Monsters vs. Megamind

Chapter One: New Monsters in Town

In the skies above the bustling metropolis of Metro City, a very peculiar sight was coming over the horizon. A gigantic, butterfly-like creature flapped his titanic wings as he descended. His name was Insectosaurus, and he had once been little more then a common grub, until the fallout from a nuclear bomb test had transformed him into the skyscraper-sized creature he was today.

Perhaps the only thing stranger then Insectosaurus was the passengers he was carrying on his back. Among them were the thirty-foot tall woman Ginormica, the part-man, part-insect, all scientist known as Doctor Cockroach, the prehistoric fish-ape called The Missing Link ("Link" for short), and the living gelatinous mass that was Benzoate Ostylezene Bicarbonate (Better known as "B.O.B.")

This bizarre quintet were the government team known as "Squadron M" (Or "The Monster Squad" as many preferred to call them). Their mission was to defend the world from hostile monsters, and it was this very mission that brought them to Metro City that day. They had received reports about a hideous serpent-like creature that had been terrorising the local area, blazing a path of destruction that lead to Metro City. The Monster Squad had been sent to beat the creature there, and set a trap to capture it.

Insectosaurus set down on the outskirts of Metro City, lowering his wings so that his passengers could slide down them.

"Thanks for the lift, Insecto." Said Link, fondly patting his titanic friend on the side.

"Okay team, stay focused." Declared Ginormica. "B.O.B., are you listening?"

"Huh?" Mumbled B.O.B. "Sorry, I wasn't listening. I was checking out that awesome 'Stop' sign over there."

"Have no worry, friends." Smirked Doctor Cockroach, pulling a jackhammer-like device from a metal case he'd been carrying. "With my patented quakemaker, I shall create the prescise vibrational frequency required to lure our serpentine target right to us."

"So do it, already, Doc." Scowled Link, smashing his fist into his open palm. "Papa needs a workout."

"Activating now." Declared Doctor Cockroach, inserting the device into the ground and flipping a switch on it's handle. A low rumbling sound began to emit from it, causing small objects, such as pebble and bottlecaps, to vibrate wildly on the ground. Another low rumble joined the sound, as a trail of upturned earth approached the Monster Squad.

"Here it comes." Said Ginormica. "Get ready!"

The Monster Squad got into battle positions. When the upturned earth trail got within inches of the quakemaker, the soil suddenly erupted, and a giant mutant snake came hissing out of the cloud of dust.

"Time to make me a new snakeskin belt!" Roared Link, advancing on the creature. "With boots to match!"

The snake monster flicked it's tail, catching Link in the chest and sending him flying. Ginormica reached for it, attempting to contain it with both hands. After a few seconds of struggling, the snake broke free, knocking Doctor Cockroach aside as it slithered away.

"B.O.B., stop that thing!" Called Ginormica.

"You got it!" Said B.O.B., tensing himself to block the snake's advance. Alas, the snake simply dived right through his gelatinous body, before burrowing back underground.

"Well, that could have gone better." Said Doctor Cockroach drolly, as he helped a woozy Link to his feet. "But at least it can't get any worse."

"Pardon me." Came a voice from behind them.

Turning, the Monster Squad saw a blue-skinned man with an enlarged cranium, flanked by an unusual-looking fish in a robot suit, and what looked like a group of flying bear traps with red glowing eyes.

"I am Megamind, defender of Metrocity," Declared the blue man, pointing a strange-looking firearm at them. "And I don't think monsters are something this fair city really needs, so put your hands up!"

To Be Continued...

(Monsters vs Aliens/Megamind and all associated characters are the property of Dreamworks Animation and Paramount Pictures.)