Okay guys let me explain. I 've always thought Leon deserved his own story and twins seas up the story. The characters are all going to be the same, but older. I'll exin more at the beginning of the next.


Running after him I wrapped my arms around his waist placing my head against his back when I finally managed to get him to stop.

"Don't be mad," I said kissing him on the back of the neck.

"What the hell do you want me to do?"

"Please understand Le, you've been around me, you see how I am , I just need to get away ."

"From me?" He asked turining to look at me with tears. I had caused this beatiful man so many tears latley.

"No, not just .. everyone Leon, how can I .. You guys, I just need to find myself again."

"Why can't I come with you?"

"Because it is yoU! Right now, you are my entire life Leon," I said holding his face in my hands.

"The reason I eat, sleep , breathe, exist,is you, its not... healthy."

"Lad..," trailing off he sighed looking down. I knew I had him, he wanted the old Ladie back too.

"Just .. come back to me," he said holding me away from him .

"Always Le, no matter how long it takes."

"Will you write?"

"Ofcourse," I said kissing him gently.


We all let out a sigh as the two walked in together, but we knew from the look in Leon's eyes she was still leaving . Dinner was quite that day, and long, no one wanting it to end. The very thought of being without Ladie made me ill. We'd been together since before we were bron.. literaly! Deep in my heart I knew no matter what we were bound , by something that distance, nor death could take away. Time went by so quickly after we washed dishes, and all to soon Ladie was packed, and heading out the door.


I tried no to cry as I threw the last duffle bag into the back. I'd told everyone goodbye already, and me and my sister had talked for half an hour. Now it was just me, and leon left. We finally stopped kissing so I could get into the car.

"Be careful," he said closing the door as he slowly walked away from the car .

"I love you ,"I said as I drove off.

"I love you too," he said blowing me a kiss as I drove off.

3 days later .


I called as soon as I found a place to settle, but I didn't give my location. I just wasn't ready for that. I set down to write a letter in my new place over looking the ocean. I go tthe feelin I was gonna be here for awhile.