Hey all, heres the next chapter. Hope yall like it, read and review!

Eric stood pacing on the wall. The sun had only just come up so he knew it would be hours before they would be back. He knew kaitlin had probably done fine on her own but he still worried for her. She who was like a sister to him.

Eric dug into the side of the rock, swinging hard with his pickaxe. It had been two weeks since he had been here. One since they had turned him into a monster. He hadn't wanted this life. Eric had a fiance waiting for him. He knew in his heart, he would never get to see her again.

The whip cracked across erics back, causing him to cry out and drop his tool.

"Get back to work dog!"

The dealer whipped him again. Eric fumbled for his pick axe, and the whip cracked across him again.

"Kosta! Enough." a voice yelled.

Kosta snarled. "We've had this conversation before, princess, you don't get to interfere. I've spoken to,"

Kaitlin growled low, her eyes glowing. She was wearing a gorgeous black dress with a silver designed corset. The skirt flowed around her. Her fiery hair was tied up in an elaborate bun, a few curls hanging loose in her face.

"I've spoken to Viktor on this matter as well Kosta. I am a member of the council and daughter of an elder. You do not undermine me. Beating the lycans senseless does nothing to get them working better. If you don't loosen the handle on that whip, and stop beating the life out of them, i will talk to viktor about your removal from this position. And if you dare challenge me again, you will not like the consequences."

Kosta snarled again, but quickly retreated. Kaitlin sighed in frustration and looked to Eric. she reached a hand to help him and he flinched away.

"You need not be frightened of us all. We arent all like kosta. He enjoys watching you squirm. Try not giving him the satisfaction."

She stood back up and started to walk away, then stopped and looked at him over her shoulder as he got to his feet. "My names Kaitlin, by the way."

"Your the one they call fire princess, aren't you?"

Kaitlin smirked. "I am."

"I can see why."

And with that he got back to work.

That day seemed like it had happened a century ago, but was not nearly that long. Eric sighed. He wished for it to be dark so he might hear news. There was a sudden call from the guard tower.


Eric turned, it shouldn't be them already, yet there was Xristo riding fast, kaitlin in his arms. At first eric felt relief, and then confusion. Kaitlin wasn't burning. He looked closer. He then felt horror as he could see the sword sticking through her body.

"Hayden! Hayden fetch Amira now! Get her to the medical wing! Open the gates!"

Eric rushed down to where Xristo was riding through.

"What happened?" he demanded.

"She fought them off but one surprised her. Lucian is riding for Alexander. He thinks he can help save her. I'm scared eric, its bad."

"I can see that, hand her here, careful now."

Xristo helped hand her down to Eric, but moving her caused her to scream in pain and open her eyes.

"Eric, it hurts," she screamed.

"I know darling, i've got you."

"I stopped healing yesterday," she gasped out. "You can't fix this."

"I can damn well try." Eric growled, and hurried towards their medical wing.

Amira was already waiting for them. She was a skilled healer from the next village over, and had joined them after learning what they were. Her son had been murdered by dealers.

"What in the seven hells is this?" Amira shrieked. "I'm a healer not a miracle worker."

"Lucian is bringing her grandfather. His blood may help." Eric said. "We have to try amira. Please."

Amira sighed and motioned to the table. "Lay her there, on her side."

Eric carefully laid kaitlin down, with Xristos help. The vampire cried in pain.

"I know, im sorry," eric mumbled, sweeping her hair from her face.

Amira looked kaitlin over, shaking her head. "This may be beyond my skill."

"Then find someone else." xristo snarled.

"I didn't say I wouldn't try, lycan. You should just prepare yourself."

Kaitlin grabbed xristos hand, and he turned his attention to her, kneeling in front of her.

"Don't be mad at her." she gasped.

"Im sorry, i just, i wont lose you kaitlin. I won't. I love you."

"As i love you. Im sorry, t-that I fought with y-you."

"Think nothing of it. I shouldn't have pushed you."

Tears fell down her face.

Eric walked into her line of sight. "Katie we have to take the sword back out. You have to try and hold still."

Xristo kissed her. "You'll be alright, i know it."

"Lucian, wheres lucian?" she asked weakly.

"He's riding for alexander."

"If I don't make it,"

"Don't talk like that." xristo interrupted.

"Be silent and listen. I need to say this. If I don't make it, tell lucian to find dorian corvinus. His bloodline is the key."

"I'll tell him."

"Xristo, promise me you'll move on. I can't leave if you won't let me go."

"I can't promise that. Like I told you before princess, I would wait my whole life if it meant I got to be with you again."

Kaitlin sobbed and xristo pressed his lips to hers. "I love you." she said.

"And i love you."

Xristo looked to eric and nodded. Eric grabbed the hilt of the sword, and pulled it from kaitlins body. Kaitlin screamed, holding onto xristo tightly. The sword came free, and kaitlin gasped, and tumbled back into darkness.

