Somewhere in Quebec…
"Man, I'm telling you, you have to see this kid!" John said.
He picked up Randy at the airport that afternoon, and he was supposed to take him straight to their hotel, but he was so hyped up about this talent prospect he found, and he just had to show Randy.
"Man, I'm tired." Randy said, "I just got off an eight hour flight, can't we go tomorrow?"
"Nah, man! He has a match tonight and he's not even supposed to because he's not really part of the promotion." John said, "But the kid's a natural, and they gave him a trial on the spot and he got it, so this is basically his first match."
"Meaning he's green." Randy said, "John, we need guys with experience or at least a little bit. We take this kid and he ends up not having what it takes, we've already wasted a lot of money and effort. Like that asshole you found in Cleveland."
"No, dude! Trust me, this one's different!" John said, "He's got the size, he's got the looks, and he's a natural! Actually, he reminds me a lot of you."
John looked at the side mirror to see Randy roll his eyes. After all this time, he still has that competitiveness in him and didn't like being compared to anyone. John decided to play it up some more.
"I'm serious man." He said, "He reminds me a lot about you when we were still in OVW. You gotta admit you were still green then too, but you know, they thought you were a natural. That's what I see in this kid."
"Fine." Randy said, "I'm already here, it's not like I'm getting off this car in the middle of nowhere."
John laughed, "Good! Coz I will leave you in the middle of the road if you don't come." He said, "But no, seriously, man…kid really looks like you when you were younger. Even has your temper…except you're more of an asshole."
"What?" Randy snapped.
"I meant before!" John laughed, "You know, when you were younger. You were an asshole…admit it."
"Shut up and drive." Randy said.
When they got to the show, they went backstage and John introduced the kid to Randy. He couldn't believe his eyes when he saw the kid. He did look almost exactly like him when he was younger. The boy had the same eye color and hair as he does. He even knots his brows the same way he does when he frowns. He almost has the same built as well, just a little thinner, but then again, he's still young.
"Shocking, isn't it?" John said, "Now that you're in front of each other, I can see the resemblance better…man, this is uncanny! You're like two peas in a pod."
Randy couldn't understand it, but he felt something when he saw the boy. He couldn't explain it, but he took to the boy almost immediately.
"What's your name kid?" He asked.
"Brandon." The boy said, not batting an eyelash. "Sorry, but I have to go. My match is next. You're here to watch me fight, right?"
"Yeah." John said, "We'll just see you afterwards."
Brandon left them and went to the ring to have his match. John and Randy joined the crowd and watched his match from ringside. John was right about what he said, the boy was a natural. He's a little rough, but nothing that can't be polished with good supervision.
"What'd I tell ya?" John said, "He's good huh? Natural! A bit arrogant, but he's good."
They made a decision to offer the boy a developmental contract on the spot, and take him to the US. There's just one problem.
"I have to ask my mother." He said.
"Wh-what do you mean?" John said.
"I'm kind of…not of…legal age, yet." The boy said.
"That's right!" The promoter said, "Kid's persistent so I gave him a try out. But legally, he's not allowed to sign any contracts yet. He's underage…he's just tall."
He didn't know what it was but he felt something inside him jump again. "How old are you, kid?"
"Turning sixteen this January." Brandon said. "But I heard about your company a lot this past year, and really want to work for the WWE. It's been a dream of mine since I knew I want to do this. Please sir?"
"Where's your dad? Is he here?" Randy asked. "Maybe we can talk to him."
"I have no father…Well, I never met him." Brandon looked down a bit when he said it. "And my mother would probably not approve…She doesn't even know I'm here."
"Well, maybe we can talk to your mom." John said, "We can be pretty convincing, you know? I'm sure your mom has heard of me."
"Why? Who are you?" Brandon asked, innocuously.
"Are you serious?" John asked, rather shocked that the boy has never heard of him.
Randy snorted, trying to stifle his laughter. "You know what? Never mind, just ah… take us to your mom, and we'll do the convincing."
"All right." Brandon said, "Good luck to us! I can guarantee you've never met a more stubborn woman than my mother."
During the ride to Brandon's house, John asked him a few stuff—details about himself, how he got interested in wrestling and the likes.
Brandon told them it just felt natural. He saw his first wrestling match a year ago in his friend's house, and they went to that little promotion downtown to see one live and figured he could do it. The promoter won't let him wrestle though because of his age. But due to his insistence, he finally got his try out the other day, and luckily for him, John was there to witness it.
They pulled in a drive way of a pretty little house a little over six in the evening. It was warm and welcoming from the outside and seems to be well taken care of. Randy saw there was a light coming from one of the rooms upstairs, before Brandon let them inside. The interior was as warm and welcoming as it was outside.
"Mom? I'm home!" Brandon said, "Stay here, I'll call her."
He took their coats and hanged them in the coat hanger and then he ran upstairs. Randy smirked. He's still just a kid after all, he thought.
"Mom? Are you in the attic?" Brandon called out. "I've got company. They want to talk to you. Can you come down for a minute?"
"I'll be there in a sec, honey." A faint voice said.
Brandon came back downstairs, "She'll be down in a sec." Brandon said, "She's up in the attic, writing. It's her profession. She's really good too! She's published over fifteen books, but she uses a pseudonym."
"Really?" John said, "What's her name? Maybe we've heard of her?"
"Andy, whose car was that outside?" His mom said as she came down the stairs.
