Okay guys, this is my new story. Just to clear things up for you guys: Elena and Katherine as sisters. Jeremy is their younger brother, he's 19. Elena is 21 and Katherine is 23, they live together and don't hate each other! Damon and Stefan are also brothers. Damon is 26 and Stefan is 24.


Strobe lights flashing, music blaring, bodies moving as one on the dance floor; this was all 21 year-old Elena Gilbert could see as she watched from behind the bar. She had spent the past few months working at "Dirty South", one of the hottest bars in New York. As Elena watched couples grinding together, she couldn't help but feel a pang of jealously. It wasn't as if Elena couldn't get a dance partner herself, she had plenty of offers. In the most modest way as possible, Elena knew she was what people categorised as beautiful. Her thick wavy chocolate brown hair fell almost to her hips, her olive skin glowed under the bars strobe lights and her dark brown eyes were ones that men could lose themselves in. Elena had a body to die for as well. Both her and her sister had been gifted with petite frames, long legs and very flat stomachs. Sure Elena Gilbert had the body to have any man she wanted. But that was the problem. All the men that Elena ever had the chance to meet at clubs, were the drunks she served drinks too. Not one of them had ever captured her attention. As Elena stared into the midst of bodies, she almost didn't notice her sister calling her.

"Hey! Lena! For goodness sake Elena, stop daydreaming and serve someone!" Katherine called from the other end of the bar. Katherine was Elena's older sister by 2 years. Katherine had been the one to get Elena this job, but it hadn't been very hard. All the bartenders at Dirty South had to be gorgeous; it was just another way to attract more customers.

Elena looked up from her dazed state and started serving customers. Night after night this was her routine. She would flirt shamelessly with men, serve them drinks, and then get a fat tip from men hoping to get in her pants. She of course never followed through with that part of their plan.

Katherine had just finished serving her group of customers when she came over to talk to Elena.

"So, Lena, will you be getting up tonight to do your thing?" Katherine drawled with a wink. Elena just looked at her and smiled,

"Kat, if I'm going up there tonight, you'd have to come with me" Elena replied with a smirk.

"Ooh, my little sister is getting feisty!" They both laughed at that. Ever since the death of their parents Isobel and John, Elena had been 13 years old and Katherine had been 15, the girls had learnt to grow up quickly and look out for themselves and their little brother Jeremy.

"But anyway Elena, there is no way I could even compare to what you can do up there, you're an amazing singer Elena, you'll get there eventually. I've heard your songs, and seriously, they're good" Katherine smiled at her younger sister. Elena just smiled her thanks and walked to the other end of the bar to serve group of men some more beers. They leered at her as she bent over to grab some bottles. Luckily, Matt Donovan, the bouncer who worked around the bar, and also a good friend of Elena as he was dating her best friend Bonnie Bennet, was there to playfully scare the men off by threatening to break their legs if they looked at Elena in the wrong way again.

Elena just laughed at the looks on their faces as they ran off with their beers. Matt was your average boy next door, blonde hair, blue eyes and a smile to die for. He had a way with getting along with anyone, but turned into a full on threat to anyone who did something he didn't like to a friend of his. It also helped that Matt was around 6"4, and built like a heavyweight boxer. But he was a good guy at heart. Elena waved her thanks before walking back to Katherine who was chatting to Vicki, another waitress, at the other end of the bar. Vicki was gushing about this amazingly hot guy she had seen. It wasn't until Elena saw who it was did she laugh out loud. He was gorgeous, but he was taken. Katherine squealed before running over to kiss him. It was Stefan, Katherine's boyfriend of around 3 months. Stefan had light brown hair with amazingly green eyes. He was very good looking, but he was too modest to realise this, making him even more appealing to women.

Elena laughed at Vicki's expression to the couples embrace – she didn't know that this was Katherine's boyfriend. Elena watched Katherine talk to Stefan and then look behind him. Stefan called the man over and he and Katherine smiled and shook hands. The man then asked Kat something; she smiled a wide smile and pointed in Elena's direction. The man looked at her and Elena felt her heart skip a beat. He was gorgeous. He had the most piercing blue eyes, with short and wavy raven black hair. His face was sculpted to perfection and his black shirt outlined his torso nicely, revealing his toned and muscular chest. He smiled at her before walking over to the bar.

Earlier that night, Damon and Stefan had been walking down the street towards Dirty South, neither of them speaking, just walking in a comfortable silence. Damon had been nervous about meeting Katherine for the first time. He had spoken to her over the phone before, seen pictures and all that, but he was nervous about this 'get togehter'. It wasn't that he would ever try to take her away from Stefan, no, he saw how happy she made him. Truth be told, Damon was actually more nervous about meeting Katherine's sister. Damon had reluctantly agreedto meet her, saying it was only for Stefan's benefit but he secretly hoped she was going to be hot enough to get his ex-girlfriend jealous and send her running back to him. The last few months had been hell for him, and of course it all came down to the love of a woman. Even now, he still thought about what happened between him and Rose...