Amira and Eric had managed to mostly close the backside of the wound, but the front side was proving difficult.

"Damn it, i can't find where the blood is still coming from, and i can't get her lung closed. Shes bleeding into it, she's going to drown."

"Here," eric moved her over and managed to sop of the blood with cloth, finally able to get the puncture on her lung fixed. "There. Now where is that bleed."

"I don't know, i can't see."

"Shes losing to much blood, damn!"

Just then the door opened. Before eric could yell for them to get out, he looked up to see Lucian, and Alexander Corvinus.

"What happened?" the immortal demanded.

"She was taken by a group of dealers." Xristo said from the corner. He had bags under his eyes, which looked tired. "When she tried to escape, one caught her from behind. I couldn't," his voice broke. "I couldn't get to her in time."

Alexander's face softened. "I know you did everything you could."

He walked to Kaitlin and quickly looked her over. Then, he took a knife from a sheath on his hip and cut his left wrist. Alexander let himself bled onto her wound. Eric watched with bated breath, until, the wound slowly began to close. He gave a sigh of relief, as did xristo, and lucian. Alexander then took his wrist to her mouth, putting his other hand under her head and slightly lifted her. The blood flowed over her lips and after a moment she moved. Kaitlin groaned, and swallowed the blood, her eyes fluttering open.

"Grandfather? No,"

"Hush child. I have healed your wound but you have lost too much blood. Drink."


"Drink." he ordered.

Kaitlin brought her hand to his wrist, bringing it closer to her lips. She groaned again, and swallowed quickly, taking in as much as she could. Another moment passed and Alexander withdrew his wrist. Amira was there immediately with some bindings, quickly wrapping it.

"Thank you." he said, and then turned back to kaitlin, cupping her face in his hand. She kissed his palm, a tear falling down her cheek. "Sleep now kaitlin, sleep."

She didn't argue this time, and closed her eyes, quickly falling back into darkness.

"She still has a long road of healing ahead of her, but she will be alright. Thanks to your efforts. As well as lucian." he turned to the lycan, who gave a bow to the immortal. "You were right to come for me. I fear she would not have lasted if not for you retrieving me. You risked much coming for me."

"I love kaitlin as a brother. She is very dear to me, and to us all. I knew if any one could help her, my lord, surely you could."

"I am indebted to you. All four of you. Without you my granddaughter would have lost her life, and there is much still that kaitlin has to do before she leaves this world. Come with me, lucian, you and I have much to discuss."

Lucian nodded and opened the door for them, the two quickly taking their exit. Xristo went to Kaitlin, brushing her curls from her face. Amira set to cleaning as much blood off her as she could, gently wiping with a damp cloth, until almost all of it was gone.

"When I saw that blade pierce her body, i thought i would never again get to tell her how much I love her." xristo said softly.

Eric put a hand on his shoulder. "She is alive because of you brother. If you hadn't been there, she would have died."

"She almost died because of me. If I hadn't been there, she wouldn't have gotten caught off guard. If i hadn't argued with her, she wouldn't have run in the first place."

"You can't blame yourself xristo."

"Yes. I can." he said.

With that he gently picked Kaitlin up and cradled her in his arms. She moaned softly and he kissed her forehead, making sure she was curled all the way against his chest before heading off to their rooms. He entered their chamber and carefully laid her on the bed. Quickly but gently, xristo removed her boots, pants, and the tattered remains of her shirt. Her wounds were still healing, bruises turning from purple to green, and her cut turning from an angry red, to a light pink. Another scar on her beautiful body. Fetching a wet cloth, xristo cleaned the blood that amira missed, cleaning Kaitlin the best he could. He then softly dried her, and walked to her closet to grab fresh clothes. Deciding on a simple cotton strapless dress, he walked over to her and ever so slowly slipped it on her. Satisfied he lifted her once more, settling her in one arm, drawing back the blankets, and then laid her so her head was on the pillows. Drawing the blankets back over her, xristo tucked her in as gently as he could, and then drew a chair from the corner to the edge of the bed, and sat.

He looked her over. He searched every inch of her perfect face. Counted every eye lash, traced over her scar, the way her red lips looked. He wanted to memorize every single detail, for fear of something else happening to her. Fearing there would once again come a time when he might lose her. Xristo didn't want to live without Kaitlin. Not for a single second. From the moment he had first laid eyes on her, he knew he wanted to spend eternity with her. No matter what happened. So xristo sat in silence, watching as her chest rose and fell with each breath, fearing when it would stop. Someone knocked on the door then and he sighed.


The door opened and there was Alexander, a soft look on his face as he admired his granddaughter from the doorway.

"My lord," xristo stood quickly, and bowed his head.

"Please, sit. You've had a long and exhausting day. You need rest as she does, please."

He motioned to the chair, and xristo reluctantly sat.

"I have already lived a long life. I have seen many things in my years, and have lived long enough to know when i see a true mating. What you have with my granddaughter most never see in their lifetime. I don't think I can ever find a way to repay you for saving her. And i hear this isn't the first either."

