Hi! I'm here with my third story! Okay, so the idea for this story has been thriving in my head for the past few weeks, and I'm really excited that I finally wrote the first chapter. Oww, right now I have two anonymous bug bites, and one is really killing me! Oh, and I also have a poll set up on my profile page. It's whether you like Thuke or Thalico! Please try to vote soon, because I need to know what pairing I should use for this story. If I don't reach enough votes, I'll choose the pairing! (*ahem* Thalico)

Here are some important things that will be helpful to know in this story: This is another story narrated by Annabeth, but she isn't telling the past (when she is telling the past, I will make it in italics). This is an AU, so therefore, there are no demigods, gods, satyrs, etc. I might also bring some characters back from the dead—like Luke (I might not bring Luke back. I could say he moved), Bianca, Silena, and Beckendorf. Rachel will seem OOC. Don't get me wrong, I love Rachel, but I needed another character that could've had a potential love life with Percy (don't assume it's Perachel!), and there weren't enough details for the opposing character, Calypso. All the characters are around the age of 26. I might also use some quoting and scenes from the actual movie, You Again.

Yea. That's pretty much all I have to say. Sorry if my A/N's are a little longer than usual. For the education of you readers, this story IS based off of the movie 'You Again' (in case you haven't figured that out yet). I rated this story T for possible swearing and kissing.

Disclaimer: I might only do this once if I forget in later chapters. Anyway, all rights for the characters go to Rick Riordan. (Have any of you read the sneak peek of TSON? It's really good!)

Chapter 1: What A Small World…

I walked down the busy streets of Manhattan, receiving odd looks from passerby's (spelling?).

I suppose they have the right, considering I am drenched in mud. My hair is hanging loosely in a mop of muck, while my clothes are sticking to my body.

Let's skip the explaining and get to the reason why I am in Manhattan.


I groggily walked down the stairs of my small apartment in San Fransisco. It was 5:30 AM. Yea, I am quite the morning person.

Ring! Ring!

I ran to the phone, wondering who would call this early.

"Hello?" I asked, trying desperately not to make my voice crack.

"Annabeth? Hi!" a woman's voice rang out.

"Helen? Why are you calling me so early?" I asked her. Helen was my step-mom. My real mom had an issue with her pregnancy, and when I was born, something went wrong. She was paralyzed and later died in the hospital.

"How's work going?" My step-mom avoided my question.

"Fine," I told her. I work for one of the biggest company's in architecture. You're probably wondering, why does she live in such a small apartment?

Well, it's called saving money for more important uses.

"That's great," Helen said. "But, I really think you could use a vacation." Wow, she gets to the point fast.

"What? I have all this paper work, and sketches-"

"Annabeth, I already talked to your boss. He said it was fine if you take some time off, since you haven't taken any time off in the past 2 years. You have two months worth of vacation!"


"Nonsense! I bought you a plane ticket to Manhattan. New York City is absolutely beautiful! You could visit the Empire State-"

"You're getting ahead of yourself," I cut her off.

"Please just consider it. I don't want to waste this ticket," my step-mom said before hanging up.

A vacation? Why would she want me to go on a vacation? Especially to New York City! Where they have all the beautiful skyscrapers, parks, renowned bridges…

Huh, maybe I could use a vacation? I'll technically be working, if I study the architectural build of the buildings and skyscrapers.

I quickly dialed my step-mom's phone number.

"Annabeth? Have you reconsidered?" It's amazing how she knew it was me. Then again, they have caller ID nowadays.

"I guess I could use a vacation. Besides, I can study architecture there, right?" Big mistake.

"Great! I'll come by and drop off your ticket. Your plane leaves tomorrow at 6:00 AM. Be there an hour before," she informed me.

"Got it," I said, hanging up.

Maybe a vacation wouldn't be that bad?

That brings me back to the present. I arrived just a bit ago, and the first thing I am greeted with is a speeding taxi near a pile of mud.

Finding the right street in Manhattan is like finding a needle in a haystack, or a grain of sand in the beach, or—okay, you get it.

Anyway, I needed to rent an apartment or a hotel for the next two months. My step-mom said, and I quote, 'Since I bought your ticket, you rent the house!'

