A.N.: Understand that at the core of my heart I am forever a Huddy. I believe that House and Cuddy are soul mates, and that they belong together. BUT TPTB has decided to ruin absolutely everything with that GOD AWFUL finale, and our lovely Lisa Edelstein has decided to bow out (who can blame her?). So in light of all these events I am giving into a guilty pleasure of mine that the season finale has left open for me. A part of me has always thought that in a world without House, Cuddy could be everything that Wilson needs and vice verse. Come along with this little experiment with me if you wish, and we will see if I can actually do this. I have no idea how long it will be. I don't have much of an outline worked out. I like to think that House is going to eventually come into the picture again, I am just not sure how it will happen yet. I am obviously not as good at getting House out of criminal charges as the writers are.

Oh and if you haven't noticed, this fic is going to contain season 7 spoilers. This is your fair warning. I don't want to hear any whining.

Now on with the show.

Almost forgot! I don't own House. If I did maybe it wouldn't suck so much right now!

This had to be one of the longest days of Lisa Cuddy's life. What time had it been when it had all started? Three? Four? She couldn't quite remember. They had been having coffee, that much she remembered. Julia's husband had made an incredibly dry joke about his sex life with Lisa's sister. She had laughed out of courtesy, but inwardly cringed at the new found mental image he had given her. Thanks so much for that one. At that point she figured it was a good idea to move everyone into the family room. She could always clean up the mess in dining room later. Little did she know how big of a mess she would have to clean up.

It had been such a blur. The sound of breaking glass and cracking wood nearly deafening. She had turned around so fast she nearly stumbled, not that she would have even noticed or cared much if she had. A car was now parked where her dining room table used to stand. A car was parked where she had just been sitting with her sister, her sister's husband, and her date. She watched as House climbed out and slammed his door shut. Her eyes were wide with horror as he made his way over to her and without saying a single word handed over her hair brush before making way nonchalantly out of her home.

The entire party that was standing in her living room seemed to be momentarily stunned into silence. None of it felt real. Ages seemed to slip by her before she felt a small hand give her shoulder a squeeze. When Lisa turned she found herself face to face with Julia. Her sister was watching her with concerned eyes, "Lisa.. We need to call the cops. He is going to get away." That statement confused Lisa a little. Get away? It took a few moments, but her brain finally pieced it all together. She was going to have to turn House into the police. She would have to file charges. He had finally pushed too far. There would be no protecting him. Not this time.

How much had she let slip by when it came to House through out the years? Losing Vogler's money because House could not play by the rules. Perjuring herself because of his addictive habit. Countless sleepless nights as he layed unconscious as a patient in her hospital for numerous reasons. Every demeaning and disrespectful comment that ever left his mouth. Every single rule or guideline broken to support his every whim and fancy. She had been strong and stood by him through it all, because he was a good doctor. Because he was a friend, but above both of those things it was because she loved him. She saw the beautiful potential that was Greg House. She saw his wit and his brilliance. She saw his well masked compassion, and his filter-less sense of humor. She knew that in the end no matter what he said, a part of him cared about her too. So she put up with it all.

