MY internet is FINALLY up, so it will be regular updates now, sorry it took so long. This is the final chapter!

Chapter 23… You might want to do that in my room

Now it was just a waiting game, we had to wait for the guardians to attack, and once they did we were going to kick some major ass. At the beginning we had about the same number of guardians vs novices, but after we captured about half of them, the ratio was now two to one. So this was going to be very easy getting all of the guardians considering we will have two novices fighting one guardian.

It was about an hour, and then I got the first call that they saw the guardians, they were all hiding in the bushes all around our building, so the fight was going to be everywhere, as I expected, they weren't all going for the same entrances. "Everyone, maintain your positions, wait for them to make the first move, pretend like you don't see them, act normal."

After I said that, Eddie and I left Adrian in the HQ and headed down to the exit. I walked right out the front door and searched for Alberta, but she wasn't there, and neither was Dimitri, and I had a really bad feeling about it, but I had to just put it aside, and handle the task in front of me. All together the guardians jumped out of the bushes and ran toward us. They thought that we didn't see them, but when they saw how quickly we responded, they realized that they were the ones being played, and began to fight for their lives.

Like I said before it was two novices to one guardian, in some cases three, because like me, Eddie, and Lissa, people like that could handle one guardian at a time, without any assistance.

I saw the guardians going down and getting knocked out left and right. As one would get knocked out the Eagles team would drag them over to the commons room and tie them up to the trees, then they would come back and get more.

Soon enough it got down to about 5 guardians and it was me, Eddie, Lissa, Alex, and Christian fighting/compelling them, and knocking them out. The Eagles came back and brought those five back to the commons, and I told everyone else to go and get the prisoners. After all of them were tied, I looked around at our work, the novices were working on writing funny, and terrible things all over the guardians, and there were huge bowls, in an even bigger circle around the guardians all filled with water/paint balloons. It looked like a recipe for disaster, then I told Alex and her team to go bring the coolers filled with dry ice inside the tubes, and bring them to the commons area, and wait for my cue to put the caps on.

"My cue will be obvious, don't worry, just be ready because we will only have two minutes until they will go off."

Then I got Eddie and at last minute decided I might need Lissa, and we all headed up to Kirova's office. "Lissa, Kirova might be up there, if she is you have to compel her to let me use the intercom, if she isn't, then I just need you to stand watch with Eddie, and compel anyone who might come up that no one is in there, and whatever the need, they can find it somewhere else, okay?" "Rose, she is the headmistress, I can't do that, do you know how much trouble I would get in? Compulsion is illegal, Rose" "You are the last Dragomir, and she is just a common headmistress, you have power over her, it is time you use it" "Fine" she said with a sigh

By the time I was done we were at Kirova's office door, and I walked in, she was in there, and getting ready to call someone on her cell phone, when I pushed Lissa in front of me, and she did her job. Kirova then left and I ran over to the intercom, I pressed the little red button and said "Would all students please pay attention, I need EVERYONE to report to the commons area immediately to partake in some end of school activities, if you are not there in two minutes you will not get to partake, that two minutes starts NOW! Oh yeah, Dimitri and Alberta, you might want to be there to see this"

With that Eddie, Lissa and I ran down to the commons area to see the spectacle. By the time we got there most of the students were already there and in a circle, on the inside of the circle were all of the novices, standing in that guardian stance, surveying their work, looking like they were doing crowd control or something, and they looked scary, I don't know how the guardians thought they could ever win. After my look around I had about 30 seconds to make my final speech.


I went to stand with the rest of the novices, as Alex's team was putting the last of the "Explosion" devices in the guardians pockets. And in seconds, it sounded like hundreds of gun shots, and all of the guardians immediately started to wiggle, and then I did the one thing that I have always wanted to say "FIRE!" Paint and water balloons went flying, from every direction and hit the guardians, then they started to wiggle more but it was no use, we tied them up really well, they weren't going anywhere. Some of them accepted their fate and just sat there and took it, but others just couldn't help but try to get out.

I was watching all of this happen when out of the corner of my eye I saw Dimitri and Alberta sneaking to the middle. I ran out in the center and yelled "STOOOOOP!" At the top of my lungs, and in seconds it was deathly quiet, Eddie was by my side and we both stared down Dimitri and Alberta who gave up in crouching and trying to hide, and stood up and started walking to the center.

"Are you going to surrender yet?" I asked
"Of course we aren't, but you already knew that" Alberta said
"You are clearly outnumbered, are you sure you don't want to surrender? Last chance"
"You won't bring them into this, this is your fight, this is the moment that you have been waiting for, and you are going to play it fair." Dimitri said
"Am I now, but I never play fair, I always play dirty Dimitri, you know that" I said with a wink
"I know that you will play fair this time" and before I knew it Dimitri and Alberta were fighting Eddie and I in the blink of an eye.

Obviously Dimitri went from me and Alberta for Eddie, but I didn't even pay attention to Eddie and Alberta, or the entire school surrounding us, all I was paying attention to was my fiancé trying to punch me in the face. I blocked all of his punches and kicks, and he blocked all of mine. The only time I paid any attention to Alberta was when she started attacking me too, and then I realized that she had knocked Eddie out.

I didn't hear a sound coming from the rest of the school as I was fighting two of the best guardians in the entire world, but I just told myself that I AM the best novice in the entire world and should be able to take them down easy.

Within about five minutes I finally knocked out Alberta, and I was so tired I wanted to collapse, but I couldn't, instead I did the opposite, I pushed harder and harder than I ever had, I finally got a punch into Dimitri's chest and at that moment we both knew that I won. He stumbled back, and against any other opponent would have recovered quick enough, but not for me, and not when I had this much adrenalin, I punched him in the stomach, and then kicked his legs out from under him, and landed on top of him.

We were rolling around on the ground and I finally got an opening for his heart when he was hovering over me and I slammed my fist against it like I was holding a steak and said "dead." He rolled over and I sat on top of him, with my hand still over his heart, lungs on fire, breathing harder than I ever had, even harder than my fight with the original. Dimitri was breathing really hard to, and I was moving up and down, because I was still sitting on his stomach.

It wasn't until then that I realized all of the people clapping, and cheering and really screaming, and the one voice I heard the most was Lissa and she screamed out "KISS HIM!" I smiled and looked into his eyes-that were filled with pride and lust and love, and so many other emotions it was hard to comprehend, but I imagine I looked the same way-and came down and kissed him as hard as I ever had, I ran my fingers through his hair, and he did the same. We rolled over in the grass and he was on top of me, and then reluctantly I pulled away because I remembered that we were in front of the entire school.

I got up, and pushed him up and I was covered in sweat, and dirt, and already saw bruises starting to form. I started to untie all of the stranded guardians and let them down, and they all congratulated me on a job well done, saying how no other novice had ever won the war, or took down Alberta, or beat Dimitri.

They all went to go take a shower, and all of the other students started to disperse. The captured guardians were going to have quite the surprise when they went into their rooms. Last I went and started to lightly slap Alberta on the cheek but she just wasn't waking up, so I smacked her across the face with all of my might, and finally up she came, with a surprised look, and then looked around, and then looked at me and just smiled. Then she got up and went to her dorm.

By the time everything was done, it was about 10 o'clock at night (moroi time) and Dimitri said "Im going to go take a shower then go to bed" "You might want to do that in my room" I said "And why is that?" He asked "Just trust me"

So this is the url .net/s/7297139/1/There_are_more and all you have to do is copy and paste into your address bar, it should take you right to the new story, if it doesnt, then i guess you just have to go to my profile and the link will be there. I hope you liked this story, and i hope you will read the next one.