Chapter 1

"I made it Joseph. I'm in! Tomorrow, I'm joining the team and we could finally get the plan going.

You're going to be so proud of me, Joseph. I'm going to do everything I can to give justice to what happened to you and our parents.

He's going to pay. I'm going to make him pay. I'm going to bring him down."


She's been sitting in front of her laptop for some time, reading that email she sent her brother a month ago. And it frustrates her that up to now she has not done what she's promised him.

She didn't think it was going to be so hard. The politics at her job is just so severe and she just can't get a break to get to a position where she can actually do something. But her resolve is absolute.

She will have her revenge no matter what.

It was one dark night in August 2008. Arianna's brother, Joseph, and their parents were coming home late. Their parents picked Joseph up from a rehab facility from the next city. He wasn't really supposed to be discharged yet, but he got in some kind of trouble so he was forcibly discharged.

They were in a car, and Edward, their father was cursing the hell out of him. Joseph wasn't having any of it though. Things got heated and Edward and they scuffled a little.

In his anger, Edward didn't realize he was already over speeding at sixty-five miles per hour, and also because there were no other vehicle on the road.

They were driving on a steep hill when suddenly a motorbike appeared in front of their car at a bend and he had to turn sharply. Edward lost control of the vehicle trying to avert the biker.

The car tumbled over and over until it hit a tree at the bottom of a pit.
The next thing Joseph knew, he was in a hospital with both his legs cut off from the knee down. His parents died on impact at the accident.

The guy riding the bike was a professional wrestler by the name of Randy Orton, who works for the WWE. Apparently, he came off the accident with only a few bruises and a re-injured collarbone after getting thrown off his bike and bouncing off the pavement, and into a ditch.

Joseph loathed that fact. He felt it wasn't fair that he had to lose both his legs while the other guy barely had a scratch on him.

Arianne was working as an executive producer's assistant in Miami when the news reached her. She immediately quit her job to help and take care of Joseph. For some weeks, it had been really hard because Joseph never really liked her. She was adopted and Joseph was the real son.

Frankly he blames her for his addiction. It was because their parents always have viewed her as the perfect child, the perfect daughter. She was a sweet, nice, respectful and beautiful daughter. She always had the best grades, and always lauded for her achievements at school by her teachers and fellow students alike. She's gotten all sorts of awards academically as well as in the arts. Everyone thought she'd be a great actress, but she was more into behind the scenes stuff like directing, and creative writing.

Joseph has grown jealous of her through the years because their parents compare them to each other a lot. He was always the black sheep ever since he understood things. He even hated that his parents sent her to an expensive university, because he didn't even get a chance to go since he failed all the entrance examination he took.

Arianne was just so grateful to her adopted parents that even though she knew Joseph hates her, she still came and took care of him. He made her life difficult.

Until one day he told her of his plans to take revenge on the guy he blames for what happened to him and their parents. He told her a version of the accident to make her believe that the biker was at fault.

He banked on her weakness, her love for their parents, and coerced her into going along with his plan. Arianne was reluctant at first; she didn't want to do it. But Joseph said that it was the only way he could ever accept her and let him into his life.

He was the only family she has left, so she agreed.

And so it was. She applied for a job to be a part of the WWE Creative Team, and lucky enough she was hired almost immediately.

The job required willingness to travel across the country and overseas, so it meant travelling with the TV crew and the wrestlers themselves.

It was the perfect job for her. She had background on TV production, and she graduated with a degree on Creative Writing.

Unfortunately for her, in the first couple of months, she was confined at the New York Headquarters. This frustrated her and Joseph both. But she didn't give up. She wrote up potential storylines after storylines to get the attention of her quarry.

Until one day, fate stepped in.

WWE HQ Stamford CT November 1, 2008

"I heard DiBiase's coming back." Randy said, "I like the dude, I think he should be in Legacy with me and Cody. Actually, I think the three of us would work better…not really much into Manu and Snuka…they're…not Legacy material…"

He was talking to one of the writers assigned to write for him, Mark, while walking. The guy was a nervous wreck when talking to him. Not to mention he's like spoon-feeding him ideas on how to write his character, and which direction his storylines are gonna take.

"Um, okay, sir." Mark said, taking notes. "I think that's a great idea."

Mark was fumbling around in his bag and accidentally dropped some papers and a couple of folders from his briefcase. Randy helped him pick up some of his stuff. Then he picked up a folder he saw his name on and read it.

It was one of Arianne's propositions for a storyline involving him and the whole McMahon family. He only read a couple of pages but he was impressed.

"Oh, can you give me that back, please Mr. Orton." Mark said when he saw him reading it.

"Who wrote this?" He asked.

"It's just someone from the New York Headquarters…a new girl, ah…Arianne Carter, if I remember correctly…just got hired a couple months ago." Mark said, "She keeps sending them to me, they're not even half good…I didn't even read them."

"How did you know they're not half good then if you didn't read them?" Randy asked. Mark couldn't answer. It's like he was afraid to give the wrong answer. "You know what? I think I'll keep these."

"Come on, you gotta admit, it's good." Randy told Vince.

"Well, yeah, I admit." Vince said, while reading. "It's actually very good. Who came up with this? Mark?"

"Hell no! That dude can't possibly come up with this stuff." Randy said. "It's a new girl at the New York office. Something Carter, I don't remember."

"All right, well, I think we should call her up to come on tour with the crew." Vince said, "We could use her talents better. I'll tell Stephanie about this."

"Good, good. Thank you, sir." Randy said. He stood up to go. "Oh and one other thing…since I sort of found her. I think she should write for me. I'm done with Mark, seriously. That dude…that dude's just not working for me."

"Fair enough." Vince said. "I'll see what I can do. She has to be trained first."

It only took a week after that when she was called to go on tour with the Raw crew. She wasn't immediately assigned to write for Randy though.

Stephanie assigned her to the team that write for the mid-card guys for a while. They couldn't just put her on the top stars writing team just yet.

That was fine with her. She understood that in every job, you have to prove yourself worthy of a position that you desire.

So for the moment, she was content. For the next few weeks she had been watching Randy from afar, observing him, learning things about him.

He didn't seem all that mean outside off camera. She thought he was pretty okay, kind of quiet, but he does mingle with the others, joking around and stuff. Who would think he's actually friends with Santino? Everybody seems to respect him backstage as well.

She used all the information half the time into writing better and deeper storylines for him even though she's not supposed to. And half the time, she's conjuring up plans on how to take the man she blames for her adopted parents' death and Joseph's misfortunes down.

And the first step is to get close to him.