Raising Alex hummel anderson

Blaine was at home today while alex was at home on school hoildays

Blaine started to wonder were alex when when he heard a bump upstairs

"Alex?" blaine called alex was 13 kurt actually carried alex to term

"Yes dad " a voice filled with annoyance and embrassiment

"Whatcha doing in the bathroom" Blaine said knocking the door

"Ermm well, i have a crisis" Alex moaned

"Can i come in ?" Blaine asked

Alex unlocked the door and blaine looked at his son and chuckled He had passed his thick dark curly hair to alex kurt wanted him to keep it long but know alex was sick of it and tried gelling it

"Okay first, Wash that trash out your hair" Blaine instructed also washing his out

"dad do you cut your own hair ?" alex mumbled

"Hmm yes" blaine said eyes narrowing a tiny abit

"can you cut my hair?" Alex pleaded

blaine sighed sure kurt would kill him but alex said headlice were going around so he'd use that as a excuse he grabbed the sciossors

"Alex im going to cut it excalty like mine so i can show you how to gell it okay" Blaine commented

Alex nodded sitting down with his back to blaine

2 minutes later blaine had done

"You like ?" Blaine said giving him a lift up for the larger mirror kurt uses

"YES ! much better now... gelling" Alex puzzled

"right gell it slighlty on top so its wavey instead of bouncy and thats as much as you need thats all i do okay?" blaine made sure so he stood and watched alex do it excalty like blaines

"Wow it looks good on you too," Blaine chuckled

They heard someone walking the bathroom hallway so alex and blaine turned

"Hey WHAT HAVE YOU DONE" kurt gasped

"Daddy, dad cut it because i got tired of it long and boucy so he told me he'd cut my hair every month and taught me how to gell it properly with as little gell as possible" alex reassured

"Well, i did tell you dad to cut his short and it does look good on you as well as Dad" Kurt smiled

"Okay bed time okay Goodnight" Blaine and kurt said The next morning was school

"Have a nice day alex" Kurt cheered as did blaine

around lunchtime alex was conered by jocks

" Hey You were Faggot born wasnt you?" Jermany said

Alex flinched

"I thought so Hey derek i think the garbage needs to be emptyed" alex struggled and yelped when he landed in the dumpster he also had slushies thrown at him

Worst day ever alex mumbled falling out the dumpster and walking to his locker who was filled with skunk stinky stuff UHHH

when he got to the bus the bus driver drove off not letting a 'faggot' on the bus

he had to walk a 2 hours walk in 30 minutes Luckly he was a corss contry runner so he got there with 5 minutes to pare

nobody heard him come home so he quickly changed itno a indentically outfit and then slung his bag over his shoulder and acted like he just walked in

"Hey alex how was school" Blaine smiled

"It was great jamie and me are lab partners" Alex shived on the inside jamie was jermanys twin

Over the next couple of months alex really discovered himself he had loads of desinger clothes still new but he couldnt wear them at school or at home.

He had a dream of a random guy doing him and he thought of girls when he woke up his problem calmed down

"Great ! so im gay and so are my parents wow thats such good luck alex" alex smacked himself

"Hey your gonna be late for school alex hurry up!"Kurt called

alex was wandering what to wear over the last cuople of weeks he was starting to add more designer stuff to his non designer jeans like a Scarf from Astromsphere today he was pulling out skinny jeans and a shape fitted top with a scarf

am i really gonna risk this at school? alex thought just then he heard kurt shout up



alex sighed and changed he looked in the mirror hmmm scarf or no scarf ?

alex sighed took off the scarf and walked downstairs

Kurt turned and his mouth popped

"Seriously daddy i love you but You need to stop looking like a fish it is really not appealing to see" Alex said walking to the door

kurts mouth shut blaine just laughed and kurt turned to smack blaine

"Well im going to school now Ceeya"

as soon as he walked into school he had faggots and slushies and dumpster throws insults at lunchtime he had enough jemery was taghting him so he stood up on the table and shouted

"IM ALEX HUMMEL ANDERSON AND IM GAY AND PROUD TO AS WELL" alex jumped down and quickley walked out to go to calus until jermany and jamie stopped him

"Hey faggot watcha doing" Jamie asked

alex carried on walking

in calsus there was talking and whipsering and the boy he was on the table with moved away to sit with jermany

alex sighed was this how coming out feels like ?

by the end of the day he was tired and upset not upset about the name calling but upset about his wrecked clothes. again the bus drove off without him so he had to run he made it home just in time

when he walked in the phone rang and blaine answered it

"Is alex home?"