"Any of them out there would have done the same for hr."

Alexander smiled. "True as that may be my boy, none would have with the look you had. You are her true mate."

Xristo looked to kaitlin, her curls framing her face in a way that made her even more beautiful to him. "I would have taken her place if i could have."

"She knows." alexander put a hand on the lycans shoulder. "Kaitlin has kept the sun a secret since she was a small child. She lived in fear of vikto using her blood to create an army able to withstand the light. For others to discover her,"

"I understand." xristo said. "I will protect her secret. It is not mine to tell."

"Thank you my boy. I will be watching over you both. If you have need of me, i will come."

And with that the immortal departed, leaving xristo to his own mind.

Lucian knocked on Kaitlins chamber door, and Xristos voice granted entry. Lucian opened the door to see the lycan where he had been for the past two days, sitting vigil at Kaitlins side. She still hadn't woken yet, but not that anyone was surprised. The severe loss of blood had taken a harsh toll on her body. Xristo looked so tired. Lucian knew he had not eaten or slept the past two days.

"Alright brother, move. You need food and rest."

Xristo said nothing and did not move.

"Xristo, please. I know you want to be strong for her, but starving yourself and not resting isn't going to help."

"I deserve it." he whispered.

Lucians eyes went wide. "You, what?!" he asked, bewildered.

"I deserve it." xristo said louder. "Its my fault this happened to her. We argued and she left because of my judgement on her. If she hadn't left this wouldn't have happened."

"Well. since we are on the blame wagon. Why don't you blame me? If hadn't done what I did with sonja, and risked everything, none of us would be here. Especially kaitlin."

"What? Lucian, you freed us."

"See how ridiculous that sounds?" lucian raised an eyebrow. "Xristo, kaitlin is her own person. What happened, happened, and you can not sit here and torture yourself because you think its your fault." he walked to him. "Please. I will sit with her and will let you know the moment she wakes."

Xristo looked up at Lucian, tears in his eyes. "Is this how you felt when you thought you and sonja were going to die."

"To an extent. I also had hope that we would be able to fight and win. Kaitlin gave us that hope. So come on, there's food down the hall, and erics prepared the room across the hall. Please."

With a sigh, xristo shakily got to his feet. Lucian helped him out the door, where eric was waiting to help him get food. Lucian took the chair, and sat.

"I've got you Katie." he said softly.

A few hours had passed, when Kaitlin began to stir. Lucian sat up right, and leaned forward. Kaitlin groaned, and then gasped, her body obviously still in pain. She put a hand to her head, and then her eyes opened. She blinked, and then blinked again. Kaitlin moved to sit up, hissing in pain.

"Whoa, slow down there princess." Lucian chuckled.

Kaitlin jumped and gasped. "Seven hells lucian, I didn't see you." She turned to look at him. "How the hell am I alive?"

"Because you are one tough fire princess. And we had some help from alexander."

"Alex was here?"

"You don't remember?"

"No. Everythings a blur of pain, and blood." she said.

"It was close, but eric, amira, and Alexander fixed you up. You've been asleep for two days. I finally got xristo go get some rest, he's been sitting here at your bedside the whole time. He blames himself."

"Well that's stupid of him. I'm the one who wasn't paying enough attention, to get snatched by dealers. Wait, i remember, i was stabbed. In the sun, oh gods," kaitlin put her face in her hands.

"Katie, katie stop. Its okay. Look at me." he sat on the edge of the bed and took her hands in his. "We would never betray or use your secret. Do you understand me? You are safe here."

She looked at him, and a tear rolled down her cheek. "I'm sorry I never told you. I just, I worried if i ever said it aloud,"

"You don't have to explain yourself to me or anyone else kaitlin. We love you. You're alive and that's all that matters." he kissed her forehead and wiped her tears. "I'm going to go grab some blood for you. Do you want me to send xristo in?"

She nodded. "Yes please."

Lucian left, and kaitlin drew back the blankets. She pulled down her dress and her fingers traced over her new scar. She had come so close to dying. Kaitlin stood shakily, and walked to her closet, grabbing a fresh dress, a simple black and blue off the shoulder. She changed as quickly as she could and walked to the balcony. The wind was blowing the curtains open, and the sun was shining onto the stone. Kaitlin drew back the curtains and stepped out onto the stone, which was warm beneath her feet. Xristo entered the room and watched his mate in the sun. the way the light shone on her skin, and made her hair like the brightest fire he had ever seen. He walked over to her and she turned, looking at him with regret and sorrow.

"Im so sorry." she whispered. "I shouldn't have run."

"I love you." he said simply.

Xristo swept her hair from her face, and brought his lips to hers. She moaned softly. Xristo kissed her deeply, as if it would be the last kiss they ever had. He held her close to him, his hand in her hair, the other on her waist. She was his, and he was hers. And nothing else would ever come between them again.