Monsters vs Megamind

Chapter Four: Finale

As Slithy rose above him, hissing savagely, Megamind attempted to talk his creation down.

"Now Slithy, please calm down." He waved his hands placidly. "It's me, daddy! Remember all the good times?"

Slithy's hissing grew louder.

"Okay, maybe they weren't that good." Admitted Megamind, reaching for the tranquiliser gun in his belt.

Before he could grip the handle, Slithy dived at him. Megamind was saved by Minion, who pulled him out of the way. A thudding of large footsteps indicated that Ginormica was on her way, followed by the others.

"I'll handle this." Declared B.O.B., tensing his gelatinous body.

As B.O.B. charged, Sluthy flicked his tail violently, causing it to splatter B.O.B.'s slime all across the junkyard. Over time, B.O.B. could will himself back together, but for the moment, he was out of the action.

Meanwhile, Link was climbing a pile of old cars. As he reached the top, he leapt off, right onto Slithy's back.

"Yippie-kay-ay!" Link hollered, clinging on for dear life as Slithy attempted to shake him off. "It's reptile rodeo time!"

Realising that simple bucking wouldn't work, Slithy dived through a gap in a junk pile, small enough for him to fit through, but not for Link, whose head collided with an radiator, knocking him out cold.

Slithy then went after Dr. Cockroach, intending to swallow him whole. Dr. Cockroach defended himself with the silver case containing his quakemaker device. Slithy's jaws clamped down on it hard, crushing the case and shattering the device inside in one bite. Before Slithy could make another attempt at eating the Doctor, Ginormica grabbed his tail, trying desperately to hold the mutant snake steady for Megamind to tranquilise him.

"I can't get a beat on him!" Megamind declared, the snake wiggling to rapidly for him to get a clear shot.

Dr. Cockroach, driven by desparation,looked for something - anything - that could stop the beast. As he looked on the ground, one of the pieces of his shattered quakemaker caught his eye. It was a long, cylindrical piece of metal with several holes in its side, and a funnel-like end. Dr. Cockroach smiled as an idea sprang to mind. Picking up the piece of metal, he ran up to the scene of the battle and starting playing it like a flute. Almost immediately, Slithy stopped struggling, and his head started swaying in time with the sound emanating from the piece of metal.

"Now, Megamind!" Ginormica urged.

Taking careful aim, Megamind landed a perfect shot on Slithy's midsection. The snake hissed indignantly, then collapsed, completely incapacited.

"Quick, get him into the containment unit!" Yelled Megamind, pointing to a large metal box they had brought with them to the junkyard. Ginormica placed the slumbering snake into the box, then locked it tight.

"Alright!" Cried Link, having just regained consciousness. "Let's take this thing down!"

"You're a little late for that, I'm afraid." Smirked Minion.

Meanwhile, B.O.B. had finally managed to reconstitute himself.

"Ohh, my head..." He groaned. "Just kiddin'. I don't have a head!"

"A job well done, everyone." Ginormica smiled.

"I must admit, I was impressed by your idea back there." Megamind said to Dr. Cockroach. "I'm ashamed to say, the notion of using melodic soundwaves to mollify Slithy never even occured to me."

"There's nothing to be ashamed of." Dr. Cockroach said magnanimously. "The muse of inspiration can be a fickle mistress."

"True." Smiled Megamind. "Perhaps I misjudged your intelligence. Maybe you are in my league, after all."

"Maybe." Dr. Cockroach smirked.

"As nice as it is to see you two getting along... We have to get going." Ginormica interjected. "We're already way over our allotted mission time."

"Farewall, Squadron M." Smiled Megamind. "Who knows, perhaps someday, we shall meet again."

"Let's hope so." Dr. Cockroach smiled back. "I have some scientific theories I would like to discuss with you."

"I'd like that." Megamind nodded. "No offense to you, Minion, but intelligent conversation is somewhat lacking back home."

"No offense taken, sir." Minion declared.

"Later, nannyfish." Link sniggered at Minion.

"Ha ha, very funny." Drolled Minion. "Maybe next time we're in a fight together, you can stay conscious for more then a minute."

"Let's go, guys." Said Ginormica pointedly, keen to avoid another tiff.

"Anything you say, chief." Saluted B.O.B.

"I'm not... Oh, forget it." Sighed Ginormica. "Let's just go."

As Squadron M made their way back to Insectosaurus' landing space, Megamind and Minion returned to their lair.

"You know something, Minion?" Megamind asked his oldest friend upon their return.

"What's that, sir?" Minion asked back.

"I actually quite liked that whole 'teamwork' thing. Megamind declared. "I really must try it again sometime."

The End.

(Monster vs Aliens, Megamind and all associated characters are the property of DreamWorks Animation and Paramount Studios.)