Ending it with him had killed a part of her. Looking back she knew that she had pushed him pretty hard. She was well aware that he thought she had overreacted to him switching the blood for the politician, but he just couldn't see that even his smallest deceitful act scared her. If he had just fessed up after the fact she could have dealt with it, but he continued to lie until he knew he had been caught. Then he refused to say he was sorry. Even when he could have been dying he refused to give her the apology she needed. It was all about him, never about her. Her birthday couldn't even be a time when he thought about her. All she wanted was for him to come to dinner, but no. He tried to wiggle out of it. Had she not manipulated him with Wilson's help he would not have even shown up. His determination to save her mother, all about him. He was afraid that if her mother died, she would leave him. He refused to admit that he wanted to spare her the heartache, no it had to be a selfish reason. She had accepted that. In her heart she believed that there was a much deeper meaning, but of course he would never own up to it. Then later when he seemed to be ignoring every little thing that she asked him to do for her comfort, he only righted his ways after she told him that she was done with him. Then it was time for her awards banquet. She had wanted him to be there for her so bad. Just to be present for something that meant the world to her even if he thought it was pointless. He had went out of his way to hire a band to play for her, but then couldn't even bring himself to show up. He was too caught up in his depression and his worries. Even though in the end he chose her, it was too late. He had already hurt her. A declaration that should have meant so much to her fell on upon a wounded heart that night. The last straw, of course, was when she thought she might be dying. It took him forever to come to her bedside, but she held out hope that he would. Deep down in her heart she had faith in him. She waited it out as patiently as possible. When he did finally show up, though, he had been stoned. He refused to experience her pain and her worry at her side. He numbed himself and left her to deal with it alone. This was not a man who wanted a life with her. This was a man who wanted to take everything she had, and was only willing to give her a part of him. It wasn't enough. She couldn't live like that. She had told herself that in time he would open up to her. She had said she didn't want him to change, and she had meant it. The bad part was that even though she said it, to her him opening up would not be a change. It was just something natural. She had been wrong, and she saw it all too late. Opening up, for House, was a change. One he was not willing to make. In the end, while they had given it a good shot, it had fallen short. She hated that failure, and she wished it had been different. Would she take back the months that they had spent together? No. They had had good times, and she had the ability to look back on those experiences and truly appreciate them. She thought that in time House would be able to too. After the hookers, the booze, the pills, and the mail order bride, she hoped that he would be able to forgive her and they would move on. She had been so sure that their conversation at the hospital had solved that. When he admitted his pain and told her it wasn't her fault. By the looks of her dining room, though it was obvious she was wrong.

"Lisa." Another squeeze on her shoulder finally pulled her out of her thoughts. She nodded a bit to show her sister that she had caught her attention fully this time, "The cops. Yeah. Call them." Her gaze then fell on her 'date' who was slinking towards the door. He had felt her eyes on him and looked back to her, "Um... I've got a meeting.. I should probably go.." He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. Lisa figured that once the ex drives a car through a wall the date is probably done for anyway. She forced a smile on her face for him, "Go on ahead. I have a bit of a mess to clean up myself. You might be contacted for a statement, though. Sorry about that." He simply nodded, gave a little wave, and headed out the same door that House had exited through. It was a little ironic to have to watch one two relationships walk out of the door. One that had never gotten the chance to be anything at all, and the other that had been just too much to handle.

Time passed on by as ambulances and cops showed up in front of her house. She couldn't bear to be inside, so instead she sat down on the steps out by the sidewalk. Wilson had been there the entire time. They had yet to get up the nerve to talk to one another, but he never left. His eyes had been on her the entire time she gave her statement. She could feel them, but she hadn't worked up the nerve to deal with them yet. The control freak part of her was working in overdrive now that the shock had died down. She needed to pick up Rachel from Marina's. Even though she had called to let the nanny know that she would be late, this was pushing it. It was now almost nine at night. She also needed to get some things for both her and Rachel to wear as well as to book a hotel. There was no way that she they would be staying in the house. Even though the firemen were working on boarding up the hole, she just couldn't imagine trying to stay in there.

"These are the papers you requested." The cop she had given her statement to held out the restraining order paperwork. Wow. Did they keep this kind of stuff in their squad cars? Apparently they didn't play around when it came to domestic abuse. The term almost made her laugh. Almost. That was what they were labeling the 'incident' as. Domestic abuse. House had tried to harm her. She just couldn't wrap her mind around it. She had always been waiting for something to happen when it came to him. He was a loose canon, but she had always thought whatever would happen, he would do it to himself. She never thought it would involve her. Now all it was going to take was her signature in a few places on a few documents and he would never be allowed within fifty feet of her hospital, her, or her daughter. Rachel.

That was another thing she couldn't wrap her mind around. It had taken her so long to emotionally trust House with her child, but she had never questioned her safety with him physically. What if she had been playing under the table at the time? He had no way of knowing she wasn't there when he plowed through the wall. Had he lost his mind? How much had he been aware of while driving that car?

She just stared at the papers for a bit. This was a huge decision. She had tried to sound so strong and sure when she asked for them, but now that she was actually having to face them she knew this would be the hardest thing she would ever do.

