Author's Note: Thanks to everyone who read, commented, and added this story to your alert & favorite lists. I'm humbled by your support. I find the final chapter/ending so very hard to write and I now understand why I'm disappointed so often in the ending of novels, they're incredibly to do and do well. I hope that this happy ending isn't disappointing, however. Thanks again for giving this tart pairing a chance!

Chapter 17

Ram's POV

I was standing outside a bar on Stark street with Ranger waiting for Tank and Steph to arrive. There have been a lot of changes in the last six months but how distractions were run wasn't one of them. Ranger was splitting his time between Miami and Trenton. He seemed to be happier that way, seeing Julie two weeks out of every month and spending time here with his friends that were more like family than his blood relatives.

Steph and Ranger had settled into a very comfortable friendship. I admit that I was worried about it at first, feared their connection and that he would try to take her away from me. It was silly but so is the male ego. Steph spent some time reassuring me and including me in their lunches so that I could see their relationship for what it was and relax about it. He was her best friend, but I was her soul-mate and she had every intention of keeping us both that way.

Last weekend, we went to Joe Morelli's wedding. He married Angie, a high-school french teacher and they seemed to be utterly joyous in the life they were creating together. The wedding and reception were incredibly fun and I knew that all the anger from Steph and Joe's relationship had dissipated. Joe had let go of all his guilt over Chianni hurting Steph, too meaning they could just be friends with a history but without baggage.

At the wedding, I pulled Frank Plum aside and told him that I planned to ask Steph to marry me. It wasn't that I was seeking his approval, I knew Steph wouldn't want me to ask her dad for permission, I just felt momentarily nostalgic and wanted him to know. He gave me his blessing and it filled me with courage and joy as I shopped for a ring in the last week.

Tank's rig pulled up and waited outside the passenger door for Steph to place her wire. When she was ready, he opened her door and helped her out. I watched as her heels touched the sidewalk and followed her long legs up to a short and tight black leather skirt. She was gorgeous and I had to stifle my groan when I thought about removing those clothes from her when we got home.

We winked at each other as she walked by on her way inside. That wink was as essential to me as my earpiece when we did a distraction. It was a small thing but it let me know that she was ok, that she had her game face on and that she was ready to deal with whatever happened. It was also my way of reassuring her that she wasn't alone that I had her back and that there was no way I was going to let anything happen to her.

As the bar door closed behind her, I pushed my earpiece in further wanting to make sure I didn't miss so much as a breath. I heard the guys inside take in sharp breaths when their eyes noticed Steph. They were smart enough not to comment knowing that I'd kick their asses the first chance I got.

The skip noticed Steph, ordering her a drink within 15 minutes of her entering the bar. I could hear him talking to her, obviously leaning in close. Steph had him hooked easily and he jumped at the chance when she asked him to walk her to her car.

It almost seemed too easy even for as skilled as Steph was at this job. I heard her gasp in pain just as the door opened and I knew something was wrong. The skip had her arm twisted behind her back and a knife at her throat as he moved towards me. Steph's eyes met mine and they were calm despite the obvious wince of pain. All of the training from Tank and Lester had helped her control these situations much better than in previous years.

I watched as she lifted her foot and stomped her heel into the skips foot forcing him to loosen his grip on her and howl in pain. She moved forward just enough for me to reach out and wrap my hand on her forearm pulling her into my chest while my other hand pulled a gun and aimed at the skip. Ranger was behind the skip and had him on the ground and cuffed quickly.

Holstering my gun, I cupped her cheeks and kissed her forhead. "That's my girl. Are you okay?"

She nodded, "My wrist hurts but I don't think it's broken."

I growled and looked around for Bobby. Ranger and Tank loaded the skip but didn't leave. They wouldn't until they knew she was okay, if there was any injury to her the skip wouldn't make it to the station without falling a few times first.

Bobby looked her over and gave her an ice pack but assured us that it wasn't broken. We left after a few rounds of Happy Thanksgiving was said to the team. We were heading to my parents for Thanksgiving dinner in Pennsylvania tomorrow. It was a bit of power struggle with Steph's mom but we made a deal to have Thanksgiving with the Plums on Sunday night which appeased Helen.

We headed out early, well early for Steph and took off for my childhood home. We were spending the night in my old room, even though I wanted to get a hotel room. My parents were

horrified at that idea so we gave in despite my many reservations. Steph assured me we could handle one night with ease.

I watched Steph laugh and enjoy my family at the dinner table and was overwhelmed yet again by her light and beauty. She was downright irresistible and everyone felt it, it was impossible not to be drawn in by her carefree yet empathetic attitude. I knew my family loved her and I was hopeful that she would say yes to being my wife so that I could officially make her part of it.

