The Talk.

Disclaimer: I do not own Doctor who, any of the characters or plotlines. I do however own a laptop so neeeeeeeeer.

Author's Note: Spoilers for anyone who hasn't seen AGMGTW. Don't read it if you ain't see it. Simples! Okay so I'm obsessing about Rory-daddy. I think he's gonna be the cutest thing ever. Amy… urm, I'm still convincing myself on that one. Also although there's only implied River in this fic I thought I'd put it as a Doctor/River one because saying it's Doctor/Rory just sounds weird. Hehe. Enjoy…

"I think we need to have a talk." Rory said seriously as they stepped into the control room and away from where Amy rocked baby Melody backwards and forwards, trying to sing her to sleep. "Man to man."

"Well, Time Lord." The Doctor smiled as he pointed to himself.

"Fine, man to Time Lord." Rory grimaced- this was not going well already. "We still need to talk." The Doctor gulped, the grin on his face wavering slightly as he saw the look of concentration on the Roman's face.

"Sure, what about?" He said, trying to sound light-hearted.

"What are your intentions regarding my daughter?" Rory asked him quickly, looking at him very intently and almost daring him to laugh.

"Your daughter?" The Doctor looked confused as he glanced across at the six-month-old in Amy's arms. "Well, I intend to probably get up with her in the night when you and Amy get too tired and maybe-"

"No." Rory cut him off quickly. "Not the baby. My daughter River Song." He raised an eyebrow as he waited for an explanation.

"Oh, that daughter." The Doctor muttered as he looked away in embarrassment. That daughter. The one he'd kissed. The one he'd flirted with rather a lot in front of Rory who happened to now be her father. Oh dear.

"Yes. That daughter. So I ask you again: what are your intentions regarding my daughter?" He put his hands on his hips and the Doctor remember very suddenly that, although he was dressed in his normal clothes now, he still had a sword and a few centuries of practise with it. He swallowed hard.

"Well… y'see…" He began nervously. "We have a thing. And I think we get married but I'm not sure and she turns up and then it's all hair and kissing and now she's your daughter and I can see her when she's a baby and that makes it all the more confusing because I don't want to think about kissing the baby but then River turns up and she's all "hello" and-"

"Do you love her?" Rory cut across his rambling train of thought.

"That's a very personal question!" The Doctor blustered, turning slightly red.

"She's very much my daughter." Rory persisted, his face never faltering from his serious look.

"I think I might do." The Doctor muttered after a moment, choosing to look anywhere but at his old friend's face.

"Then I think maybe you should go and see her." Rory said, smiling slightly. The Doctor blinked. Was that… permission? He grinned as he ran towards the TARDIS control, imputing the coordinated for storm cage. "But don't tell her about our talk."

"Of course not." The Doctor laughed. Rory and River- that was one argument he would not like to be in the middle of.

"Oh and one more thing." Rory said quietly as the Doctor paused and looked up at him nervously- he thought it had been too easy. "You hurt her and I will hurt you. No matter where or when you are. Understand?" He asked darkly.

"Understood, centurion." He saluted him quickly but there was sincerity in his eyes. Rory nodded. Permission given.

Please review or Rory will change his mind.