Alicolly: WELCOME, ONE AND ALL. Loljk, anyway, here is my new chapter! Thank you to the people who reviewed *tear* It makes me happy. Not one bad review! This boosts my already high pronz ego xDD
Anyway. This chapter here contains a nice little twist. I was thinking on how to go about this chapter, and couldn't find anything interesting that would make the story longer. I have decided that I am going to keep this story going for at least 10 chapters. Wish me luck! Also, I shall be changing POV in this one a couple times. Its okay, I don't do it often. Most of it is just filler -3-
Disclaimer: I am poor. Owns nuffin T_T
Sora looked at his mother in confusion as she shook her head, running a hand through her brown strands. "Sora… oh my..What have I done..How could I have raised a liar…" She whispered to herself.
Sora had listened and he paused, really confused. "M…mom?" He asked worriedly, a hand on her arm. Why had she said that? He wasn't lying… Why would he lie about something so serious?
"Sora…dear…I know that man hurt you…but you don't have to lie and protect him! He won't hurt you anymore, I promise." She said, gathering the boy into her arms and stroking his soft hair. Sora was frozen in shock. She…didn't believe him? He pushed away from her, glaring harshly.
"I am not lying mom! I did do it! It was not his fault!" He insisted, looking at her with pleading eyes. His eyes begged for her to believe him, and forgive Riku. If she forgave him, maybe…he and Sora could be friends. But that thought was beaten away by his mother's next words.
"Sora! DO not lie to me, your mother! I did not raise you that way! Now, until you can tell me the truth about what happened, go to your room!" She looked at him and stood, hand on her hip, and pointed upstairs to where Sora's bedroom was. Sora glared and stomped up the stairs, slamming his bedroom door.
He flopped on the bed, fuming. Why didn't she believe him! He had been telling the truth too! He sighed and looked at the clock. It was only 8pm, and he wasn't very tired. He sighed, getting his pajamas on and then leaning against the window. Across the street, he could see a light on in Riku's house. Riku's bedroom, to be exact. Sora watched curiously and blinked. He blushed as he saw Riku, staring right back at him from the bedroom. Their eyes met and Sora flushed more, before closing his window. He coulda swore he saw a smirk on those pale lips before he had done so. He curled up on the bed, deciding maybe he was tired. He closed his eyes, soon falling asleep to the vision of those beautiful, aquamarine eyes.
Sora groaned as he slapped his alarm clock, effectively shutting of the annoying blaring it was making. He sat up, rubbing his eyes and sighing. He swung his legs, heavy as if filled with lead, over the side of the bed, and stood. He dragged his feet to the shower, and got in, the water almost scalding. What? He liked hot showers. He sighed, washing his hair well with shampoo and conditioner, then his body, before getting out. He looked in the fogged up mirror and wiped it, scowling. Stupid steam. Soon, he was out of there and getting dressed. He put on his blue skinny jeans and a white shirt with a rainbow on it. He smiled and went downstairs. He was happy until he saw his mom, remembering last night. He had decided to ignore her this morning. That plan went well, until she spoke.
"I want you home right after school today, understand? No hanging out with Roxas, or Kairi, or no one." She said, without looking. He glared at her, sticking his tongue out at her behind her back and left, toast in hand. He got his skateboard, and then started riding to school.
He listened to the Original Tetris theme as he rode to school, a lollipop in his mouth. He smiled as he got there, hopping off. He held his board, waving and smiling back to people who greeted him as he walked into the school and through the hallways. He sighed softly, getting to his hallway of friends. This was a small hallway, and half of it was stairs leading down to the music room. His friends littered the area along the floor, walls, and stairs.
Kairi smiled, motioning for Sora to sit with her, Namine, Olette, and Roxas. Hayner and Pence were talking to themselves a bit away. "What's with them?" Sora asked, gesturing to the two boys, talking heatedly.
"We dunno yet. " Olette sighed. After a few more minutes of them arguing, and the rest of the group watching curiously, it got boring and they all started chatting amongst themselves until the bell rang. Sora sighed as it did, and headed to evil Professor Vexen's 'lab' for biology.
