After Jake and I showered, I got dressed and I brushed my teeth with one of the spare toothbrushes Edward always kept for me. I told Jacob to wait outside for me as I went back into Edward's room to speak to him alone.
"Soo" I said "That was kinda fun" I laughed sheepishly.
"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself" Edward responded.
"What? You saying you didn't" I replied jokingly.
"Of course not. What you did with me was amazing I'll never forget it" Edward said a hint of sadness in his voice.
"Look…. Edward what I said in there… "I started before Edward interrupted.
"It was the truth. It's okay Bella, you both love each other very much. I just want you to be happy. If it's not me I'm glad it's someone like Jacob. Much better than Mike Newton"
We both laughed at that.
"So friends" Edward proclaimed.
"Friends?" I questioned.
I pulled Edward close to me and kissed him for the very last time.
After breaking our kiss I whispered into Edward's ear "You couldn't handle just being my friend"
"I don't know about that. I have great self control remember" Edward told me.
"Yeah I remember" I smiled, leaving Edward behind to meet Jacob outside.
As I walked outside into the night, I saw Jacob fleeing into the woods.
"So you want a lift or you gonna run home" I called out to him.
Jacob turned around to address me "I thought maybe you would be staying with the bloodsucker"
"It's called saying goodbye I didn't want to be rude or anything" I replied, jogging closer to him.
"So it is goodbye for good. I thought maybe you just said those things before so I'd get you off"
"Oh please you would have gotten me off either way" I teased.
"Sure Sure" Jacob said.
"And I wasn't lying. I love you. I want to be with you. Edward and I… we're just friends now"
"Yeah like how you and I were just friends" Jacob taunted.
"I'm serious. Edward barely touched me while we were dating and now that we're friends he wouldn't try anything with me, especially knowing that I'm with you"
"It's not Edward I'm worried about" Jacob told me with sadness in his voice.
"Jacob, you give me everything I ever wanted. You're sexy, sweet, fun, caring and amazing in bed.
"Dam straight" Jacob confirmed.
"The point is I've chosen you. I'm not gonna fuck that up by cheating on you with Edward. It's over between us and if it makes you happy I don't have to see him again. It nearly killed me before but being with you makes me strong and I'll get through it".
"I would never ask you to do that plus I know how hard it was for me when I didn't get to see you. Edward deserves to have you in his life but only as a friend" Jacob said.
"I promise" I reassured him, leaning my face up to kiss him.
"And I'll take that lift but I'm not going to my place" Jacob said after we broke our kiss.
"Oh really then where do you think you're going exactly" I said, holding his hand as we walked towards my truck.
"Your place of course, considering I took your virginity it's only fair that I spend the night in your bed with you" Jacob told me, letting go off my hand to move towards the passenger's side off my truck.
"Okay but you're the one explaining this to Charlie when he catches you in my bedroom" I said before opening my car door.
"No problem. Charlie loves me" Jacob replied confidently, hoping into my truck.
"Yeah we'll see" I said, entering the vehicle and backing out of Edward's driveway.
As I reversed away from Edward's house I saw his family coming out of the woods. I could see Alice staring at me with sad eyes and knew she would have seen what happened between Edward and me.
She wanted me to be a part of her family so badly and I couldn't help but feel like I had disappointed her. I waved to the Cullen family as I drove away and each one of them waved back at me. Alice's face lit up into a smile as she waved and I hoped that was because she could still see us being friends.
Once I got to my house I could see that the lights in the living room where still on and I could hear the TV. It was now 9.30 and I knew my dad would go to bed soon.
"As much as I'd love to tell your father all about us, it's probably best if I just meet you in your bedroom" Jacob said, giving me a quick kiss before silently getting out of the truck. I laughed at Jacob as he snuck beside my house and climbed up to my window.
I got out of my truck and walked to my doorstep. I opened the door and went inside.
"Hey dad" I said, trying to pass Charlie on my way up the stairs.
"How was your night?" Charlie asked, getting up from the couch and turning the TV off.
"Great, my brains a little sore from studying but other than that I'm fine" I responded.
I was sore all right but it wasn't my brain that was sore from studying, it was my pussy that was sore from fucking. I hope my dad couldn't tell that I could barely walk. I hope that part doesn't last forever.