While I was deep in thought, some person decides to bump into me. Just my luck.

"Miss, I am so sorry!" the man told me, offering a hand. I reluctantly took it and pulled myself up.

"It's fine," I grumbled.

My gray eyes met his familiar sea-green. He, like every other Manhattan welcome-r, gave me an odd look.

"It's called mud," I smirked.

There was a moment of silence, until the dude broke it. "Annabeth?" His brows furrowed in confusion.

I narrowed my eyes. How did this guy know me? Unless… "Percy?"

My childhood friend smiled. "Yup."

"It's been so long! How've you been?" I grinned.

"Great! What brings you here?"

"Helen thought I could use a vacation," I said, rolling my eyes.

Percy smirked. "Hey, I was having this get-together with some friends tonight at 5:30. Would you like to come?"

"I'd love to! Where do you live?" I asked.

He pulled out a notepad and a pen and started scribbling down his address. When he was done, he gave me the paper. "Here."

"Thanks," I thanked him.

"No problem. Some of our old friends will be there."

"Really? Who?" I asked.

"It's a surprise."

I rolled my eyes at his immaturity. "Anyway, do you know any good rentable apartments, houses, or hotels? I have to find a place to crash for the night."

"Well, most of the hotels are packed and dirty. I would offer you a place to stay at my place, but I don't have any guest bedrooms…" he trailed off.

I blushed. "That's fine, I'll-"

"Maybe Thalia knows a good place to stay!" Percy interrupted.

"Thalia? She still lives here?" I ecstatically asked.

"Yea, same with all our other friends," Percy informed me.

I pulled out my cell phone, scrolled to contacts, and pressed Thalia Grace. The phone rang about four times until someone answered.


"Thalia!" I screeched.

"Who is this?"


"Annabeth? I haven't seen you in forever! How are you doing?"

"Great! I'm in Manhattan-"
"Woah. My ultimate best friend is in Manhattan and she didn't even tell me?"

"Well, I just arrived. Helen recommended a vacation, and that's how I ended up here."

"Awesome! Where are you staying?"

"That's why I called you. I just bumped into Percy, I mean literally, and he doesn't know any good apartments or hotels. Any recommendations?"

"Such a Seaweed Brain. All the hotels and apartments here are really packed, so maybe you could stay at my place?" She turned the last sentence into a question.

"That would be great! Thanks so much, Thals! Where do you live?" That question comes up often.

"375 Boulevard Avenue." (A/N: I made the address up.)

"Thanks so much! I'll see you soon!" I told her before hanging up.

Percy asked, "So, did she give you a recommendation?"

"I'll be staying at her place," I told him.

"Cool. Oh, and Annabeth?" he asked before I started walking away.

"Yea?" I asked.

"Could you tell Thalia about the party tonight? She's also invited."

"Sure." I smiled, waved, and walked away.

I knocked on the cream colored house with the address that Thalia gave me over the phone.

Moments later, someone opened the door. "Annabeth!"

"Thalia!" I squealed and hugged her. She had the same electrifying blue eyes and spiky black hair.

"Come on in!" She gestured to the inside of her house. I walked in and took in my surroundings. The house was small, but nice. Downstairs, there was a kitchen, family room, and bathroom. I assumed the bedrooms were upstairs.

"It's really cozy in here," I told Thalia.

"Thanks. So, you ran into Percy already?" She raised a brow.

"Yea. It's such a small world."

"Mmm hmm."

"Oh, and while we're on the topic of Percy, he invited you and me to a party tonight at 5:30, his house. I have the address here," I mentioned, pulling the notebook paper out of my pocket. "He said it was some get-together."

"That's nice. Well, why don't we kill some time by ice-skating? I know it's your favorite."

I grinned. "You know me so well."

"Wait, you might want to change first," Thalia laughed.

"Huh?" I asked, forgetting about the mud issue. "Oh, yea." With that, I turned and ran to my suitcase, changing into a fresh pair of clothes.

After I came downstairs, Thalia ran out of the house, with me closely behind. She hopped into her Maserati Granturismo (car) and patted the seat next to her. I got into the passenger seat and waited for Thalia to drive away.

