Draco: ...So we're going to meet the other charcters right now?

Me:, I don't think so...

Hermione: So what are we supposed to do?

Me: Imma be reading some Dramione and possible some Death Note fics.

Ron: Woah, some of these are really cool *Looking through the site*

Me: You know what I just realized?

Ginny: *rolling eyes* Enlighten us.

Me: Tommy is just just like Kira of Death Note

Tom: ...

Me: It's true, the tow have this weird murder-vibe coming from them! Plus, they carry it out!

Everyone: ...

Me: Granted, Kira does it in a cooler way, and actualy defeats his main opponent!

Volemort: *dangerous tone* What's that supposed to mean?

Me: *ignorence is a bliss* Though he did end up getting caught by L's sucessors, adn then shot by Matstuda, adn then dies at Ryuk's hands.

Everyone: *thinking* WTF?

Me: Tommie also kind of like Draco...

Tom and Draco: *glane at eachother*

Me: Only difference being, Draco grew up spoiled and was forced to the Dark side whereas Tom was this whiny kid who never got enough attention thereby making him to be known as the greatest Dark wizard of all time, just before Grindelwald.

*Everyone's currently thinking "WTF"*

Me: *Continues to ramble on*

Ron: I think if we leave, she won't even notice...

*everyone rushes to leave*

And that's it. Everyone's reactions are over ;)

I was reading this the other day, and I didn't know it was mine since it's been so long since I wrote that first chapter and I thought, "Woah, this chick writes like I do." I'm not even kidding, thats what I thought. It was the biggest derp moment in my life. -_-

So yeah, please review. I like the reviews so keep 'em coming ;)

This is the end, I hope you guys all liked it. I wish I could write more, but I'm out of ideas D:

Review and suggest to all your friends!


~Forever KEY