(Listen to Feels Like Home, by Chantal Kreviazuk as you read this part. It'll be worth it!)
And then she saw them. She saw him—Randy. She couldn't believe her eyes. It's like everything stood still, except for her heart that was suddenly beating at three hundred miles per hour. But it wasn't only her who felt that way.
"Arianne?" Randy said, as he stood up from the couch.
When she heard him say her name, it sounded so familiar that she almost felt like her heart was going to jump out of her chest. She was at once filled with emotions and didn't know where to begin. She couldn't move, she couldn't even think.
John recognized her too and couldn't believe it. Who would've thought Randy and Arianne would find each other again after such a long time? And since he knew for a fact how Randy still feels about her, he felt glad for his best friend.
"Hey, kid." John called Brandon, who looked confused with how his mother and this guy he just met were acting upon seeing each other. "Come on, let's go for a walk."
"D-do they like, know each other or something?" Brandon asked John.
He put his arms around the boys shoulder and ushered him towards the door. "Yeah, they do." He said, "They know each other very well."
After the two had gotten out of the house, Randy slowly approached Arianne, who was still standing on the stairs, with her hands over her mouth and over her heart. He stopped at the bottom of the stairs, looking up at her. He felt like his heart was going to burst out, and he just want to reach for her and hold her in his arms.
She stepped down, stopping one step above ground and looked at him, straight in his eyes. His eyes she never thought she'd ever see again. His beautiful crystal blue eyes that were looking at her so tenderly, so lovingly right at that moment.
"Randy…" She whispered, as she reached for him, touching his face.
Her hand is as warm and as soft as he remembered them, and it felt good on his skin. He closed his eyes and prayed that this was real.—That she won't disappear when he opens his eyes. He prayed to God that this wasn't just another one of his dreams. And then slowly, he opened his eyes again. And she was still there, with tears falling from her eyes. He could still feel her hands on his cheek.
"It's really you…" Arianne said when she realized that he's real too. "Oh, God…"
That's when he reached for her, and kissed her. He kissed her with all the love and passion he always had for her. She kissed him back and let herself fall onto his arms and lose herself.
At that moment, there were no words enough to describe how happy they both were to be in each other's arms once again. They simply don't need words. They just let their hearts communicate.
He carried her towards the couch and they just sat there, holding each other like they never want to let go. It's amazing how much they understood what each other had gone through without a word uttered.
An hour later…
Randy, Arianne, their son Brandon, and John were at the dining room. John had told Brandon all about what happened, and how Randy had been since his mom disappeared all those years ago, during their walk. Now he knows why he has such an affinity to the sport. It's in his blood. When they came back to the house he just ran towards Randy and hugged him, and Arianne couldn't be happier.
Randy and Arianne sat close to each other while they were eating, and Brandon and John just couldn't stop laughing at them for being so mushy. He'd never seen his mom as happy as she was at that moment.
"So ah…mom, did dad tell you what they've come to talk to you about?" Brandon asked.
"Yes." Arianne said, "And the answer is no."
"But, mom! This is a big chance!" Brandon protested.
"No, I want you to finish school first…" She said, "Finish College too, so you'd have something to fall back on."
"Dad, I thought you were gonna convince her?" Brandon teased.
Arianne shot Randy a look. He knows what that look meant so well.
"You should ah…listen to your mom." He said, trying to stifle his smile. "She knows what she's saying."
Arianne smiled, "Good advice." She told him.
After dinner, Arianne told John and Randy to stay there for the night. John stayed at the guest room, and Randy stayed in Arianne's room. They have a lot catching up to do after all. They stayed up all night on the bed, watching videos and pictures of Brandon as a he was growing up.
In all the pictures she'd shown him, there was only the two of them—Ari and Andy (That's what she calls Brandon). He figured she never have been with another man after him. He realized how lonely and hard her life must've been, with no one to help her. Right then he made a vow to never ever leave her side…or let her leave again.
"This was when he graduated in grade school…" Her voice trailed when she noticed he was looking at her. "What's wrong?"
He smiled, "Nothing." he said, "I just…I'm so happy that you're here with me now, I can't even begin to describe it…I missed you so much."
She touched his face. "I feel the same way." She said, "Randy…I love you so much."
"I know." He said, wrapping his arms around her. "I love you too…I just have to ask…Why did you chose to come here to Canada?"
She smiled, "Because I know you don't like it here…it's the last place you're gonna look for me."
Randy laughed, "You know me so well, don't you?" He lay down on the bed, "Come here…" He pulled at her arm gently. "You remember what you said in that letter you left me, before you…disappeared?"
"Hmm…No…What did I say?" She asked.
She closed the album and placed it on the side table before she snuggled with him under the covers. He let her slip in to that nook between his arm and torso, and snuggled with her.
"You said that I was your home." He said, "I want to be that again for you and for Andy. I have a lot to make up to the both of you."
"Well…now you have a whole lifetime to do that." She said, wrapping her arms around him and closed her eyes.
"Yeah…a whole lifetime with you…" He whispered to her.
"Maybe one day, in another lifetime, maybe we'd see each other again. Maybe then it won't be wrong."
A/N: Well, this is the end. Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed the story as much as I enjoyed writing it. Also, I'm planning to write a SEQUEL to this story so I hope you hit subscribe to author. LOL I don't know when I'll start writing that though. But for the meantime, I am going to start posting a sort of PREQUEL to this one first. Thanks again everyone! And please don't forget to review/comment!