She heard the cop clear his throat. He was probably annoyed that after she had tried to move him along she herself was taking forever. With a deep breath she began to sign in all of the indicated spots. Tears fell without any guard down her cheeks. She hated looking so weak in such a public manner, but what else could she do? She was signing away a person who had been in her life for over twenty years. She had always assumed that he would always be a part of her life. Funny how it had all ended with such a bang. How very House.

Lisa handed the papers over to the cop, but she refused to look him in the eyes. She didn't want to see the pity that she was sure she would find there. He seemed to understand and merely stated that he would be sure to take care of the issue and that he would keep her updated on anything they found in regards to House's whereabouts.

She needed to get up off the steps. She had things to do. She needed to get a move on, but all she seemed able to do was silently cry. Had he finally broken her? No. That thought was what finally got her stand up and wipe away her tears. She refused to let Gregory House win. They had been fighting for as long as she could remember. She had won a few. He had won more than she would ever admit. This was just another battle between them. The last battle. She would not be letting him win by sitting on the ground and crying. She would mourn the death of her longtime friendship, but not now. Not in public. It would be on her terms in her own time.

"Cuddy." The familiar voice broke through her inner battle cry. She knew that when she turned to the left she would come face to face with her James Wilson. She prepared herself to go on the defensive. She was so sure he would defend House, but she wouldn't have any of it. She forced a smile on her face for the third time today. The first had been for her date, the second when she assured her sister that it was ok for her to leave with her husband to pick up her kids, and this one was for the ever well meaning Wilson.

"Quite a party, huh?" She was attempting to sound light hearted when she let her gaze rest on his injured wrist. Her fake smile gave way to concern, "How is your wrist and how did you hurt it?" She had been wanting to ask him that since she saw him holding it, but neither one of them had been up for the conversation yet.

He shook his head and took a few steps to bridge the gap between them. Without any warning he was pulling her into a hug that she definitely was not expecting, "I didn't know what he was going to do. You have to know that." He told her earnestly.

Had he really thought even for a second that she blamed him? She was stunned to say the least. She quickly wrapped her arms around him and let out a sigh, "Wilson, I would never think you helped plan this. Hell, I never even thought for a second that it was planned. Don't worry about it."

He quickly broke the hug so that he could hold her at arms length and look at her like she was absolutely insane, "Don't worry about it? How am I not supposed to worry! My best friend just drove his car into my other best friend's dining room, nearly running me over in the process! Now there is a hole in your wall, and God knows where House is! I just.. I..."

It was clear to her that Wilson was heading into one of his freak outs. She knew she needed to put a stop to it fast.

Lisa raised her hands up and placed one on either side of his face, "Look at me." She paused to make sure that she had his attention before continuing, "None of this will be fixed over night. Take a deep breath and just calm down. I'm not sure how it ever will be ok, but I know that eventually it will. We have been through a lot over the years. This is just another bump in the road."

He stared at her in utter shock for a moment before responding, "I can't believe that you are the one consoling me. I was so sure when I came over here that I would be consoling you."

The first genuine smile of the night crossed her face when he said that, "We can take turns. I just happened to grab the first shift." She let her hands fall from his face and sighed giving another look at her house, "I have so much to do though. I need to get some clothes and things together, go get Rachel, get a hotel." She shook her head and looked back at him. Even such simple tasks seemed so daunting.

Wilson shook his head right back at her, "You act as if I am going to let you stay at a hotel. I have a spare room, you need a room. You are going to be staying with me, and I don't want to hear any protests on the matter." He gave her his best stern look and pointed his finger at her to emphasize his point, just daring her to fight him on it.

Lisa bit down on her bottom lip and shoved her hands in her pockets, "Wilson, I just signed a restraining order against House. If he shows up at your place while I am there..."

She was cut off by Wilson putting his arm around her and drawing her into his side, "If that happens we will cross that bridge when we get to it." He gave her shoulder a squeeze and started guiding her towards the house, "Come on. Lets get your stuff then go get Rachel."

Lisa knew that it was pointless to try and fight him, and if she was to be honest she didn't even want to. Having her friend by her side was the best she had felt from the moment the car had driven through her dining room. She didn't really need the help, but it sure as hell didn't hurt to have it.