Damon had been driving home from work, when Rose, his girlfriend of 2 years called him.

"Hey sweetie, I'm just on my way home now" Damon said into the phone. There was a pause, too long to be considered normal. "Rose? You there?" Damon asked a litter loud. He could hear shuffling in the background and then a man's voice.

"Look Damon, I don't think this is going to work out..." Rose whispered. Damon just chuckled and replied saying "Hey that's fine, we can have dinner another night. Just let me know when you're free!" He smiled into the phone.

"No Damon, that's not what I meant"

"Well what did you mean then?" He asked again after another long pause from Rose.

"Look Rose what's going on?"

"Damon, I think we should break up." Rose breathed out in a rushed manner. Damon almost didn't register the red light up ahead. Had it not been for his quick reflexes he would have been in a very serious accident.

"Wait, Rose! What do you mean? Why? I mean... Is there someone else?" Damon nearly shouted at her.

"I'm afraid so Damon. I am so sorry but the thing is, Trevor and I had been on and off for years. We didn't believe it could ever work, and then I met you. You made me feel what love could be like again Damon! And it's because of you; I believed that Trevor and I could make it this time" Damon figured out that the man he'd heard earlier must be this Trevor prick. He felt his muscles tense as she continued "I am so sorry to do this to you, but to be honest; I don't think I've ever really deserved you. You're destined for great things. You don't need a small town girl like me. I do love you Damon, but we're over" and with that she disconnected the call.

"Rose? For God's sake Rose, are you there!" Damon screamed into the phone. It was too much for Damon to handle so he had to pull over to compose himself. He stared out the window into the rain and just stopped everything.

This was the worst news he could have ever heard. Rose had been his rock when his father had died. He and Stefan were close, but he hardly ever saw him anymore. Damon still lived in Mystic Falls, as he had taken over his father's job as head doctor as Mystic Falls hospital when he died. Rose had been there for everything, including helping to take care of the funeral. Ever since then, Damon felt as if Rose was the love of his life. He couldn't imagine spending his life with anyone else. He felt his heart literally breaking when Rose told him she was leaving him. That they were over.

That night, Damon had a call from Stefan saying that they should meet up as it had been too long. With that one phone call, Damon decided to turn his life around. He quit his job as Chief Resident at Mystic Falls, packed his bags, sold his apartment, and went to go live in New York, so he could be closer to the only family he had left; to be with his younger brother.

After living in New York for a few weeks, Damon had found a penthouse to live in, a new job at the biggest hospital in New York and an already active social life. He made it his mission to sleep with as many women as he could to forget about Rose and Trevor. He found it surprisingly easy to charm women; it was always something he had a knack at. He would just compliment them, pretend to listen, buy them a few drinks and then by the end of the night they'd either be making out in an alley behind the bar or having sex in the toilets. Either way, Damon would take them however he wanted with no regrets.

It wasn't until Damon finally met up with his brother did he start feeling guilty about what he was doing. Stefan talked to him about his actions and actually had the ability to make him feel guilty. It was this point that Stefan had made him meet Katherine's sister, Elena. All he'd heard from Stefan about her was that she was 21 years old, very pretty and works at the same bar as Katherine. He was actually feeling giddy about meeting her; this was his real date in months. All his hook-ups with women had been just that; hook ups. There were no emotional feelings involved, at least not from his end. Damon had been hoping that this could be another night like that. Little did he know that she was not going to be what he expected.

Once Stefan and Damon had gotten into the club, Stefan made an immediate move towards the bar.

"That's the spirit little brother! Let's forget about the women and drink our troubles away!" Damon smirked at his brother.

Stefan stopped to look back at his older brother. "Er, no Damon. I'm here to meet my wonderful girlfriend and YOUR here to meet her sister, so just be polite, and be less like, well, you" Before Damon could say anything, Stefan had walked over to an attractive woman who squealed, ran at him and greeted him with a full blown kiss. Damon cleared his throat and the couple before him broke apart.

"Sorry to interrupt but I was getting a bit uncomfortable!" Damon joked to the woman he assumed was Katherine. She fit Stefan's description perfectly, but Damon still introduced himself.

"Hi, I'm Damon Salvatore and I have heard so much about you. Katherine is it?" and then placed a gentle kiss on her hand. She smiled and introduced herself. "Yes, I'm Katherine, but just call me Kat. Hmm I hope everything you've heard has been good yes?" Katherine smiled at Stefan who of course nodded that it had been.

Damon chuckled at her, "So I believe I am meeting your sister tonight, may I ask where she is?" Katherine nodded and pointed to the bar. There were two women chatting and looking in his direction. One was relatively pretty, but Damon found the other to be breathtakingly beautiful.

Katherine spoke quickly "Elena's the one on the right" before pulling Stefan onto the dance floor. Damon inwardly cheered to himself as he soaked up Elena's appearance. He couldn't see much of her figure as she was behind the bar and far away, but even from a distance her face seemed to be enough to get his libido going. Damon smiled widely and made his way over to the bar.

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this and please review! xxx