Steph's POV

I was positively stuffed from the wonderful Thanksgiving dinner and sampling of no less than three pies as Ram closed the door to his boyhood bedroom behind us. Caramel slipped in with us, turning around several times in his doggy bed before laying down with a grunt. I grabbed my nightgown and toothbrush and headed into the bathroom down the hall.

Being with Ram's family always seemed to lift my spirits. They were delightful, things with my own mother had evened out over the last six months but she was never going to be as supportive or fun as Ram's family. My mother accepted Ram, even liked him but it was obvious that she wanted us to get married and for me to quit my job and raise some kids.

It wasn't that I didn't want to marry Ram because I did but we hadn't talked about it and our life was so good that I couldn't bring it up without fear that I was pushing him. As for kids, maybe someday we'd talked about it now and then but neither of us were ready right now. I had no intention of quitting my job now or ever and Ram never even hinted that he wanted that from me. Life was good for us, we fought from time-to-time but it was never a big production and it always seemed to end quickly enough allowing us to get back to loving each other.

Entering the bedroom, I found Ram stretched out on the bed in his boxers and looking positively delicious. I was wishing I'd packed something a little sexier than this plain white gown but I was trying to be conservative in front of his family. He wagged his eyebrows at me and patted the bed letting me know that what I was wearing didn't matter to him at all.

I blushed thinking about having sex with his parents just down the hall. His arms wrapped around me, pulling me underneath him the minute I slipped into bed. Ram's knuckles ran down my cheek as his pupils dilated. "I love you. You're amazing with my family, just like everyone else you've wrapped them around your little finger."

I chuckled. "They're wonderful people and I love you too."

He kissed me, my mouth opening for him immediately. I let my hands explore his smooth, muscular back as he swallowed my moans. My legs opened as he settled his body between my hips. The movement made the headboard hit the wall and we both giggled. "Maybe we should move to the floor."

He grinned obviously glad that I suggested moving instead of stopping. I stood up and he threw a blanket onto the floor along with a couple of pillows. I took my gown off and slipped to my knees dragging my breasts along the incredible ridges of his chest and abs. I placed little kisses on the tops of his feet before dragging my tongue up his legs and settling at his groin.

His erection was standing proud and peeking out of his boxers begging to be touched. My fingers grasped the waistband and tugged the shorts down his tan, strong legs. Lifting his feet one by one I tossed the boxers behind me before placing open mouthed kisses along his legs before once again settling at his center, my mouth sucking his balls into my mouth. He groaned softly, I could tell he was trying to keep his voice down as his hand wrapped around my head.

I loved the smell and taste of him moving inside my mouth. The feel of his fingers applying gentle pressure on my head as he thrust his hips overwhelmed my senses. I knew he was trying to control his thrusts trying not to pound into my throat but I wanted him to let go to enjoy this fully. I reached up massaging his balls and increasing my suction and speed sensing that he was getting close.

He let out a loud exhale as he came in my mouth. His fingers gripped my head tightly as he tried to control the loud growl that usually accompanied his orgasms. When he got control of his legs and breath again, he knelt down next to me, helping me stretch out before sliding my panties down my legs and kissing his way up again.

His lips met mine as his hands palmed my breasts. I had to bite my lip to keep from moaning loudly at the magic he was performing on my body. Raising himself up, he rummaged through his bag next to the bed and grabbed something before resting on his forearms above me.

"I love you Stephanie. I want to spend the rest of my life with you." He took a deep breath and I wasn't sure if I should say something or wait. He handed me a small ring box and I grinned as a deep breath escaped my lips. "Be my wife, please. Will you marry me?"

I laughed and nodded, throwing my hands around his neck and kissing his lips. "Yes, oh my God, yes."

He slipped a beautiful platinum ring with a single diamond on my finger as tears of joy fell down my cheeks. He kissed my tears away promising me a life of happy tears as his tongue explored my neck causing shivers of pleasure to shake my body. He raised himself up and kept his eyes firmly locked with mine as he slid himself inside my all too willing body. We moved tenderly and slowly for a long time before release washed over us and we collapsed into each other's arms.

Hours later I felt myself being lifted and placed back into bed. Ram held me close to him and just before sleep claimed me again I heard him promise to be a good husband and care for me for the rest of my life. I believed him and knew that I would promise to be a good wife and try hard not to cause him much worry with stalkers or crazies.

At breakfast, we filled Ram's family in on our engagement which was met with a chorus of cheers and hugs. His dad raised a glass of orange juice for a toast and wished us a life of happiness. I knew we would have our ups and downs but I knew we'd get through them all, good and bad, together. I couldn't help but feel joyful at the prospect of a life of happiness with this amazing man by my side.

The End