Tsuna groaned in his sleep as he felt pressure on his face. He slowly opened his eyes to see his pet cat's yellow eyes staring at him.

"Kyou-chan. Get off!" He groaned and tried to go back to sleep until he glanced at the alarm clock and realized he's going to be late to school. "Oh my, I'm going to be late!"

He quickly put on his school uniform and ran straight into the bathroom.

Kyou-chan just yawned and looked at Tsuna's book bag and climbed in. Tsuna came back, grabbed his bag and ran downstairs. He quickly grabbed a piece of toast and ran as hard as he could to the school. He got there just as the bell rung and then went to his classroom. On the way there his cat hopped out in the hallway unnoticed by Tsuna.

The cat looked around and walked around. Some of the students looked at him but didn't care as to why it was there. The cat wondered around for a while until it smelled something delicious coming from one of the rooms. He went in and found a guy there with black hair eating dried squid.

The cat meowed at him to try to get the guy's attention. The guy looked at him.

"How did you get in here?" The guy asked as he gave the cat a piece of the dried squid.


"An herbivore must have brought you in." He pet the cat as he gobbled up the squid.

"Guess I have to find your master, huh?" Kyoya looked at the red bow on the cat's neck for any license, but no such luck.

"Hm, well might as well keep you for now right?"


Kyoya threw another one to him.

~ At lunch~

"Okay, I think if I hold you and walk around the school someone will recognize." Kyoya stroked the cat.


"Well let's first go from the top and then to the bottom okay?"


They headed to the roof with all the students averting their eyes or they'll be bitten to death. On the roof, Kyoya knew that only three herbivores will be there. Gokudera Hayato, Yamamoto Takeshi, and the most important one Sawada Tsunayoshi. Such a strange hebivore indeed.

When Kyoya walked up to them, Gokudera noticed him and immediately stood up to confront him.

"What the hell do you want?" Gokudera sneered at him.

Tsuna looked at Kyoya, more specifically the cat.

"Kyou-chan?" He yelled, stood up, and immediately went to Kyoya. Gokudera fainted as he made the assumption that Tsuna was talking about Kyoya and dirty images ran through his mind. Yamamoto caught him and excused himself to bring Gokudera to the nurse's office.

"What?" Kyoya said surprised of what he thought Tsuna called him.

"My cat. Oh my god, how did you get here?" Tsuna said worried and took the cat from Kyoya.

"The cat's name is Kyou-chan?" Kyoya looked at him in disbelief.

Tsuna blushed as he realized why Kyoya reacted that way.

"My mom, she named him. It's short for Kyouchi." Tsuna babbled. "I will never call you Kyou-chan because that's very disrespectful!"

"Never?" Kyoya raised his eyebrow.

"Uh..uh unless you want me to but that would be very awkward and uh..." Tsuna kept stuttering until Kyoya kissed him right on his little lips, which the smaller blushed redder than a tomato.

Kyoya took the cat back and started walking away and when he opened the door, he turned around. Both cat and man looked at him.

"If you want him back, come by later and without your dogs." "Meow" The two 'Kyou-chans' left with a speechless Tsuna standing there.

A couple minutes later, reality finally sinked in. "Oh my god, did he just steal my cat?"

may continue sorry if it seems rushed or bad