AN: Update on This Series

Well, first things first: I am so terribly sorry that I have been MIA and have been on this extended hiatus. There've been a lot of things going on with my family and my work and blahblahblah all of that good stuff.

With Sherlock's second series rounding the bend quite shortly, I am going to try and force myself to get back into my writers' groove.

The Sherlock ask blog on Tumblr that I posted about: ask - sherlock . tumblr .com is where I've been most active (did you all figure it was me? :D) And there I've been playing about with Sherlock specifically.

Again, I'm so so sorry that I didn't inform you all and left you hanging :( I know what a terrible feeling it is to feel abandoned by an author, and I just want to give every single one of you a hug.

I may be starting this up with the New Year (it'll be my resolution!), but I can't be definitive.

I'll see what I can muster up, and hopefully I can get more written! Again, I don't know a specific number that I will write up to, but I'll keep trying.

So sorry, lovelies :( I hope you'll forgive me!

- TM