, and I hurt you-"


"No, wait, Kurt, I need to get this out before we go further. I know you forgave me, and that's the whole thing. You forgave me, and even your father forgave me. I threatened you, and I wish more than anything that I could get into a time machine, go back, and take it all back. You gave me a chance when no one else cared. You didn't have too, I was the school bully. I didn't deserve to be forgiven or loved, I deserved to be spit on and scorned."

"You don't, David. When I told my dad the truth, he had this look of pure understanding. In the small town that we live in the words like fag and fairy are thrown around with abandon. My father was on the football team, he was exactly like that. He told me so himself. It takes personal experience to change. Some people never get it, but then there are the rare few like you who do get it, and that makes all the difference in the world."

"I want to thank you."

Kurt began to trace Dave's forehead, nose, and cheeks all the while staring into his honest blue eyes. "I like what we have. We're not boring, and we have a dynamic relationship. Most people would insist that it wasn't healthy because of our past relationship, but I beg to differ. If we can move beyond the past that was so terrifying and unpleasant there's literally nothing we can't do."

Dave's eyes rolled slightly, and he hissed sharply.

"What?" Kurt asked innocently.

"You're wriggling is making me hard," he confessed. "Your knee doesn't help either."

Kurt giggled lightly, and glanced down where he had been unconsciously rubbing his knee against Dave's inner thigh. "I'm sorry?"

"I hope that's not a question because I can't answer that."


Kurt would have said that everything was perfect if it hadn't been for the appearance of Jesse St. James who decided that he wanted to help them prepare for New York. It was obvious that Mr. Schuester was terrified, and desperate. It was also obvious that he still had eyes for Rachel.

Kurt and Dave sat in the back and half listened to the perfect asshole talk about the solo performance for at the Nationals, and he would be helping Mr. Schuester decide who would get it.

It was obvious that between those two, it was likely going to be Rachel no matter who was better. Kurt thought about backing out, and mentioned this to Dave quietly.

"Why?" Dave asked with a frown. "Are you going to let this dork hold you back?"

Kurt tried not to smile at Dave's crass nature. "I know what this is all about. He wants to get back in Rachel's good graces or he's trying to sabotage us, and I don't really want to get into it."

"But, you want a solo don't you?"

"I'm never going to get it," Kurt said primly. "Mr. Schuester's favorite is Rachel, and Jesse St. James is still mooning over her. How the hell am I supposed to compete with that?"

"Blow them away," Dave answered obviously.

"With what? I really don't want to face the scathing remarks that I'm sure Jesse St. James is going to come up with. This is exactly like Mr. Schuester; he always brings an outsider in as if we can't do this on our own." He shook his head. "Very disrespectful."

Apparently, Kurt hadn't been quiet enough because Mike, Tina, Santana, and Sam all heard him, and they shot Mr. Schuester and Jesse dark looks. From their point of view, Rachel was right between the boys, Finn was barely holding back concealed rage, and slowly New Directions was falling apart at the worst time.

"We should help, Kurt," Tina piped in.

Kurt's head whipped around in shock. "Huh? Why me?"

"You're the only one in here who can outmatch Rachel Berry," Santana explained. "I'm going to try for a solo, but I know I won't get it. So, I might as well do my best to piss man-hands off."

Kurt saw a barely concealed softness in her eyes when she looked at him. He brushed it off as nothing.

"I can help with the moves," Mike piped in. "I'm sure if we all put our heads together we can come up with something that will kill the tryouts."

Sam smiled. "I'm in. I still owe you, Kurt."

Kurt fingers tightened around Dave's hand as he shook his head. "You don't owe me anything, Sam. But, I appreciate your help."

"I want to help!" Brittany piped in crawling across Sam's back to get to Santana. She planted herself in the Latina girls lap with a wide encouraging smile. "I'd like to help, Kurt win. He deserves it being a dolphin and all," she announced innocently.

Kurt was touched by everyone willing to help him succeed. He looked at Dave who gave an encouraging nod. "Go for it, don't let those dorks tell you different, Kurt."

"What are you guys doing?" Rachel was suddenly standing there with her hands on her hips, and everyone was looking at them. "What are you plotting?"

"None of your damn business, dwarfie," Santana snarked. "Go back to where you came from."

Rachel scowled. "Shut up, Santana, I wasn't asking you."

"You don't ask me anything. I tell you," she snapped fiercely. "This has nothing to do with you."

"Fine!" Rachel huffed, and whirled around. "Come on, Finn we have to practice so I can win the solo." She dragged Kurt's very confused step-brother off causing Santana to smirk.

"We need to plan. How about Breadstix tonight? Everyone bring music, we're going to make Kurt win," she growled fiercely.

"Wow, I've never seen you so determined," Tina yelped in shock.

Santana nudged Brittany off, and stood with a hand on her hip. "Yeah well, it's about time someone wake up little Miss Smarty Pants, and remind her that we're not to be ignored just because she's Mr. Sweater-Vests favorite."

"I agree," Sam said softly. "Rachel seems to get all the attention, and personally I think Kurt and Mercedes are the best in this group, and I'm not basing that on my personal friendships."

"Where is Mercedes anyway?" Tina asked looking around the room.

Sam smiled. "She's signing up for a chance at a solo. She told me she wanted to do it on her own even if she knew Mr. Schue wouldn't give it to her."

Santana rolled her eyes, and glared over at the teacher and curly haired punk who seem to be whispering. The others had left not really caring whether or not they got a solo.

"No offense, but Puck is the strongest male lead," Tina remarked. "But, if Dave here practices, and gets comfortable in a crowd he'd be the second strongest. Finn's good, but he doesn't have the spark that the others have."

"It's because he's malleable," Santana remarked.

Kurt could not be insulted by the truth. "You have to remember it was Sam and Quinn, and then you, Santana who won us the Regionals."

"At least we got to dance. Sometimes, I feel useless," Mike admitted.

"I feel overshadowed," Tina shrugged. "I know I am, but still, I suppose Mr. Schue has to go with the best."

Santana snorted. "Best my ass. Come on, get your lazy asses up, and meet us in an hour at Breadstix. That's the last time I'm going to say it."

"Yes ma'am," Sam exclaimed to her bossy nature.

"Santana?" Brittany looked over at the Latina with a curious innocence.

"Yes, sweetie?" Santana's expression softened instantly.

"Why is Finn covered in mail again?" she asked confused. "Are we sending him somewhere? Or is he sending himself?"

Her confusion sparked a soft round of chuckling, and Dave looking at her like she'd gone insane.

Kurt squeezed Dave's hands. "Thanks."

"For what?"

"Reminding me that I'm better than her."

"Duh!" Dave flicked Kurt in the forehead.


A/N: I wrote this chapter because in the show most of the ND members complain that its always Rachel who gets the solo's and whatnot, and I thought it would be a great way to include the other characters by them joining forces, and helping Kurt win. I didn't include Mercedes because we all know she would be fighting for a solo on her own, and I forgot because I wanted to add some Santana/Brittany to the story.