We ice-skated for hours. Afterwards, we went out to eat lunch. Time flew by. I guess the saying 'time flies by when you're having fun' is actually true.

"What time is it?" Thalia asked. I pulled out my cell phone and checked the time.

"6:00," I told her.

"Crap, wasn't Percy's party at 5:30?"

"Umm, it's okay if we're a little late," I shrugged while Thalia ran to her car. I followed, gave her the address, and watched her fly at speeds that would've given my dad a heart attack. (A/N: See what I did there? That's a line from TLO)

Thalia pulled into the driveway of a medium-sized white house. It looked pretty nice on the outside. We walked up to the door and rang the doorbell. Percy opened the door and let us in.

For a party, it was pretty quiet. I didn't see anyone—until I walked to the dining room. There was a long glass table with a wooden rim. There were ten chairs in all, four on one side, four on the other, and two on the ends. Seated in the chairs were all of Percy's guests. By guests, I mean all of my former friends, until I moved to San Fran.

"Annabeth! What are you doing here?" Grover Underwood asked me.

"Hey Grover! I'm just here on vacation for two months. You see, my step-mom thought I could use one. Then I bumped into Percy earlier, and he invited me here," I explained the story.

"Hey Annabeth!" Travis and Conner Stoll waved.


"Why don't you two sit down?" Percy 'asked' Thalia and me.

I took a seat next to Percy and Thalia took a seat next to me.

Scanning the room, I noticed that only one seat was left open. Grover, Travis, Conner, Percy, Thalia, Nico, Katie, and Silena were seated in the remaining seats.

I should probably tell you how we all met. First of all, we all went to the same school. But, we grew a greater bond at a summer camp that we all went to. There were all kinds of fun activities, like rock climbing, canoeing, and archery.

"Well, Annabeth's back!" Percy summed it up.

Everyone broke the silence and started asking questions like, 'how've you been?' and 'what's up?'

"I'm great!" I laughed. These people were bombarding me with questions!

"I'll go get some iced tea," Percy said.

A few moments later, he came back with a tray of glasses. There were ten of them.

"Why are there ten glasses?" Thalia asked. "There are only nine of us here. It's simple math." I snorted.

"Well, I'd like you to-" Percy started, but was interrupted by a familiar frizzy haired red head that walked in.

"I'm back!" Thalia and I must've been the only ones confused, because everyone else at the table (excluding Percy) showed an annoyed expression. I casually sipped my tea.

Percy kindly said, "Hi Rachel." I nearly spit all my iced tea out on Grover, who was sitting across from me. Luckily, I swallowed before any accident could happen. I don't think anyone noticed that I was shocked. There was a frizzy red head named-

"Everyone, this is Rachel Elizabeth Dare," Percy smiled like she was the best thing in the world. Good thing I wasn't drinking any iced tea, because I would've spit it out all over Grover that time. Percy just confirmed my worst nightmare.

"Rachel, why don't you take that empty seat?" Percy motioned towards the empty seat next to Grover.

Rachel had other plans. She walked over to my seat and ordered, "Get out of my seat." Guess she really wanted to sit next to Percy.
"Your seat?" I scoffed.

"Yea-" Rachel halted abruptly when she saw my face.

"Long time no see," I grumbled.

"Annabeth? What are you-" Rachel began sullenly.

"You two know each other?" Thalia, Percy, and just about everyone else in the room, interrupted in synchronization.

Rachel scoffed. "A little too much."

"What's that supposed to mean?" the obtuse Percy asked.

"Long story," I narrowed my eyes.

Rachel smiled menacingly. "Anyway, Percy, make the announcement already!" She was practically whining. What a bit-

"Rachel and I are getting married."

This time, I did spit all my iced tea out on Grover.

Heh, really long chapter! The next chapter will (probably) be reflecting on what happened with Rachel and Annabeth. All unanswered questions MAY be answered in the following chapters, but if you still feel like you need to ask me something, go right ahead! Oh, and Percy and Annabeth never dated. (And always remember, this might not be a Perachel story!)

Don't forget to vote on the poll!

Until next time!

- starglow13