"Really because Angela actually called while you were out. When I asked her if you were supposed to go study at her place tonight she told me that everyone is getting together tomorrow night to study"
Oh shit I should have told Angela I was using her as an excuse.
"Yeah well when I left I realised that so… I went to study with Edward instead"
"So you lied to me about where you were going so you could see Edward, just to study with him" Charlie said angrily.
"You know what dad. I never had sex with Edward, okay. We're not even together anymore. So you don't have to worry… about him" I replied. I was trying to be honest but there was no way I was telling him I just lost my virginity to Jacob.
"When did this happen" Charlie asked anxiously.
"Just tonight and you don't have to look at me like that. I'm fine I'm not gonna get all depressed like before. Really it's cool"
"Why did you two break up? I mean I'm glad but…"
"Can you just ground me already so we can end this conversation? I really don't want to talk about this" I whined.
"Fine you're grounded" Charlie said sternly.
"Thank you" I sighed, wanting to get up into my room before Jacob started going through my stuff. A boy alone in a girl's room can't be trusted.
"And you have to answer one more question" Charlie added.
"What" I asked, turning around from my position halfway up the stairs.
"Was it because of Jacob?" Charlie asked seriously.
"Dad" I shrieked.
"He did kiss you after all. Maybe you two might…"
"Stop already" I yelled back, climbing up the stairs as best I could.
"Goodnight honey" Charlie cried out.
"Goodnight" I said, before getting to my bedroom and shutting myself inside.
"He does have a point" Jacob said as I turned around to see him going through my underwear drawer.
"Hey that's private" I shouted, coming towards him to shut my drawer closed.
"I was just seeing which ones I like but I guess I'll get to see you in all of them at some time or another"
"Only if you behave" I said jokingly. As I sat down on my bed the throbbing pain between my legs got worse.
"Ow" I cried out.
"What's wrong" Jacob asked, sitting down beside me.
"I'm still sore down there" I told him.
"Oh I can kiss it better if you like" Jacob told me.
"No Jake, I think it just needs a break or something" I replied.
Jacob just laughed at me "lie back and relax" Jacob said, pushing me into a lying position on top of my bed.
He took my jeans off for the second time that night, slipping my panties down shortly after. He spread my thighs apart positioning his head between my legs. He gently placed kisses upon my inner thighs edging closer to my slit. His lips met my clit kissing the nub softly. Sharp tingles run through my body as he darted his tongue along my overly sensitive pussy.
"Jake… oh it's too much" I whispered while my body jerked uncontrollably. He didn't quit though, he kept licking my entirely pussy then stopping to flick his tongue over my clit.
"Mmmm Jacob" I moaned, feeling the tension building inside me again. Jacob's mouth latched onto my pussy as my orgasm rocked through me.
Jacob took off the rest of my clothes as I laid on the bed totally relaxed. He then took off his shorts to lie down naked next to me. I lifted my head up and turned my body to view Jacob. This was the first time I was able to get a good look at his naked body. I ran my hand over his muscular chest and torso, stopping to stroke his hardened penis.
"Looks like someone needs my attention" I purred, lowering my head down Jacob's body to capture his cock in my mouth.
"Oh Bella, I've been waiting so long for you to do that" Jacob groaned.
I bobbed my head up and down, taking his cock all the way into my mouth. It was big but I still managed to fit him all the way inside. Even though I had done this earlier to Edward I was no expert and really didn't know what I was doing. However I knew I was the first to give Jacob a blowjob and I could tell he was enjoying it. I kept sucking his cock in and out of my mouth while jerking him off at the same time. Jacob grabbed the back of my head with his hand, intertwining his fingers into my hair while he moaned and gasped for air.
"Oh yes Bella yes" Jacob cried out as he came into my mouth. As Jacob recovered from his orgasm I grabbed my doona that was now on the floor and brought it over our bodies.
"Oh Bells you're so fucking good at that" Jacob said as I cuddled up to him in bed.
"Thanks. You're not too bad yourself" I replied, smiling cheekily at him.
"I love you Bella" Jacob told me kissing the top of my head.
"I love you too, Jacob" I said resting my head on his chest before drifting off to sleep.
Author's Note: Hope you enjoyed my story! Reviews are much appreciated. Let me know did you love it or hate it?