Riku sighed as he rubbed the sun block on him. He had given up trying to get a tan, ever since he was little he had had pale skin, despite the hot, sunny climate they had. Now, it was just easier to block it more. When he was done that, he pulled his long, shaggy silver hair into a ponytail and smiled, grabbing his board. He rarely went surfing in the mornings, but today was a nice day, and all the teens were in school, so he didn't have to share with noisy girls and idiotic boys.
He made his way from his house to the beach, and living on the same street as Sora, he didn't have to go far. He glanced at the house he used to frequent so much, and saw Aerith getting groceries from the car. She caught his eye and glared at him. Riku rolled his eyes and continued to the beach.
The sand felt warm and soft underneath his toes, the smell of the sea strong since the sing was blowing a bit more than usual. He smiled and paddled out, ducking under the waves towards his goal- a nice big wave coming in. He turned, waiting then stood, the board moving with the current of the wave. Riku loved surfing; it was his way to let off steam, and to think.
Right now, he couldn't get Sora out of his head. Sure, they had spoken for a mere couple minutes, but…Why? Why was Aerith so…against him now? He honestly had no idea. All he remembered was…
Riku liked babysitting Sora. He was adorable, entertaining, and not at all difficult other than when he was hungry. And when he was hungry…he was hungry. The kid had the stomach of a million man army! The silverette sighed as he stripped, left in his underclothes, and got into bed with him. He didn't mind sleeping with him; on the contrary, he enjoyed it. Sora was really warm while Riku, himself, had such a low average body temperature.
Riku sighed as he ran a hand through the brunette's hair. He laid back, chuckling softly as the boy curled up to him. The kid always did like to cuddle. Riku knew he should wait until the other fell asleep before he himself did, but he dozed off, going into lala land.
He must have fallen asleep really fast because he started dreaming an odd dream. He felt lips press against his, and, being someone who enjoyed sex, didn't complain. He kissed back, sliding a hand into the soft…somehow familiar hair and kissed back harder. He groaned softly, nipping the boy's bottom lip, before sliding his tongue into his mouth and rubbing it slowly against the others…tinier? Muscle.
The boy tasted of chocolate and strawberries, and Riku wanted more. When the boy broke the kiss, he bit and licked at his neck, pressing closer by pulling the boy on top of him more; keeping his hands around is thin waist. He had just been about to kiss the stranger back when a shrill cry woke him up from the dream.
He opened his eyes, sitting up in shock. "What is wrong, Mrs. Strife?" He asked, looking around worried. Sora was asleep, curled up on his chest. Nothing new... "Mrs. Strife?" He asked, setting Sora on the bed who rolled over facing away.
"G…Get out! GET OUT!" She screamed.
Riku growled as he came up to the beach again. He shook his head, getting the sea spray out of his hair. "Ugh…." He shouldn't be thinking about that. It was in the past, and though he missed the adorable little brunette, he wouldn't push it. Riku was then pulled out of his thoughts by a voice.
He blinked. That sounded oddly like… "Mrs. Strife." He nodded. "May I help you, ma'am?" He asked politely. The woman looked angry, but was containing it well. He tilted his head at her, waiting for a response.
"We need to talk. About Sora." She said.
Riku was confused, but followed her to the picnic table under an umbrella. He sat across from her, pulling a shirt on. "What is wrong?" He asked, looking across the table at her curiously. "Is he hurt? What happened to him?" He asked, worried.
"I don't know what you did to him that night, but I want an explanation. Now. He has been acting strangely since he saw you last night." She growled.
"I am sorry, Mrs. Strife, but I am afraid I cannot help you. I don't even know what I did wrong to warrant such a punishment as not being allowed to see Sora at all." He said, genuinely confused.
"Don't lie to me! You tainted my little boy! You were kissing him when I walked in the room that night!" She said frustrated. "He keeps saying all these lies, trying to cover for you! Did you threaten him? What did you do to my baby?" She asked just…sad now. Upset.
Riku was silent for a few moments before he shook his head, shocked. "Mrs. Strife…I like Sora...but...He was nine. I was sixteen. To do…something like that…to someone that young...I mean…I did get around then, but….that would have been wrong." He said sincerely. She shook her head.
"Mrs. Strife…what did Sora tell you about that night?" He asked looking at her. "It may help to erase some confusion we both seem to have." He said.
"Well…." She began.
Alicolly: Wheeee! Another chapter! Wheeeee. Well, I like it. Ill update soon.
R&R if you wish.