You seem a little Dark 1

Author Note: Okay, this is a Dark Ranger fanfic. I've never seen the old ranger shows, but I did a little looking for info on the Dark Rangers. I thought they looked kind of weird, so I think of mine as suits like the Samurai Rangers. Here you go!

"No!" Emily hid under the covers, "no, no, no!"

"Oh, come on, Em," Mike teased, "it's just a little scary story."

"I don't care," the Yellow Ranger shivered, "I don't like scary stories."

"I do," Wesley told her, "cover your ears."

She did, and Mike told a really creepy story. The Rangers were hanging out in the woods, having a little fun. They decided to do a camp-out for a night, just for fun on a cool summer evening.

"Come on, Em," Jayden patted the shivering lump under the yellow sleeping bag, "it's over."

"Are you sure?" she whimpered.

"Yes," he nodded, "come on."

Slowly, she peered out. Wesley, Antonio, and Mike were laughing playfully as Kevin held Mia in comfort. Emily stuck out her tongue as Mentor Ji peered in.

"Rangers," he said, "you need to get some rest."

"Okay," they yawned in agreement.

The boys went off to their two tents as the girls settled back in their bags. Ji had a tent to himself in front, supervising them as he watched ESPN on his iPod.

"Night," Mia yawned as she turned off the lantern.

"Night," Emily's voice was muffled under her sleeping bag.

As Mia slept soundly, Emily shivered. The night seemed colder now that it was dark. The Yellow Ranger couldn't even see her hand in front of her face. She could handle Nilock and a lot of scary, creepy things, but darkness was one thing she'd always been scared of.

Rolling over, she tried to sleep. She curled up and tried to feel warm under the chill she felt. It was almost as if she was being watched…Shaking her head, Emily focused on happy thoughts: Serena. Bunnies. Flowers. Sunlight. Jayden. She smiled at the thought of her boyfriend, and she finally eased into light sleep.

Emily woke up when she heard rustling. Wrapping her fingers around her flashlight, the Yellow Ranger peered out of the tent. The beam hitting the forest revealed nothing. But just before she went back in, she noticed movement in the bushes.

A Nilock? She wondered, or one of the guys teasing us?

Swallowing, she crept toward the leaves and branches. Suddenly, something leaped out at her. She screamed and fought against the force. Whatever it was, Emily pinned down the force. It looked human, and there was a mask on….

"Alright, guys," she puffed, "come on out. You got me."

Suddenly, all five of the guys rushed behind her. Mia and Ji were both with them.

"But…then who are….?" Emily gasped, looking at the struggling figure.

"Get off of me!" the figure demanded, pushing her.

Taken aback, she rolled off and stared.

"Who are…?" she began, but the figure began to run.

"Come back here, you coward!" Mike demanded, taking after it with the others.

But the figure was fast. When Emily caught up, it leapt into the shadows. And, just like that, it was gone.

Author Note: Really creepy….