A/n: Ah. I'm back. Sorry for taking so long… been trying to figure this chapter out. Sigh. It was hard because like, it confused me. Oh well. Here it is. Enjoy.

Disclaimer: I don't own Victorious, sadly.

Jade's POV:

Why would Cat do this? She didn't deserve this. Even if she couldn't choose between us, she didn't deserve to try and kill herself. I cried as we drove down the road in the ambulance. Beck's shoulder was probably soaked, but I didn't care. All I cared about was making sure Cat was okay. I looked up through tear filled eyes at her on the gurney. Her dress was ripped half way up where Beck had cut to get to the blood. She looked so small. Just looking at her made a whole new wave of hurt come. I shut my eye tightly, determined not to cry anymore unless I had to. Crying right now would not help Cat. I sniffed and wiped my eyes. Beck was still holding me and he looked down with concern in his eyes.

"Are you okay?" He asked softly as we drove into the parking lot of the hospital. The ambulance went towards the back and screeched to a stop at the back door. I just nodded and got up as the paramedics drove the gurney out of the truck and into the hallway. Beck and I ran after them through the brightly lit hallways, the air smelling like medicine and clean sickness. I wrinkled my nose for a moment before I got used to it. The paramedics turned into a hallway and then ran into a room. We followed and they didn't try to stop us. Nurses came in and started hooking Cat up to some machines and then they called for a doctor. One of the nurses turned to us.

"It will be just a few minutes, I promise. Feel free to stay around." She said politely then swiftly ran out of the room to fetch the doctor. Beck took a seat near the wall and I sat next to him and put my arms on my knees and put my chin in my hands. I sighed and I closed my eyes.

"Hey. It will be okay. Cat will be okay." Beck said softly as he reached to rub my back. I shook my head just slightly.

"What if she isn't? It will be all my fault." I said angrily. I shook my head again as I looked up and into his brown eyes.

"It will be all my fault, Beck. If that girl doesn't recover, I will blame myself!" I whisper-yelled while pointing at Cat in the bed. Beck just looked sad and concerned. But I saw a small flicker of anger and irritation. I frowned at him.

"It won't be your fault, Jade. Cat did this to herself! It wasn't your fault! You didn't do it!" He yelled back at me. I growled and looked away and glared at the wall. It was all my fault. If I hadn't taken advantage of Cat, she would never of had to choose. I did this to her. I put my head in my hands just as we heard footsteps coming down the hall. They were fast and confused and I guessed our friends had arrived. I looked up to see Tori, Andre, Sikowitz, and Layne come in looking around confused. Tori saw Cat in the bed and ran to her side, already crying. I sighed and got up to stand by her. Andre and the teachers took seats by the wall a little bit away. I started rubbing Tori's back just slightly, feeling awkward about it.

"It'll be alright, Tori. I promise." I whispered to her. She looked up through tear-filled eyes and squeaked just slightly. She started crying again as she turned to me and hugged me so hard my breath came out in one puff. As I gathered my breath back, I slowly wrapped my arms around her, smoothing her hair and shushing her. Cat probably hurt Tori the most. Tori loved her. So much. I walked her over to the chairs and sat down. She sat on my lap and cried against my shoulder. I was surprised, but she was grieving so I didn't care.

We all sat in tears and anxiety for about 5 more minutes before the doctor came. As he came into the room, he brought 2 nurses and a cart with all kinds of tools and stuff on it.

"Who was closest to," He looked down at his clipboard. "Cat Valentine?" He said finally. Me and Tori both said I was at the same time. We looked at each other and smiled just slightly. We both were the closest to the petite red head. He looked at us both, Tori's tear stained face, sitting on my lap and me looking just a mess.

"Alright. Well, we are going to get the weapon out now. We will let you two know first how Ms. Valentine is doing. If you want to stay in here, you are more than welcome to, if you wish. There will be a lot of blood though." He warned them all. Then he put a mask over his face and gestured to the nurses to bring the cart. As he started working, Beck, Andre, Sikowitz and Layne all left to sit out in the hallway. I looked at Tori.

"Are you leaving?" I asked. She shook her head and got off my lap. I got up and stretched my legs. I walked over to the other side to see what the doctor was doing. Tori walked over to me.

The doctor was cleaning around the wound with some iodine solution. Then he gestured for a bowl of warm water and a towel. When he got that, he took hold of the pocket knife gently and started pulling out slowly. When is moved, Cat whimpered and jumped. Tori jumped too and grabbed my hand. I sighed and held her hand tightly. She smiled at me gratefully. The doctor continued to work at pulling it out slowly and every few inches, Cat jumped and either squeaked or whimpered. Finally the knife was out and the wound started to flow with blood. He quickly put the knife on the towel and dipped his latex gloved hands in the bowl. The grabbed some other towel he was using earlier and started wiping the blood away until it stopped flowing. He looked up at me and Tori and pulled his mask down.

"We are going to have to open her up just a little bit farther to see if that knife punctured anything in that area. Intestines, kidneys, things like that." With that he pulled his mask back up and grabbed a knife thingy from the cart. Tori looked away and I looked away too. I couldn't watch Cat being opened up. We stayed looking away for a bit longer then I peeked out and I saw him washing away the blood that he had brought. He looked up again.

"All done. We are going to close her up now." He said, his voice muffled from the mask. The wound looked clean and the doctor grabbed a staple gun and started closing her up. I tugged slightly on Tori's arm and she looked. Her face flooded with relief and I smiled at her. She turned and hugged me and I didn't hesitate to hug her back. When we pulled away Tori held onto my shoulders. She looked into my eyes I couldn't help looking into hers. She started to lean hesitantly towards me and I just rolled my eyes and pulled onto her arm and she leaned in the rest of the way, or lips meeting softly. I sighed happily into the kiss and she wrapped her arms around my neck. My hands found their way to her hips and we stayed kissing each other until we heard the doctor clear his throat. We pulled away, still wrapped in each other and looked at him. He was washing his hands with a rag and his mask hung around his neck. The cart was gone and so were the nurses.

"She should be fine. Although, she will stay in the hospital for about 2 more days to make sure she doesn't break those staples. And to make sure everything is recovering." He said, finishing up. I looked at him, it saying is that everything? He cleared his throat again and nodded. Then he walked out of the room. I looked back at Tori and smiled. She was already smiling. She kissed me again, softly, sweetly.

"Well, I can see you two are happy." We both jumped to hear Andre's voice. We turned and saw them all coming back in. Tori smiled at Andre and just nodded. Beck looked at me with a raised eyebrow and I just smirked at him. Me and Tori both looked at Cat. She looked more comfortable and was sleeping soundly. I sighed in relief and closed my eyes. Me, Vega and Cat together could work.

This was going to be okay.

A/n: And that's it. Hopefully I can think of a sequel or something. But this story is now at an end. I'm sorry. Well, not really, because it's been hanging over my head and I hated it. What was originally supposed to 7 chapters, is now 15. I hope you are all happy. Now, if you would do me a favor, see that button down there? The blue one? Click it and write a review for me. It would mean greatly, if you loved or hated my story. :) Critiques are welcomed, praise is welcome as well. So. Yeah. I'mma go now.