"Yes do you want to speak to him?" Blaine replied


"Hey alex ermm someone wants you on the phone"

alex walked over

"Hello" his vocie higher then usaually he usally makes it deeper

blaines eyes wided at the sight of his son and then his voice

"YOUR A FAG " jermanys voice rang in his ears

alex abruptly put the phone down

"Dad what you looking at?" alex's eyes narrowed and then relaxed and thought 'what the hell who cares if my voice is high

"alex are you being slushed at school?"

"WHAT NO! im not me and melody had an incident with food colouring in cooking today" alex lied convincingly

Blaine relaxed

"im gonna go change" Alex said walking fast to his room when his phoned beeped it was melody

-hey seen your scene today how are you?-

-im fine just a few slushes and ive gave up on lowering my voice-

-good have you told your dads-



-relax i will tell them but i dont think i can cope with coming out twice-

-but there your dads they deserve to know they will understand and guide you through it-

-i know but theres another reson a while back i made a appiontment for the doctor remeber for the mpreg condition?-


-and i have the results-

-whats the results?-

-i dont know i have to go to the doctors tonight but sneeaking out is not my thing to do so will you come with me and say we're going to the movies or something-

-sure what time-

-well like in 10 minutes-

-i'll be there-

within 10 minutes alex was downstairs and waiting until the doorbell rang

alex answered it

"Hey melody!" alex welcomed

melodys eyes glisterned when she heard his voice and grinned

were as kurts head snapped up

"Hey alex you wanna go see "Harry potter and the deathly hallows part 1 ?"

"Sure what time does it start?"

"In like 2 hours but i was thinking we could go and grab pizza before ?"

"Sure is that alright dads?"

kurt nodded and blaine replied a 'have fun!"

once out the doors

"Thanks melody" Alex hugged

"Hey what are friends for now hospital then cienma's GO!"

once at hosptail

"Mr hummel anderson ?" Melody and alex stood up and walked to the doctor

the doctor smiled "Are you togther?"

melodys eyes widened and alex chuckled

"No im gay" Alex assured

and melody smiled

"Right..." the doctor coughed "You have the condtion Mpreg nautral just like your dad but im sure you know how to prevent"

Melody squeezed his hand and alex smiled thanks doctor"

after that they countied to the cinema's and watched deathly hallows part 1

"OMG that was AMAZING!" alex laughed outside his house

"When are you gonna tell them alex its not fair..." melody pleaded

"i will trust me im gonna walked down in a designer called atmosphere and just act like its nothing and not even control my voice"

"Okay?" Melody ended with a 'ceyya tomorrow' and drove off

when he walked in kurt had just got in the shower and blaine was sitting at the kitchen table reading a book

"Hey dad can we talk?" alex sat sitting oppisite to blaine"

"Hey alex whats up?"

"" Alex rushed

"What conditon"

"im like daddy" alex watched as blaines eyes sofened

"And i'd like to talk to you about my -my sexuality" Alex forced the word out

Blaines eyes widened and then relaxed

"Whats bothereing you?" blaine quietly said

"I came out as gay at school. and people are moving away from me and ingoring me and i feel alone like im the only one out there" alex let out his emotion letting some tears slip away blaine rubbed them away

"What am i a grilled cheese sandwhich" Blaine said

"Not everyone can be as lucky" Alex mumbled

"What?" blaine asked

"I ment not everyone can look straight and are gay i mean if someone saw daddy in the street or me they'd think Husband they look at you and think wife" alex looked at his dad


at that momment kurt came over and hugged alex

"You have my conditon ?" Kurt softly asked

Alex nodded

"Im sorry" Kurt mumbled

alex snapped up "What why are you saying sorry?"

"For giving you this problem" kurt looked at alex

"I dont look at it as a problem i look as it as happiness" Alex said

blaine nodded

and kurt smiled